8 Secure Search

This chapter contains the following topics:

8.1 Overview of Secure Search

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne contains a text search engine that takes information from the tables and associated media objects and builds a text search index. When a text search is initiated, it goes through the text search index and returns database records that match the search criteria. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, the text search engine uses a business view-data source pair to retrieve table data.

Text search indexes exist as folders on a file system, so text search indexes must be accessible using a path name to the enterprise server. Administrators must designate the locations of these folders by specifying the base folder in Text Search Properties.

To achieve text searches from database records, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne uses Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES).

SES is a standalone, self-contained server for search; it operates as a black box that indexes information from the crawler and serves up the results. It comes with its own user interface and administration; it does not, for example, need you to program using SQL or administer as a DBA.

SES enables a secure, high quality, easy-to-use search across all enterprise information assets. Key features include:

  • The ability to search and locate public, private and shared content across Intranet Web servers, databases, IMAP e-mail, document management systems, applications, and portals.

  • Highly secure crawling, indexing, and searching.

  • A simple, intuitive search interface leading to an excellent user experience.

  • Excellent search quality, with the most relevant items for a query shown first, even when the query spans diverse public and private data sources.

  • Analytics on search results and usage patterns.

  • Sub-second query performance.

  • Ease of administration and maintenance, leveraging existing IT expertise.

8.2 Secure Search Architecture

Figure 8-1 Secure Search Architecture

Description of Figure 8-1 follows
Description of "Figure 8-1 Secure Search Architecture"

Records from text enabled business views are fed into the SES server to index in the form of XML feeds. SES server reads these XML feeds and indexes them under the source group created in the name of business view/data source combination.

Through the SES Text Search Properties application (P95820A0) we define SES/FTP properties and validate them. Then we define business view data sources through the SES index build definition (P95800A) and build the indexes through the SES Text Search Build report (R958001A).

While searching texts from text enabled applications, the search query formed by the text search kernel is sent to the SES server along with the source group name. The SES server returns data to the text search kernel and that result returned back to text search application through the HTML Server.

8.3 Secure Search Certified Platform

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search can be integrated with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne running on any of it's certified platforms. Oracle Secure Enterprise Search itself is certified on the following Platforms:

  • Linux / x86-64

  • Oracle Solaris / SPARC

  • Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

  • IBM AIX /Power

8.4 Additional References

Product = Oracle Secure Enterprise Search