8 Upgrading or Redeploying ADP

This chapter describes how to upgrade or redeploy Application Dependency and Performance (ADP), and consists of the following sections:


For information about deploying ADP Engines and ADP Agents with basic and advanced options, see the following guides:

8.1 About ADP Upgrade Recommendations

All configurations wherein the ADP Agent is of the same, or of a lower version than the ADP Engine (that it reports to), are supported. For example, if a particular ADP Engine is of version, ADP Agents of version,,, and so on can report to this ADP Engine.

However, Oracle recommends that you maintain the ADP Agents in your enterprise at the ADP Engine version level, or at one version below this version level. For example, if a particular ADP Engine in your enterprise is of version, Oracle recommends that you maintain the ADP Agents that report to this ADP Engine at version, or at version

To obtain the latest ADP features, Oracle recommends that you upgrade your ADP Engines and Agents to the latest available version.

8.2 About ADP Upgrade Workflow

To upgrade the ADP application deployed in your enterprise, follow this process:

  1. Manually shut down the ADP Engines that you want to upgrade.

    To manually shut down an ADP Engine, from the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Application Performance Management. Click the name of the ADP Engine that you want to shut down. On the ADP Engine target home page, click Shut Down.

  2. Upgrade the ADP Engines to the latest version.

    For information on how to upgrade your ADP Engines, see Section 8.3.1.

  3. Upgrade the ADP Agents to the latest version.

    For information on how to upgrade your ADP Agents, see Section 8.4.

8.3 Upgrading or Redeploying ADP Engine

This section describes the methods to upgrade or redeploy ADP Engines. It consists of the following:

8.3.1 Upgrading ADP Engine

This section describes the methods to upgrade ADP Engine. It consists of the following:


  • When you upgrade the Enterprise Manager for Oracle Fusion Middleware plug-in to version, the deployed ADP Engines are not upgraded automatically. You must upgrade them using the methods described in this section.

  • You can only upgrade the ADP Engines that are deployed on OMS hosts, and not the ones deployed on remote hosts.

    To obtain the latest version of ADP Engine on a remote host, remove the existing version, and deploy a new ADP Engine of the latest version. Upgrading ADP Engine Using the Application Performance Management Page

To upgrade ADP Engine deployed on a Managed Server using the Application Performance Management page, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Application Performance Management.

  2. On the Application Performance Management page, click the upgrade icon displayed beside ADP Engines.


    The upgrade icon is displayed only if a software version different from the current deployed version of the ADP Engine software is available.
  3. On the Upgrade ADP Engines page, select the ADP Engine you want to upgrade.

  4. Specify a value for Host Credentials. These credentials are the host credentials of the host on which the ADP Engine you selected is deployed. Click Apply.

  5. If you want to upgrade more than one ADP Engine, on the Upgrade ADP Engines page, select the ADP engines you want to upgrade, then specify and apply values for Host Credentials, for each one of them.

  6. Specify a value for Admin WebLogic Credentials. These credentials are the credentials for the Administration Server of the Enterprise Manager WebLogic domain.

  7. Click Upgrade.

    If you encounter any errors during the upgrade, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide. Upgrading ADP Engine Manually Using ApmEngineSetup.pl

You can upgrade ADP Engine manually, using the ApmEngineSetup.pl script. You can run this script in the following ways:

  • In interactive mode, where you are prompted for input details in an interactive manner

  • In silent mode, where you specify all the input details using a properties file

To upgrade ADP Engine manually using the ApmEngineSetup.pl script, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the following location on the OMS host:


  2. View the README.txt file, for information on using the ApmEngineSetup.pl script.

  3. Run the ApmEngineSetup.pl script.

    If you want to run the ApmEngineSetup.pl script in interactive mode, such that you are prompted for the input details, use the following command:

    perl ApmEngineSetup.pl

    Ensure that you specify the operation as upgrade, and the Engine Type as ADP.

    If you want to run the ApmEngineSetup.pl script in silent mode, specify all the input details in a properties file, then use the following command:

    perl ApmEngineSetup.pl -silent -file <properties_file_name> -password <password>

    <properties_file_name> is the name of the properties file where the ADP Engine and operation details are provided. <password> is the WebLogic console password.

    To learn how to specify the input details in a properties file, view the sample properties file SAMPLE_engine.properties.

8.3.2 Redeploying ADP Engine

To redeploy ADP Engine deployed on a Managed Server, follow these steps:


You can redeploy an ADP Engine only if the current version of the ADP Engine binaries is the only version available in Oracle Software Library. If a higher, or a lower version of the binaries is available, you cannot redeploy the ADP Engine.

For example, if the current version of an ADP Engine is, but the,, or any other version of the ADP Engine binaries is available in Oracle Software Library, then you cannot redeploy the ADP Engine. However, if only the version of the ADP Engine binaries is available in Oracle Software Library, and no other version is available, then you can redeploy the ADP Engine.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Application Performance Management.

  2. If you want to redeploy a single ADP Engine, on the Application Performance Management page, select the ADP Engine you want to redeploy, then click Redeploy.

