Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use MetaClass
javax.ide.command Command execution classes. 
javax.ide.extension Classes and interfaces used by extensions to extend an IDE with new functionality. 
javax.ide.model The interfaces and classes implementing an IDE's data model. 
javax.ide.util This package contains utility classes. 
oracle.ide.composite Contains centralized interfaces for associating element instances with an arbitrary set of URLs. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.extension.rules Contains interfaces and classes used by addins to provide context sensitive help on their own windows and dialogs. 
oracle.ide.history Contains API classes for the local history feature. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.inspector.layout Contains interfaces and abstract classes describing the property form layout information. 
oracle.ide.javaxide Bridges the standard IDE API (JSR198) to JDeveloper's extension API. 
oracle.ide.migration Contains API classes for support the migration of Node types and user preferences in the system directory. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.palette2 Contains interfaces and classes that allow for palette integration. 
oracle.ide.quickdiff Contains classes for the code editor's Quick Diff margin and a registry for its supported comparable reference types. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.ide.vcs Contains application-level interfaces to the version control sub-system. 
oracle.ide.wizard Contains classes that can be used to integrate gallery items and wizards into the product. 
oracle.ide.xml Provides common methods used for processing XML. 

Uses of MetaClass in javax.ide.command

Constructors in javax.ide.command with parameters of type MetaClass
Controller(MetaClass invokeHandlerClass, MetaClass updateHandlerClass)
          Constructs a controller object, deferring class loading and instantiation of its invoke and update handler objects until needed.
Controller(MetaClass invokeHandlerClass, MetaClass updateHandlerClass)
          Constructs a controller object, deferring class loading and instantiation of its invoke and update handler objects until needed.

Uses of MetaClass in javax.ide.extension

Methods in javax.ide.extension that return MetaClass
<T> MetaClass<T>
DynamicHook.getRuntimeMetaType(ElementStartContext context)

Methods in javax.ide.extension with parameters of type MetaClass
protected  void DynamicHook.attachClass(java.lang.Object parent, MetaClass metaClass, ElementEndContext context)
<T> T
DynamicHook.getApplicationObject(MetaClass<T> runtimeMetaType, ElementStartContext context)
protected abstract  void MetaClassVisitor.metaClass(ElementContext context, MetaClass mc)
          Called when a meta class is created.

Uses of MetaClass in javax.ide.model

Methods in javax.ide.model that return MetaClass
abstract  MetaClass Recognizer.recognize( uri)
          Gets the Class of the data item associated with the specified URI.

Uses of MetaClass in javax.ide.util

Methods in javax.ide.util that return MetaClass
<N> MetaClass<N>
MetaClass.newMetaClass(java.lang.Class<N> clazz)
          Construct a meta class given a class already classloaded.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.composite

Methods in oracle.ide.composite with parameters of type MetaClass
static void CompositeFileElementRegistry.fireCompositeStateChanged(MetaClass<? extends Element> compositeElementClass)
          Fires a state change event for the given composite element class.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.controller

Methods in oracle.ide.controller that return MetaClass
 MetaClass IdeAction.getCommandMetaClass()
          Gets the action command.

Methods in oracle.ide.controller with parameters of type MetaClass
 void ContextMenuListenersHook.addListenerForSite(java.lang.String siteId, MetaClass listenerClass)
          Allow contextMenuHook to add listeners to ContextMenuListenersHook.
static Command CommandProcessor.createCommandFromMeta(MetaClass commandMeta, Context context)
static IdeAction IdeAction.findOrCreate(int cmdId, MetaClass cmdClass, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
static IdeAction IdeAction.findOrCreate(int cmdId, MetaClass cmdClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String sCategory, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, javax.swing.Icon icon, java.lang.Object data, boolean enabled)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
static IdeAction IdeAction.findOrCreate(int cmdId, MetaClass cmdClass, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String sCategory, java.lang.Integer mnemonic, java.util.ResourceBundle bundle, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object data, boolean enabled)
          Gets the action associated with the specified command if it already exits.
 void IdeAction.setCommand(MetaClass metaClass)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.explorer

Methods in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type MetaClass
 void ExplorerManager.addStructureSupportForClass(MetaClass metaClass)
          Adds a MetaClass for a class that supports structure views
static IconOverlayCoordinator IconOverlayRegistry.registerOverlayCoordinator(java.lang.String extensionId, java.lang.String infoTypeId, int batchSize, MetaClass<? extends IconOverlayTracker> trackerClass)
          Registration for an IconOverlayCoordinator that will attach to the overlay consumer views and perform deferred creation of the specified IconOverlayTracker when required.
 void ExplorerManager.removeStructureSupportForClass(MetaClass metaClass)
          Removes a MetaClass that was added previously.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.extension

Methods in oracle.ide.extension that return MetaClass
<T> MetaClass<T>
LazyClassAdapter.getMetaClass(java.lang.String keyName)
          Gets the meta class for the specified key.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.extension.rules

Constructors in oracle.ide.extension.rules with parameters of type MetaClass
RuleType(java.lang.String id, MetaClass<RuleFunction> implClass, Extension extension)
          Constructs a RuleType.

Uses of MetaClass in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MetaClass
 java.util.List<MetaClass> HelpDefinitions.getBrowseSymbolResolvers()
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,MetaClass> HelpDefinitions.getCallbackClasses()
 java.util.List<MetaClass> HelpDefinitions.getCallbackWizardHandlers()

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.history

Methods in oracle.ide.history with parameters of type MetaClass
abstract  void HistoryManager.registerHistorian(MetaClass<? extends Historian> historianCls, MetaClass<? extends Node> objCls)
          Register a Historian implementation for association with a given object type.
abstract  void HistoryManager.registerHistorian(MetaClass<? extends Historian> historianCls, MetaClass<? extends Node> objCls)
          Register a Historian implementation for association with a given object type.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.inspector

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector that return types with arguments of type MetaClass
 java.lang.Iterable<MetaClass> InspectableViewRegistry.detractors()
 java.lang.Iterable<MetaClass> InspectableViewRegistry.supporters()

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector with parameters of type MetaClass
 void InspectableViewRegistry.registerDetractor(MetaClass metaClazz)
          Registers the given metclass to disable inspection by the Property Inspector.
 void InspectableViewRegistry.registerSupporter(MetaClass metaClazz)
          Registers the given metclass to enable inspection by the Property Inspector.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.inspector.layout

Methods in oracle.ide.inspector.layout that return MetaClass
abstract  MetaClass ChoiceGroup.getChoiceSelectorClass()
          Get the class controlling the choice to display.
 MetaClass PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceGroupAssembly.getChoiceSelectorClass()
          Get the ChoiceSelector class.
abstract  MetaClass CustomComponent.getComponentClass()
          Get a class extending CustomGUIComponent.
abstract  MetaClass PropertyFormLayout.getPropertyModelClass()
 MetaClass PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.getPropertyModelClass()
          Gets the property model class.

Method parameters in oracle.ide.inspector.layout with type arguments of type MetaClass
 void PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceSelectorDispatcher.setChoiceSelectorClasses(java.util.List<MetaClass> classes)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.javaxide

Methods in oracle.ide.javaxide with parameters of type MetaClass
<T> T
Util.createInstance(MetaClass metaClass, java.lang.Class<T> expectedSuperType)
          Create an instance of a meta class, reporting errors if creation fails.
static java.lang.Object Util.createInstance(MetaClass metaClass, java.lang.Class expectedSuperType, java.lang.String nameOfType)
          Create an instance of a meta class, reporting errors if creation fails.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.migration

Methods in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type MetaClass
abstract  void MigrationManager.addLazyMigrator(Extension ex, MetaClass mc)
          Add migrators after initial migration.

Constructors in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type MetaClass
NodeMigratorHelperReference(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String version, MetaClass<NodeMigratorHelper> migratorType, java.lang.Integer weight)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.model

Methods in oracle.ide.model that return MetaClass
static MetaClass<? extends Node> Recognizer.getDefaultNodeTypeAsMeta()
          Returns the Node meta class that will be recognized when no Recognizer recognizes a given URL and when the calling code queries recognizer through metaclasses.
 MetaClass HeadlessAwareMetaClassWrapper.getMetaClass()
          Returns the MetaClass when either headless is true or headless is false AND the Ide is not running in headless mode.
 MetaClass<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeAsMeta( url)
          This method allows gets the MetaClass of a recognized Node.
 MetaClass<? extends Node> FileContentRecognizer.recognizeAsMeta( url)
 MetaClass<? extends Node> FileContentPatternRecognizer.recognizeAsMeta( url)
 MetaClass<? extends Node> FileContentLowPriorityRecognizer.recognizeAsMeta( url)
protected  MetaClass<? extends Node> AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate.recognizeURL( url, file, AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate.FileContentRule rule)
static MetaClass<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURLAsMeta( url)
          Returns the MetaClass of the Node that should be instantiated for the specified url.
static MetaClass<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURLAsMeta( url, MetaClass<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)

Methods in oracle.ide.model that return types with arguments of type MetaClass
 java.util.Map<XMLRecognizer.Doctype,MetaClass<Node>> RecognizersHook.docTypeMappings()
static java.util.Map<,MetaClass<?>> Recognizer.getDeclarativeExtensionToClassMap()
 java.util.Map<XMLRecognizer.NSElem,MetaClass<Node>> RecognizersHook.namespaceMappings()
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,MetaClass<Node>> RecognizersHook.rootElementMappings()
 java.util.Map<XMLRecognizer.NSElem,MetaClass<Node>> RecognizersHook.schemaMappings()

Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type MetaClass
static MetaClass<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURLAsMeta( url, MetaClass<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)

Constructors in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type MetaClass
AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate.FileContentRule(java.lang.String protocol, fileExtension, java.util.List<AbstractFileContentRecognizerTemplate.ContentToLookFor> contents, MetaClass<Node> nodeType)
ContentSetProviderReference(java.lang.String label, java.lang.String navigableLabel, java.lang.String key, boolean isDefaultContentSet, boolean applicationLevelContent, boolean displayFoldersAsPackages, boolean canContainJavaSources, boolean flatLevelEnabled, MetaClass<ContentSetProvider> type, java.lang.String defaultSourceFolder, PatternFilters patternFilters)
          Creates a new ContentSetProviderReference.
FileContentPatternRecognizer.FileContentPatternRule(int maxLines, java.lang.String[] patterns, MetaClass<Node> nodeType)
HeadlessAwareMetaClassWrapper(MetaClass metaClass, boolean headless)
LazyLoadedTraversable(MetaClass traversableMetaClass, java.lang.String providerExtensionId)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.palette2

Methods in oracle.ide.palette2 with parameters of type MetaClass
abstract  void PaletteManager.addPaletteConsumerClass(MetaClass consumer)
          Allows a client View to add a call back tht has implemented the PaletteConsumer interface.
abstract  void PaletteManager.removePaletteConsumerClass(MetaClass consumer)
          Removes a client View as a PaletteConsumer.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.quickdiff

Methods in oracle.ide.quickdiff with parameters of type MetaClass
static void QuickDiffReferenceRegistry.register(java.lang.String id, MetaClass<? extends QuickDiffReferenceProvider> provider)
          Registers the given QuickDiffReferenceProvider with all Quick Diff margins.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.resourcebundle

Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle that return MetaClass
 MetaClass GlobalBundleInfo.getMetaClass()

Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle that return types with arguments of type MetaClass
 java.util.List<MetaClass> ResourceBundleSelectionValidators.getResourceBundleSelectionValidators()
          Gets the a list of MetaClass objects that represent the registered resource bundle selection validators

Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type MetaClass
abstract  void ResourceBundleManagerDT.addGlobalBundle(MetaClass metaClass, java.lang.String bundleId, boolean alwaysShow)
          Adds the specified bundle as a global bundle and associates it with the specified bundle id.

