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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: OpenMP API User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Introducing the OpenMP API

2.  Compiling and Running OpenMP Programs

3.  Implementation-Defined Behaviors

3.1 Task Scheduling Points

3.2 Memory Model

3.3 Internal Control Variables

3.4 Dynamic Adjustment of Threads

3.5 Loop Directive

3.6 Constructs


3.6.2 SINGLE

3.6.3 ATOMIC

3.7 Routines

3.7.1 omp_set_num_threads()

3.7.2 omp_set_schedule()

3.7.3 omp_set_max_active_levels()

3.7.4 omp_get_max_active_levels()

3.8 Environment Variables

3.9 Fortran Issues

3.9.1 THREADPRIVATE Directive

3.9.2 SHARED Clause

3.9.3 Runtime Library Definitions

4.  Nested Parallelism

5.  Tasking

6.  Automatic Scoping of Variables

7.  Scope Checking

8.  Performance Considerations

A.  Placement of Clauses on Directives


3.1 Task Scheduling Points

Task scheduling points in untied task regions occur at the same points as in tied task regions. Therefore, within untied task regions, the OpenMP specification defines the following task scheduling: