16 Troubleshooting

See Also

Basic Troubleshooting

Before running diagnostic tests or contacting Oracle support, review the following troubleshooting tips.

Service Required (amber) LED is constantly on

Use SLC to check the health of the library and the attached devices (drives, CAPs, and robots). See "Viewing Library and Device Information".

To perform a health check:

  1. Log in to the SLC.

  2. Access the System Detail module, Tools > System Detail.

  3. Check the navigation tree for the following indicators: Device Healthy or Device Error

Additional checks:

  1. Check the Status (for example, online/offline) and Statistics (for example, uptime, downtime, errors and warnings) tabs for more information on the health of the library and devices.

  2. Ensure the cartridges are fully seated and properly oriented in their storage slots.

  3. Inspect the X table for any foreign objects or debris and remove them if found.

CAP Open LED is on and blinking

Open the CAP and ensure the cartridges properly seated. Close the CAP.

SLC does not display modified data or information remains static

Check the SLC Heartbeat icon.

Robot Fault or Library Fault Amber LED is constantly on
  1. Check the SLC for any displayed error messages. Write down the error messages reported.

  2. Open the front door. Observe and note the state of the cartridges, hand, and tape drives.

  3. Ensure cartridges are fully seated and properly oriented in their storage slots.

  4. Ensure packing materials have been removed.

  5. Inspect the library floor for any objects or debris. If there are any, remove them.

  6. Check the status of the tape drives.

  7. Close the front door.

  8. Ensure the tape drives are fully seated and locked forward by pushing and pulling on the rear of the drive tray. Any motion of the tray indicates that it requires re-seating and locking down.

Client computer cannot communicate with the library or tape drives

Ensure cables are securely attached to their connectors on the rear of the library, the tape drives, and the client computer.

Library cannot communicate with the drives and drive status on the SLC displays "Not communicating"

Ensure cables are securely attached to their connectors on the rear of the library, the drives, and the client computer.

Repeated or excessive drive cleaning or cleaning messages
  1. Replace the cleaning cartridge with a new cleaning cartridge.

  2. Run the Library Self-Test and note if errors are reported for the drive.

  3. Run any client computer-based drive diagnostic tests.

Running a Library Self-Test

Use library self-tests to help diagnose issues. Library self tests can be non-disruptive (cartridges are returned to their original locations) or disruptive (cartridges may be placed in new locations).


Before performing a disruptive test, the library must be taken offline (see "Taking the Library Offline").
  1. Make sure the proper drive diagnostic cartridges are in the library (see "Importing or Exporting Diagnostic or Cleaning Cartridges").

  2. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics, and click the Library folder.

  3. Click the SelfTest tab.

  4. In the Mode list, select the type of self-test:

    • Non-Disruptive - all cartridges used in the test are returned to their original locations

    • Disruptive - cartridges may be returned to new locations. The library must be taken offline to all hosts before running this test.

  5. Click Run. Test results display when the test completes.

  6. For disruptive tests, bring the library online to resume normal operations.

What the library checks during a self-test:

  • Verifies the communication path between the library controller, drives, elevators, and robots.

  • Performs get and put operations to check the health of the robots, elevators, and CAPs. This includes get and put operations from a reserved system slot to a random empty storage slot or CAP slot.

  • Performs a full library audit.

  • Performs mounts and dismounts of diagnostic cartridges for all the drives installed in the library. The self-test does not begin unless a diagnostic cartridge is found in the system slots. If the system finds a compatible diagnostic cartridge, the self-test repeats for each drive type. If the system does not find a diagnostic cartridge for a drive type, the system skips the mount/dismount operation for the drive.

Running a Device Self-Test

Use device self-tests to help diagnose issues. A self-test can be performed on a CAP, robot, or drive.


Running a self-test on a bulk CAP requires human intervention to open and close the CAP door.

