1 Concepts and Terminology

This chapter discusses:

1.1 Introduction

Server Manager for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is a web based application used to manage the complete life cycle of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products. It is delivered with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.97 and later releases and supports the same JD Edwards EnterpriseOne associated application releases that are supported by the tools releases.

1.2 Features at a Glance

Server Manager provides:

  • Web Based System Management

    You can securely access and manage your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installation from anywhere using a standard web browser.

  • Remote Deployment and Upgrades

    You can install, uninstall, and update your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers regardless of their physical location or platform.

  • Remote Operational Control

    You can start and stop any of your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers, Oracle J2EE application servers, or supported third party J2EE application servers directly from the Management Console.

  • Secure Administrative Tasks

    Server Manager permits you to specify which existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users have access to the Management Console control which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers the user may view, and specify which administrative tasks the user may perform on those servers.

  • Configuration Management

    Server Manager provides a web-based interface for managing the configuration of all managed servers. The application presents each configuration item along with integrated help describing the configuration setting.


    Beginning with the availability of Server Manager, it is strongly advised that all changes to configuration files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini, jdelog.properties, etc.) for any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server managed by Server Manager be accomplished using only the Management Console interface of Server Manager. In addition to providing usability improvements, using Server Manager reduces the risk of introducing configuration errors by providing dropdowns that contain only valid values where applicable. Further, the tool provides a useful Audit History for any modifications made to configurations using Server Manager.
  • Configuration Comparison

    Use Server Manager to compare the configuration of two or more servers to identify configuration differences. You can compare configurations through the Management Console application regardless of the platform or location of the actual JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. You can also compare individual servers with the default configuration of the corresponding server groups to which the servers belong.

  • Audit History

    Server Manager maintains a history of changes made to the managed servers. This includes a history of each configuration change, each server start and stop, and each tools release update, including the user that performed the change or operation. The Management Console application provides mechanisms to query and view the audit history that is maintained.

  • Integrated EnterpriseOne Software Management

    Use Server Manager to centrally maintain all your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server tools releases, including the ability to copy the software to the remote server machines.

  • Logical Server Grouping

    Server Manager allows you to group servers with a similar purpose. These groups can include any of the server types such as Enterprise Server, HTML Web Server, and so on. A default, or template, configuration is maintained for each server group.

  • Application Release Independence

    Server Manager is delivered with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.97 (and later) and is compatible with any supported JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application release beginning with Application Release 8.9 through the currently supported release. No electronic software updates (ESUs) are required to support Server Manager.

  • Self-Contained Installation

    The installation of Server Manager delivers all components that are required by the Management Console application. There are no third party requirements regardless of your existing or intended middleware topology (for example, Oracle Application Server, WebSphere Application Server, or no application server).

  • Tools Release Independence

    Newer versions of the Server Manager application will continue to support the management of earlier tools releases back to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne its initial release in Tools Release 8.97.

1.3 Server Manager Architecture

The key benefits of the Server Manager architecture include:

  • An integrated, web-based Management Console application.

  • Management Agents that are installed on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

  • Use of Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology by the Management Agents running on the servers to run as background processes that interact with the Management Console web application.

  • Secure and encrypted network communication between the Management Console and Management Agents.

The design goal of Server Manager is to reduce the total cost of ownership of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products from installation and configuration, to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting. Server Manager manages these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers:

  • Enterprise Servers

  • HTML Web Servers

  • Transaction Servers

  • Collaborative Portal Servers

  • Business Services Servers

  • Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)

A high level view of the architecture is illustrated by this diagram:

Description of srvr_mngr_architecture.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''srvr_mngr_architecture.gif''

1.4 Server Manager Components

This section discusses:

1.4.1 Management Console

The central element of the Server Manager architecture is the Management Console, a web-based application. The Management Console is responsible for:

  • Hosting the HTML-based interface accessed using a standard web browser.

  • Communicating with Management Agents installed on remote machines.

  • Monitoring the runtime operation of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

Server Manager is required for all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne installations that use Tools Release 8.97 (and later) tools releases. The Management Console is a J2EE application with a web-based user interface that is accessed by the end user through a browser. For the management user, this interface is the only means of directly accessing any servers managed by Server Manager.

Releases Prior to 9.1 Update 2

The Management Console must be installed on a Microsoft Windows-based machine.

For Release 9.1 Update 2 and above

The Management Console can be installed on either a Windows-based or Linux-based machine. Refer to the section of this guide entitled: Section 3.3, "Matrix of Supported Application Servers, JDKs, and Platforms for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools (Release 9.1 Update 2)".

