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Oracle® Fusion Applications Installation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)

Part Number E16600-03
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1 Overview

This chapter introduces Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning and discusses how its interrelated components orchestrate the installation, configuration, and deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications product offerings and their middleware dependencies.

It includes the following sections:

For general information about Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle Database, and Oracle Fusion Middleware, see:

1.1 What Is Provisioning?

With the growing complexity of modern enterprise applications, and the necessity of integrating those applications with other core enterprise components, many organizations find that setting up an applications environment unassisted challenges even the most seasoned system administrator. To meet this challenge, Oracle provides Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning.

This section presents some background for understanding the provisioning process, and discusses the major components provisioned in a new Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

1.1.1 Terms and Definitions

Oracle Fusion Applications is a deployment of application product offerings built on Oracle Fusion Middleware technology stack components and connected to Oracle Database. A successful installation draws on a combination of the application and the middleware components, the database, as well as the installers, scripts, and utilities required to set up and configure them.

Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning orchestrates the installation, configuration, and deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications product offerings. Its framework of installers, build files, and other utilities accesses configuration details from your customized provisioning plan and performs these actions:

  • Installation: Lays down all the components needed to create an Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

  • Configuration: Tailors components based on the applications topology, creates Managed Server instances and cluster members, and updates endpoints and virtual hosts.

  • Deployment: Starts the Managed Servers and clusters and facilitates the actual use of product offerings.

The provisioning repository contains all the installers required to provision a new Oracle Fusion Applications environment. You download the repository from the Oracle Fusion Applications Product Media Package and extract the files to a location of your choice, for example repository_location/installers. The repository must be located on a networked drive or a shared hard disk so that it is accessible to all the hosts in your new environment.

The Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning installer creates the provisioning framework in a location of your choice, for example framework_location/provisioning. The location must be on a networked drive or a shared hard disk. The installer (faprov) is included among the other installers in the provisioning repository.

The Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning framework contains the ANT utilities, binaries, libraries, templates, and other utilities required to orchestrate the provisioning process. For example, it delivers the Provisioning Wizard.

The Provisioning Wizard is an interview process that collections information used to guide the various actions associated with provisioning a new applications environment.

The provisioning plan is a collection of configuration details you specify about installation locations, product offerings and middleware (technology stack) dependencies. In addition, you enter connection parameters for the database and identity management components that you set up as prerequisites. You use the Provisioning Wizard interview to create and execute the provisioning plan.

1.1.2 Provisioning Configuration

An installation of Oracle Fusion Applications is logically broken up into groups of features known as product offerings, which represent the highest-level collection of functionality that you can license and implement. A provisioning configuration is a collection of one or more product offerings.

Product offerings have interdependencies on companion applications (for example, Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management relies on Oracle Fusion Financials for payroll functionality), as well as middleware dependencies (for example, Oracle SOA Suite), required for runtime execution. Provisioning "knows" about all companion applications and middleware dependencies and displays them for you automatically during the provisioning plan creation. You specify configuration details (at the domain level) associated with offerings, companion applications, and middleware dependencies in the provisioning plan.

See Section 4.1.2 for details about provisioning configurations. See also "Introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications for System Administrators" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for more information.

1.1.3 Oracle Fusion Middleware

Each Oracle Fusion Applications product family is deployed to an Oracle WebLogic Server domain in the Oracle Fusion Middleware technology stack. For information about the Oracle Fusion Middleware components that support that deployment, see "Oracle Fusion Middleware Components" in Oracle Fusion Applications Concepts Guide.

1.1.4 Oracle Database

An Oracle Fusion Applications environment requires a transaction database. You can install a single-instance Oracle Database Enterprise Edition by using the Provisioning Wizard, or you can install Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) by using the standard installation instructions. The database templates shipped with Oracle Fusion Applications describe the structure and features of the database, but do not contain any data.

For details about installing Oracle Database with the Provisioning Wizard, see Section 3.4. For instructions about installing a database manually, see Section 3.5.

Once you have installed a database, use the Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility to create a repository of tablespaces and applications and middleware schemas, and load seed data and other required packages. For information about using this utility, see Section 3.8.

1.1.5 Oracle Identity Management

Oracle Identity Management is a core component and prerequisite for provisioning an Oracle Fusion Applications environment. It enables enterprises to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of user identities across all enterprise resources — both within and beyond the firewall. An installation of Oracle Fusion Applications relies on Oracle Identity Management components to provide Web Single-Signon capability and to act as the policy, credential, and identity store. Although the majority of these components fall within the prerequisite environment, the resource WebGate that acts as the proxy for user authentication must be provisioned along with the applications.

The Oracle Identity Management components required to be present in an Oracle Fusion Applications environment are:

  • Oracle Access Manager (OAM): Provides identity administration and security functions, including Web Single-Signon, user self-service and self-registration, policy management, and delegated administration.

