
List of Figures

Title and Copyright Information


1 Concepts and Terminology

2 Functional Overview

3 Working with the Server Manager Management Console

4 Complete the Management Console Setup Wizard

5 Install a Management Agent

6 Start, Stop, and Restart a Management Agent

7 Start, Stop, and Restart the Management Console

8 User Interface for the Management Console

9 Configure the Default Server Group Configuration Settings

10 Configure Management Console Users

11 Managed Software Components

12 Manage JDBC Drivers

13 Register an Application Server

14 Create a J2EE Server Container

15 Manage an Application Server and Related Components

16 Register or Create a JD Edwards Enterprise Server as a New Managed Instance

17 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web-Based Server as a New Managed Instance

18 Install a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Driver

19 Remove a Managed Instance

20 Overview of Management Console Administration

21 Administer Management Console Users and User Groups

22 Monitor JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Servers

23 Available Log Files

24 Install an Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) Instance

25 Administer Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)

26 Update Server Manager

27 Create a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Access Server as a New Managed Instance

28 Configure an Oracle Application Server

29 View Runtime Metrics for a Managed Instance

30 Configure EnterpriseOne Server Instances

31 Administer Server Groups

32 Clear Table Cache (Tools Release 9.1 Update 2)

A Best Practices

B Using SSL with Standalone OC4J