Typically the most suitable machine within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne architecture is the Deployment Server, although the Management Console can be installed on any server that meets the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Certifications (MTRs) of the Deployment Server (for details refer to Section 3.1, "Accessing the Certifications (Minimum Technical Requirements)" in this guide). The Management Console uses an integrated J2EE application container to host the application.

The installation of the Management Console does not require application server products such as WebLogic Server (WLS) or WebSphere Application Server (WAS). The Management Console is installed as a Microsoft Windows service. Updates to the Management Console are performed using the Management Console web application itself.

Optionally, the Management Console can be configured to use the secure protocols of HTTPS/SSL.

See Also

1.4.2 Management Agent

Server Manager uses Management Agents that are installed on the physical machines that run JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products. These Management Agents communicate directly with the Management Console and are instructed to perform operations as a result of user actions in the Management Console web application.

The Management Agent is based on the JMX Java management specifications. Management Agents interact only with the Management Console web application; however, much of the work, such as starting and stopping servers, is actually performed by the Management Agent.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server products contain an embedded variant of the Management Agent. This Management Agent is responsible for providing the runtime information about an active server instance to the Management Console web application.

The Managed Home Agent is a standalone Management Agent which functions as an installed daemon process.

The responsibilities of the Management Agent within Server Manager include:

  • Creating, registering, uninstalling, and updating the EnterpriseOne servers.

  • Starting and stopping any managed EnterpriseOne server.

  • Managing the configuration files used by the EnterpriseOne server.

  • Providing access to the log files generated by the EnterpriseOne server.

  • Providing basic management of the third-party application servers on which the web-based EnterpriseOne server products run.

  • Transferring and managing a local copy of EnterpriseOne server software components (that is, the Tools Releases).

The Server Manager Management Console web application determines whether the Management Agent should be updated. If so, the Management Agents are updated using the Management Console.

1.4.3 Managed Home

The location in which the managed home agent is installed is a Managed Home. Similar to the concept of an ORACLE_HOME, the Managed Home is the deployment location of the standalone Management Agent and a structured file system containing the constituent parts of managed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

The Managed Home is created by the installation of the standalone Management Agent. The structured nature of the Managed Home simplifies the installation and maintenance of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software and enables integration with Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM).

You must install at least one Managed Home on each physical machine before installing or managing any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers. It is possible for a machine to host more than one Managed Home that might not use the same Management Console. Each unique Managed Home is associated with exactly one Management Console.

See Also

1.4.4 Managed Instance

Each EnterpriseOne server, Oracle Application Server, or WebSphere Application Server is referred to as a Managed Instance. A Managed Instance is a particular instantiation of a software component on a physical machine. Each Managed Instance is identified by an instance name that name is unique to the machine on which the Managed Instance resides. The instance name is supplied by the user who either created or registered the server with the Management Console.

Each Managed Instance is associated with a Managed Home on the same physical machine.

1.4.5 Instance Properties

Instance Properties are the unique characteristics needed to identify an individual managed instance. For example, only a a single instance property might have been defined for an Enterprise Server:

  • Installation path

As another example, an HTML Web Server software component might define two instance properties:

  1. Instance name of the application server under which it runs.

  2. J2EE container within the application server target instance.

1.4.6 Software Component

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Releases are downloaded as a portable archive (.PAR) and are referred to as Software Components in Server Manager. The JDBC driver implementations (JAR files) are also Software Components in Server Manager.

This section describes:

See Also JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Components

These Server Components are a subset of the Software Components that can be deployed and managed by Server Manager:

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Transaction Server

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Collaborative Portal Server

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Business Services Server

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server JDBC Driver Components

Server Manager can also distribute and deploy JDBC Drivers to:

  • J2EE containers that run the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne web-based server products

    These drivers are required components on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server and any other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server component that requires JDBC database connectivity that is not natively provided by the underlying application server.

  • RMI java application that runs on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server

    The JDBC driver for this server is required to provide native database connectivity for the application (such as Oracle BI Publisher) or program that is accessing the Data Access Server.

1.4.7 Server Configuration and Runtime Metrics

Server Configuration and Runtime Metrics are a grouping of related managed resources. A Software Component defines the configuration and metrics that an instance contains. For example, a section from thejas.ini file can be defined as a configuration metric for the Software Component for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server.

Runtime metrics provided insight into the current state of a running Managed Instance. For example, the active user sessions are a runtime metric provided by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HTML Web Server.

For details, refer to these chapters and sections within this guide: