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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Fortran User's Guide Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library |
2. Using Solaris Studio Fortran
3.3.3 Backward Compatibility and Legacy Options
3.4.1 -aligncommon[={1|2|4|8|16}]
3.4.11 -dbl_align_all[={yes|no}]
3.4.16 -erroff[={%all|%none|taglist}]
3.4.18 -errwarn[={%all|%none|taglist}]
3.4.31 -fprecision={single|double|extended}
3.4.33 -fround={nearest|tozero|negative|positive}
3.4.43 -inline=[%auto][[,][no%]f1,...[no%]fn]
3.4.44 -iorounding[={compatible|processor-defined}]
3.4.84 -stop_status[={yes|no}]
3.4.87 -traceback[={%none|common|signals_list}] Special Cautions for x86/x64 Platforms:
3.4.105 -xassume_control[=keywords]
3.4.107 -xbinopt={prepare | off} Position-Independent Code:
3.4.112 -xcommonchk[={yes|no}]
3.4.113 -xdebugformat={dwarf|stabs}
3.4.116 -xfilebyteorder=options
3.4.119 -xhwcprof[={enable | disable}]
3.4.120 -xia[={widestneed|strict}]
3.4.122 -xinstrument=[%no]datarace
3.4.123 -xinterval[={widestneed|strict|no}]
3.4.125 -xipo_archive[={none|readonly|writeback}]
3.4.128 -xkeepframe[=[%all,%none,name,no%name]]
3.4.129 -xknown_lib=library_list
3.4.140 -xmodel=[small | kernel | medium]
3.4.145 -xopenmp[={parallel|noopt|none}]
3.4.154 -xprefetch_auto_type=indirect_array_access
3.4.155 -xprefetch_level={1|2|3}
3.4.157 -xprofile_ircache[=path]
3.4.158 -xprofile_pathmap=collect_prefix:use_prefix Generic and Native Platforms
4. Solaris Studio Fortran Features and Extensions
5. FORTRAN 77 Compatibility: Migrating to Solaris Studio Fortran
This chapter details the command–line options for the f95 compiler.
A description of the syntax used for compiler option flags starts at 3.1 Command Syntax.
Summaries of options arranged by functionality starts at 3.3 Options Summary.
The complete reference detailing each compiler option flag starts at 3.4 Options Reference.