Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-In for Oracle Hardware User's Guide

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Updated: July 2016

Granting Administrator Privileges

  1. Open the sudoers file for editing. The sudoers file is usually found at /etc/sudoers.
  2. Add the following line to the sudoers file:

    oracle ALL=(root) SETENV:AGENT_HOME/sbin/nmosudo *oracle ALL=(root) SETENV:AGENT_HOME/core/AGENT_VERSION/perl/bin/perlAGENT_HOME/core/AGENT_VERSION/../../plugins/oracle.sun.ossb.agent.plugin_12. *

    where AGENT_VERSION is the version number of Oracle Enterprise Manager agent you are using, for example, and where AGENT_HOME is the root directory of the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent installation.

    Note - If sudo is not correctly configured, or supplied with an incorrect password, collection of metrics might not function correctly.