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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: C User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Introduction to the C Compiler

1.1 What's New in C Version 5.12 Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Release

1.2 Special x86 Notes

1.3 Binary Compatibility Verification

1.4 Compiling for 64-Bit Platforms

1.5 Standards Conformance

1.6 C Readme File

1.7 Man Pages

1.8 Organization of the Compiler

1.9 C-Related Programming Tools

2.  C-Compiler Implementation-Specific Information

3.  Parallelizing C Code

4.  lint Source Code Checker

5.  Type-Based Alias Analysis

6.  Transitioning to ISO C

7.  Converting Applications for a 64-Bit Environment

8.  cscope: Interactively Examining a C Program

A.  Compiler Options Grouped by Functionality

B.  C Compiler Options Reference

C.  Implementation-Defined ISO/IEC C99 Behavior

D.  Features of C99

E.  Implementation-Defined ISO/IEC C90 Behavior

F.  ISO C Data Representations

G.  Performance Tuning

H.  Oracle Solaris Studio C: Differences Between K&R C and ISO C


1.4 Compiling for 64–Bit Platforms

Use the —m32 option to compile for the ILP32 32–bit model. Use the —m64 option to compile for the LP64 64–bit model.

The ILP32 model specifies that C-language int, long, and pointer data types are all 32 bits wide. The LP64 model specifies that long and pointer data types are all 64 bits wide. The Oracle Solaris and Linux OS also support large files and large arrays under the LP64 memory model.

When you compile with —m64, the resulting executable works only on 64-bit UltraSPARC or x86 processors under Solaris OS or Linux OS running a 64-bit kernel. Compilation, linking, and execution of 64-bit objects can only take place in a Solaris or Linux OS that supports 64-bit execution.