  • Oracle Identity Manager (OIM): Coordinates the management activities and business processes for creating, modifying, and deleting user access rights.

  • Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD): A LDAP-enabled service that provides a virtualized abstraction of one or more enterprise data sources in a single directory view.

  • Oracle Internet Directory (OID): A general-purpose directory service that enables fast retrieval and centralized management of information about dispersed users and network resources.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more information.

1.1.6 Oracle Business Intelligence

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) is a portfolio of technology and applications comprising an integrated toolset (for querying, reporting, analysis, alerts, mobile analytics, data integration and management, and desktop integration), as well as financial performance management, applications, operational business intelligence applications, and data warehousing.

Typically, Oracle Business Intelligence products are integrated with, and accessible from, other operational applications, such as Oracle Fusion Applications. This integration provides business metrics in the context of an organization's business function and industry.

The Oracle Business Intelligence products integrated with Oracle Fusion Applications include:

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition: A suite of business intelligence tools that delivers a full range of analytic and reporting capabilities.

    For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Applications: Uses Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, a unified data repository for all customer-centric data that supports the analytical requirements of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Oracle Business Intelligence Applications supplies the warehouse database schema, as well as the logic that extracts data from the Oracle Fusion Applications transactional database and loads it to the warehouse.

    This product is configured and deployed during provisioning, but requires additional installation and configuration steps. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications for details.

  • Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence: An ad hoc query and self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Fusion Applications customers. Paired with Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, it provides business users with an easy-to-use interface for performing current state analysis of their business applications. Constructed queries and reports are executed in real time against the transactional schema supported by a layer of view objects. This product is configured and deployed during provisioning.

  • Oracle Essbase: An online analytical processing (OLAP) server that provides an environment for deploying prepackaged applications or developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher: An enterprise reporting solution for authoring, managing, and delivering reports from multiple data sources in multiple formats via multiple channels.

    For more information, see the "Managing Report Delivery Servers" chapter of Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

  • Oracle Real-Time Decisions: A platform that combines both rules and predictive analytics to apply real-time business intelligence at the point of contact. It optimizes all interactions with your customers by infusing analytical decisions into each transaction.

    For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Real-Time Decisions.

1.2 Provisioning Features

Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning is a full-featured process that provides all the tools you need to set up a repository of installers and installation-related processes, present product configurations that you can install in your environment, provide a means to collect configuration details about those offerings, and run the installation phases necessary to perform configuration and deployment tasks.

1.2.1 Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Repository

The Oracle Fusion Applications software provides a repository of installers, each called silently when needed to perform application-specific tasks during the provisioning of your new environment. During the creation of your provisioning plan, you indicate the location of the repository in the Provisioning Wizard interview.

The provisioning repository must be on a network drive that is visible to all hosts that you will associate with your Oracle Fusion Applications environment. See Section 2.3 for details.

1.2.2 Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Framework

The provisioning installer (faprov) creates the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning framework. It includes the following components:

  • Provisioning Wizard: A question-and-answer interview that guides you through the process of installing a database, creating or updating a provisioning plan, and installing or deinstalling the components of an Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

  • Provisioning command-line interface (CLI): Used for starting the provisioning wizard and running installation phases on the primary, secondary, and DMZ hosts (when present).

  • Provisioning-related files and utilities: Repository of ANT utilities, binary files, library files, templates, locations of saved provisioning plans and provisioning build scripts, and other provisioning utilities required for performing provisioning tasks. These utilities are installed in a location you choose, for example, framework_location/provisioning.

See Section 2.4 for details.

1.2.3 Provisioning Wizard

The Provisioning Wizard steps you through all provisioning-related tasks. Using the wizard, you can install a transaction database, create or update a provisioning plan, provision a new environment, and deinstall an applications environment. Install an Applications Transaction Database

You must install a database to hold transactional data before you create a provisioning plan. Then, you enter the database configuration values set up during the database installation in your provisioning plan. The provisioning process uses those values to connect your database to the new applications environment.

Select the Install an Applications Transaction Database option from the list of Provisioning Wizard options to create an empty, single-instance Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ( Alternatively, you can create Oracle Database or Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) manually using the standard database creation instructions.

Regardless of the way you create the database, you must complete the process by running Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility (Applications RCU) to create schemas and tablespaces, load seed data, and perform other database configuration tasks. See Chapter 3 for more information. Create a New Applications Environment Provisioning Plan

By responding to the questions in this interview, you specify a provisioning configuration to install in a new environment. You save the configuration details for that environment in a provisioning plan, including information about credentials, applications and middleware hosts, and port values. You specify the location of this plan when you are ready to provision your new environment.

