When you invoke the application assembler, use the following flags:

If you are using a named configuration layer, specify that as well (see “Managing Properties Files” in the ATG Platform Programming Guide for information on named configuration layers).

Note: It is possible to deploy an exploded EAR through the WAS admin. To do so, in the WAS Deployment Wizard, click the radio button for Server path instead of Local path, then type in the full path of the EAR directory and submit the form. Note that in order for the WAS deployment wizard to recognize the Server path you provide, the directory must exist on a file system accessible to the server that is serving the WAS admin pages.

Do not use the –server flag to specify an ATG server configuration.

See the Assembling Applications section of the Developing and Assembling Nucleus-Based Applications chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide for more information on assembly.