Running a Self-Test on All CAPs (Bulk CAP Only)

  1. In SLC, select the Tools >Diagnostics, and then select the CAP Folder.

  2. In the Mode list, select Non-Disruptive (disruptive tests require the library to be taken offline to all hosts).

  3. Click Run.

  4. Open and close the CAP doors as indicated. A message appears when the test finishes.

Running a Self-Test on an Individual Device

  1. In SLC, select Tools >Diagnostics.

  2. Expand the device folder (CAP, robot, drive, PTP, or elevator) in the device tree. Select the device.


    To perform a robot self-test, diagnostic cartridges must be available in the library (see "Importing or Exporting Diagnostic or Cleaning Cartridges").
  3. In the Mode list, select Non-Disruptive.

  4. Click Run. A message appears when the test finishes.

Diagnosing Robotic Issues

Diagnostic moves can help monitor or diagnose robotic problems by issuing a series of "get" and "put" operations. The system chooses a robot for the diagnostic move based on the minimum and maximum ranges set for the target and pool addresses. Multiple robots may be selected if the address range requires it.

Successful diagnostic moves do not rearrange the cartridges in the library — the system returns cartridges to their original locations. However, some diagnostic move failures can cause cartridges to be left in new locations.

Defining a Diagnostic Move


Diagnostic moves require sharing of robot resources. You should not run a diagnostic move during peak activity periods.

You can set up and run multiple diagnostic move routines simultaneously if the target and pool ranges for each diagnostic move do not overlap.

  1. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics. Select the Library in the device tree.

  2. Click the DiagMove tab, and then the Manage tab.

  3. In the Defined Sequence section, click Add.

  4. Define the target address range (the area used for "get" operations).

    1. Select a slot type.

    2. Select the starting and ending locations for the range.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Define the source address range (the area used to supply cartridges or empty slots if a target address does not contain a cartridge or no empty slots are available.)

    1. Select a slot type.

    2. Select the starting and ending locations.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Name the move and specify a move count (between 1 and 5000).

  9. Select an access order., move type, and enable/disable the pre-move compatibility check (see below for details).

  10. Click Finish. The new diagnostic sequence is listed in the Defined Sequences section. See "Starting a Diagnostic Move".

A diagnostic move is defined by:

  • Target Address Range — defines the area used to perform the "get" operation in a diagnostic move. Valid target address types are storage slots, CAP, drive and storage slots, system slots, or all.


    All resources within the target address range are reserved. However, only the location currently being accessed by the robot for a get/put operation is unavailable to the host.
  • Pool Address Range — defines the area used to supply cartridges or empty slots if a target address does not contain a cartridge or no empty slots are available. The pool and target address can overlap.

  • Access Order — determines how the robot performs get operations within the target address range. There are two options:

    • Sequential — robot performs a get operation starting with the first location in the target address range. The robot continues visiting the locations sequentially through the range until it completes the requested number of moves.

    • Random — robot randomly picks a location in the target address range to get a cartridge. The robot can also visit the same location in the target address range multiple times to get a cartridge; however, if you specify enough move requests, the robot is guaranteed to visit all slots. The random access routine ends after the requested number of moves is complete.

Starting a Diagnostic Move


You can run multiple moves simultaneously as long as the target and pool address ranges for the moves do not overlap.

Before starting a diagnostic move, you must define the move (see "Defining a Diagnostic Move").

  1. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics. Select the Library in the device tree.

  2. Click the DiagMove tab, and then the Manage tab.

  3. In the Defined Sequences section, select a diagnostic move. Click Open.

  4. Select File > Start Sequence.

Saving a Diagnostic Move

You can save a defined diagnostic move to a file and use it to restore a move that has been deleted from the library or copy it to a different library.

  1. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics. Select the Library in the device tree.

  2. Click the DiagMove tab, and then the Manage tab.

  3. In the Defined Sequence section, select a diagnostic move, and then click Save at the top of the SLC screen.

Monitoring and Controlling Open Diagnostic Moves

To start a diagnostic move, see "Starting a Diagnostic Move".

  1. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics. Select the Library in the device tree.

  2. Click the DiagMove tab, and then the Monitor tab.

  3. Each monitor window indicates the status of the move:

    Status Indicators Valid Values
    Spooling Status — whether the move output is being saved to a file True, False
    State — execution state of the move Running, pausing, paused, stopping, stopped
    Health — health state of the move OK, warning, error
    Completed moves — number of moves completed Count

  4. Use the File menu in each Monitor window to start/stop/pause the sequence, clear the output window, or start/stop spooling.

Determining the Status of a Controller Card

Controller card status is indicated by LEDs on the card and displayed in SLC (see "Viewing Device Status and Properties"). You can use the status of the card to troubleshoot issues with the library.

The LEDs and meanings are the same on both card types (HBC and HBT).

Controller Card LED Definition
ACTIVE - Green Card is functioning as the active and is running active code.
STANDBY - Amber Card is functioning as the standby and is running standby code.
FAULT - Red Card has experienced a serious error.
EJECT OK - Blue Support representative can safely initiate a card eject.

Clearing Library Status Alerts

You can only clear alerts marked as "Clearable" and only if service is active on the library.

Clearing an alert only removes it from the Status Module display; it does not resolve the underlying cause. The library health indicator returns to "Normal" if there are no other device or status alerts. If the alert is subject to periodic updates, it will reappear at the next update cycle.

  1. In SLC, select Tools > System Detail, and click the Library folder.

  2. Click the Status tab, and then the Status Module tab.

  3. On the Clear Alert Number list, select the alert number to clear, and then click Apply.

Initiating a Manual RE Switch Using SLC


You can also initiate a manual RE switch using host software or the CLI (see "Ways to Initiate a Manual Failover").

This procedure is not available at the local operator panel.

  1. Verify the device state of the card indicates "switch is possible" (see "Viewing Device Status and Properties").

  2. In SLC, select Tools > Diagnostics.

  3. Select the Redundant Electronics folder

  4. Click Apply to begin the switch process. If there is a problem with the standby library and drive controller cards, you are not allowed to continue with the switch.

  5. If there are no errors, click Yes.

  6. Click OK to log off the SLC.

  7. Wait until the switch is complete before logging back into the library. You must specify the IP address or DNS alias of the new active controller.

Calibrating the Touch Screen

Alignment of the touch screen is calibrated at the factory. If the touch screen becomes mis-aligned, you can re-calibrate or reset it. The method for calibrating the touch screen depends on the type and version (see "Viewing the Local Operator Panel Type").

  • If you have a Linux-based local operator panel (DL or OL), you can re-calibrate it yourself or reset it to factory setting with the procedures below.

  • If you have a Windows-based local operator panel (W), contact your Oracle support representative.

Re-calibrating the Local Operator Panel

  1. For an accurate calibration, make sure there is no debris on the touch screen.

  2. Log in to the local operator panel. Select Tools > Calibrate.

  3. Click Calibrate.

  4. A series of targets will display. Gently tap the center of each target with your finger or a pointing stylus.

  5. To save the new settings:

    1. Tap the Click Me buttons.

      If the buttons do not depress, the touch screen is not properly aligned. Discard the new settings (see step 6).

    2. Click OK to save the new settings.

  6. To discard the new settings:

    1. Let the timer run out without tapping the Click Me button.

    2. Return to step 3 and re-calibrate.

    The local operator panel reboots automatically after an unsuccessful second calibration and restores the previously saved alignment.

Resetting the Local Operator Panel to Factory Settings

  1. Log into the local operator panel.

  2. In SLC, select Tools > Calibrate.

  3. Click Reset Calibration. The local operator panel reboots.

Troubleshooting Host Connectivity

  • Use a sniffer (a device or program that traces the network traffic for the library).

  • Display the port statistics on the switch or router connected to the library. Search for any errors.

  • Run a trace with the library management software that displays host-to-library packets and transmissions.

  • Verify that two separate hosts are not competing to manage one library or one partition. To view current host connections, see "Viewing Library Operational Status". Click the HLI tab.