Constructors in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type MetaClass
GlobalBundleInfo(MetaClass metaClass, java.lang.String bundleId, boolean alwaysShow)
ResourceBundleTypeDT(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String extension, MetaClass implMetaClass, MetaClass keyGeneratorMetaClass)
ResourceBundleTypeDT(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String extension, MetaClass implMetaClass, MetaClass keyGeneratorMetaClass)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.vcs

Methods in oracle.ide.vcs that return MetaClass
abstract  MetaClass VCSManager.getMetaCheckOutCommand(Node node)
          Gets the metaclass representation of the command provider for checking out Node instances through the version control system.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.wizard

Methods in oracle.ide.wizard with parameters of type MetaClass
 boolean GenericWizardLauncher.addFinishPage(MetaClass finishPageMetaClass, java.lang.String helpID, java.lang.String pageTitle)
          Adds a finish page to the wizard.
 boolean GenericWizardLauncher.addPage(MetaClass pageMetaClass, java.lang.String helpID)
          Adds a page to the wizard.
 boolean GenericWizardLauncher.addPage(MetaClass pageMetaClass, java.lang.String helpID, java.lang.String pageTitle)
          Adds a page to the wizard.

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.ide.xml

Methods in oracle.ide.xml that return MetaClass
 MetaClass XMLRecognizer.recognizeAsMeta( url)

Constructors in oracle.ide.xml with parameters of type MetaClass
XMLRecognizer.NoNamespaceRule(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String[] excludeFiles, java.lang.String[] includeFiles, MetaClass<?> nodeType)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp with parameters of type MetaClass
static void DelegatingXMLSourceNode.registerXMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory(MetaClass<XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory> xmlSourceNodeDelegateFactoryMetaClass)
          Registers a XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory with the weight of DEFAULT_WEIGHT.
static void DelegatingXMLSourceNode.registerXMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory(MetaClass<XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory> xmlSourceNodeDelegateFactoryMetaClass, double weight)
          Registers a XMLSourceNodeDelegateFactory with the specified weight.

Uses of MetaClass in

Methods in with parameters of type MetaClass
 void BuildFeatureManager.registerOJSPNextEnabler(MetaClass<OJSPNextFeatureEnabler> ojspNextFeatureEnablerFactory)

Uses of MetaClass in

Methods in with parameters of type MetaClass
abstract  void DTEManager.registerELContextObjectProvider(MetaClass<ELContextObjectProvider> elContextObjectProvider)
          Register the given EL Context Object Provider
abstract  void DTEManager.registerRenderAsIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname, MetaClass<RenderAsIncludeProvider> renderAsIncludeProvider)
          Register the RenderAsInclude Provider given the qualified name
abstract  void DTEManager.registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider)
          Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).
abstract  void DTEManager.registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider, float weight)
          Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.facelets

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.facelets with parameters of type MetaClass
 void FaceletsConfigurationManager.registerFaceletsConfigurationHandler(MetaClass<FaceletsConfigurationHandler> factory)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile with parameters of type MetaClass
 void BackingFileIDProviderManager.registerBackingFileIDProvider(MetaClass<BackingFileIDProvider> backingFileIDProviderFactory)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.grammar

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.grammar with parameters of type MetaClass
static void WebAppProjectGrammarRegistry.registerWebAppProjectGrammarProviderFactory(MetaClass<WebAppProjectGrammarProviderFactory> webAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html with parameters of type MetaClass
 void BrowseablePathProviderManager.registerBrowseablePathProvider(MetaClass<BrowseablePathProvider> browseablePathProviderClass)
 void HtmlSourceNodeHookManager.registerMetadataResolverDatabindingMitigator(MetaClass<MetadataResolverDatabindingMitigator> metadataResolverDatabindingMitigator)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.metadata with parameters of type MetaClass
static void WebAppProjectMetadataRegistry.registerWebAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory(MetaClass<WebAppProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory> jspProjectMetadataRegistryEntryFactory)

Uses of MetaClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.navigation with parameters of type MetaClass
 void NavigationMenuManager.registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener> navigationMenuListenerFactoryClass)
          Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.
 void NavigationMenuManager.registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener> navigationMenuListenerFactoryClass, java.lang.Class forNodeClass, boolean forNodeSubClasses)
          Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.
 void NavigationMenuManager.registerNavigationMenuListener(MetaClass<NavigationMenuListener> navigationMenuListenerFactoryClass, java.lang.Class forNodeClass, boolean forNodeSubClasses, java.lang.Class forDataClass)
          Registers a MetaClass to be used as a factory for the NavigationMenuListener.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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