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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Fortran User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Introduction

2.  Using Solaris Studio Fortran

3.  Fortran Compiler Options

4.  Solaris Studio Fortran Features and Extensions

5.  FORTRAN 77 Compatibility: Migrating to Solaris Studio Fortran

5.1 Compatible f77 Features

5.2 Incompatibility Issues

5.3 Linking With Legacy FORTRAN 77-Compiled Routines

5.3.1 Fortran Intrinsics

5.4 Additional Notes About Migrating to the f95 Compiler

5.5 The f77 Command

A.  Runtime Error Messages

B.  Features Release History

C.  Fortran Directives Summary


Chapter 5

FORTRAN 77 Compatibility: Migrating to Solaris Studio Fortran

A separate FORTRAN 77 compiler is no longer provided. The Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran compiler, f95, will compile most legacy FORTRAN 77 programs, including programs utilizing non-standard extensions previously compiled by the Sun WorkShop f77 compiler.

f95 will accept many of these FORTRAN 77 features directly. Others require compiling in FORTRAN 77 compatibility mode (f95 -f77).

This chapter describes the FORTRAN 77 features accepted by f95, and lists those f77 features that are incompatible with f95. For details on any of the non-standard FORTRAN 77 extensions that were accepted by the Sun WorkShop f77 compiler, see the legacy FORTRAN 77 Language Reference manual at

See Chapter 4, Solaris Studio Fortran Features and Extensions for other extensions to the Fortran language accepted by the f95 compiler.

f95 will compile standard-conforming FORTRAN 77 programs. To ensure continued portability, programs utilizing non-standard FORTRAN 77 features should migrate to standard-conforming Fortran 95/2003. Compiling with the -ansi option will flag all non-standard usages in your program.