    If you want to redeploy more than one ADP Engine, on the Application Performance Management page, select the ADP Engines node, then click Redeploy.

  3. On the Redeploy ADP Engines page, select the ADP Engines you want to redeploy.

  4. For each ADP Engine you have chosen to redeploy, specify a value for Host Credentials. These credentials are the host credentials of the host on which the ADP Engine you selected is deployed. Click Apply.

  5. Specify a value for Admin WebLogic Credentials. These credentials are the credentials for the Administration Server of the Enterprise Manager WebLogic domain.

  6. Click Redeploy.

    If you encounter any errors during the redeployment, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide.

8.4 Upgrading or Redeploying ADP Agents

This section describes the methods to upgrade or redeploy ADP Agents. It consists of the following:


You can redeploy an ADP Agent only if the current version of the Agent binaries is the only version available in Oracle Software Library. If a higher, or a lower version of the Agent binaries is available, you cannot redeploy the ADP Agent.

For example, if the current version of an ADP Agent is, but the,, or any other version of the ADP Agent binaries is available in Oracle Software Library, then you cannot redeploy the ADP Agent. However, if only the version of the ADP Agent binaries is available in Oracle Software Library, and no other version is available, then you can redeploy the ADP Agent.

8.4.1 Upgrading or Redeploying ADP Agents Using the Application Performance Management Page

To upgrade or redeploy ADP Agents on monitored WebLogic domains using the Application Performance Management page, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Middleware Management, then select Application Performance Management.

  2. On the Application Performance Management page, under the Application Performance Management Agents section, click Manage Diagnostics Agents.

  3. For Operation, select Upgrade.


    Alternatively, to reach this point, you can click the upgrade icon displayed beside ADP Agents Count on the Application Performance Management page. Note that this icon is displayed only if a software version different from the current version of the ADP Agent software is available.

    If you select Expand All from the View menu, you can view the target name, target type, target host, target status, platform, and so on of all the Managed Servers on which ADP Agents are deployed.

    Select the ADP Agents you want to upgrade or redeploy. Click Next.

  4. On the Target Credentials page, for each WebLogic domain, specify a value for Oracle WebLogic Administration Server Host Credentials and Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials, then click Apply.

    Oracle WebLogic Administration Server Host Credentials are the host credentials for the host on which the Management Agent that is monitoring the selected WebLogic domain is running. Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials are the credentials for the Administration Server of the selected WebLogic domain.

    Click Next.

  5. On the ADP Agents Configurations page, for each WebLogic domain, select an ADP Engine for Available ADP Engines, then click Apply. All the ADP Agents deployed on the Managed Servers of the selected WebLogic domain will report to the selected ADP Engine.

    You can specify an alternate location for the ADP Agent software, which is used if the specified Administration Server Host Credentials do not have write permissions on the default location. To do this, under the Agent Directory section, select Edit the default ADP Agent Directory location if required, then specify a value for Agent Directory.

    If the WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are displayed under the Additional Configuration section, specify values for them. The WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are displayed if their values could not be obtained internally.

    Also, sometimes when the WebLogic Administration Server is behind a firewall or on a virtual host, the application may not be able to connect to it, using the default host value. In this case, you may need to provide some additional information in the Additional Configuration section. For example, if the WebLogic Administration Server is on a virtual host, and the application cannot connect to it using the default host value, you may have to provide the virtual host IP address in the Additional Configuration section.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Enterprise Manager OMS Credentials page, specify a value for Oracle Enterprise Manager WebLogic Administration Server Host Credentials, and Oracle Enterprise Manager WebLogic Domain Credentials.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager WebLogic Administration Server Host Credentials are the host credentials of the OMS host. The Oracle Enterprise Manager WebLogic Domain Credentials are the domain credentials of the Enterprise Manager WebLogic domain.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Review page, review all the information, then click Upgrade.

    When you click Upgrade, the Diagnostic Agents Deployment Status page appears, which you can use to monitor the progress of the submitted job.

    If you encounter any errors during the upgrade or redeployment, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide.

8.4.2 Upgrading or Redeploying ADP Agents Manually Using deploy_adpagent.pl

You can upgrade or redeploy ADP Agents manually, using the deploy_adpagent.pl script. You can run this script only in silent mode, that is, you must specify all the input details using a properties file.

To upgrade or redeploy ADP Agents manually using deploy_adpagent.pl, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the following location on the OMS host:


  2. View the README.txt file, for information on using the deploy_adpagent.pl script.

  3. Specify all the inputs in a properties file, then use the following command:

    perl deploy_adpagent.pl <properties_file_name>

    If you do not pass the name of the properties file as a parameter while running deploy_adpagent.pl, deploy_adpagent.pl looks for a properties file named adpagent.properties in the folder containing the script. To learn how to specify the input details in a properties file, view the sample properties file SAMPLE_adpagent.properties.

8.5 After Upgrading or Redeploying ADP

After upgrading or redeploying your ADP Engines or ADP Agents, verify the deployment of their new versions, as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.