If you do not have all the information that you require to complete a plan, or you want to create a partial plan, you can stop at any time during the creation process and save the plan. When you are ready to continue, choose the Update an Existing Provisioning Plan option, page through the screens until you reach the place where you left off, and continue.

Note that the wizard does not recognize a partial plan as complete and ready to execute until you click Finish on the Summary interview screen. See Chapter 4 for more information. Update an Existing Provisioning Plan

Select this option to add or change the details in a partially completed provisioning plan or to update a completed plan that has not yet been implemented. You can create a partial plan by clicking Save in the wizard, or by selecting Cancel and following the prompts to save a partial plan. When you want to continue, select the plan and page through the screens to the place where you stopped in any previous session. Complete the remaining interview screens. See Chapter 4 for more information. Provision an Applications Environment

Select this option and specify the location of a provisioning plan as the first step in initiating the installation, configuration, and deployment of your product offerings. In a multiple-host environment, the installation is run on each host individually, in phase order. See Section 1.6 for more information about phases. See Chapter 5 for details about the installation process. Deinstall an Applications Environment

By selecting this option, you indicate that you want to remove all the components installed using the wizard in an existing applications environment. You must run this process on all hosts.

During the deinstallation process, components that were installed using the Provisioning Wizard are removed. The database and the LDAP are not removed. You cannot partially deinstall an environment by selecting individual components. See Chapter 6 for more information.

1.2.4 Provisioning Plan

With the Provisioning Wizard question-and-answer interview tool, you specify one or more provisioning configurations and collect details associated with the product offerings in those configurations. These responses are the basis for creating a provisioning plan. This plan contains the structural outline of the applications environment topology that you are implementing. When you are ready to provision your environment, specify the location of the plan and initiate the installation process.

The wizard interview questions fall into the following general areas:

  • Global and contextual

  • Database configuration and application dependency

  • Shared middleware services

Global and Contextual Questions

These questions set the context and define the focus of the questions to be asked later in the interview. The approach is to progressively refine the scope of the questions, starting with the most generic and narrowing down to a specific path based on the selected provisioning configurations. For example, the Installation Location screen captures global information about the location of installation and configuration directories, and the Database Configuration screen records information about the transactional database.

Application and Application Dependency Questions

The interview is tied directly to the provisioning of one or more product configurations. With the product configuration chosen, the interview guides you through the questions related to the product offerings and their dependencies. Dependencies include application and middleware products required by Oracle Fusion Applications, as well as details about your transaction database. For example, the Domain Topology Configuration screen collects information about the hosts where domains are to be deployed.

Shared Middleware Questions

At the conclusion of the application interview, you move to interview questions about middleware services that are shared across domains, for example, the Web Tier Configuration, Load Balancer Configuration, Web Proxy Configuration, Identity Management Configuration, and IDM Database Configuration screens.

1.2.5 Provisioning Configurations

During the creation of a provisioning plan, you select one or more offerings in any of the provisioning configurations listed in the wizard interview. During the actual provisioning process, all application and middleware products (components) associated with your selections are installed, configured, and deployed. However, only the Managed Servers for the product offerings that you selected are started.

Later, To start using an offering that was part of your initial provisioning configuration but has not yet been enabled, navigate to the Oracle Fusion Applications Setup Manager and start the Managed Servers for that offering.

For example, in the Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management configuration, there are two product offerings: Oracle Sales and Oracle Marketing. If you select only Oracle Sales, the Managed Servers for that offering are started when you provision your new environment. If you later decide to enable Oracle Marketing, you use the Oracle Fusion Applications Functional Setup Manager to do so. There is no need to run provisioning a second time.

See Section 4.1.2 for more information about provisioning configurations.

1.3 Provisioning Roadmap

Table 1-1 lists the high-level tasks included in the end-to-end provisioning processing flow.

Table 1-1 Provisioning Process Flow

Task Description Documentation

1. Verify system requirements and set up prerequisite components.

To provision a new environment, you must ensure that your system meets certain requirements and can connect to the prerequisite Oracle Identity Management components.

See Section 2.1.

2. Prepare your environment.

You may need to set some specific parameters to prepare your environment.

See Section 2.2.

3. Download the Oracle Fusion Applications repository.

You must obtain the Product Media Pack from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or the Oracle Store. Unzip the provisioning repository to a location of your choice. The repository contains all the installers required for provisioning, including the provisioning framework installer (faprov).

See Section 2.3.

4. Install the provisioning framework.

Run faprov from the directory where you created the provisioning repository. The installer creates a directory for the framework components, for example, framework_location/provisioning.

See Section 2.4.

5. Install a transaction database.

Your new environment must connect to a previously installed database. You can install the database using the Provisioning Wizard, or you can install it manually.

Chapter 3

6. Create a provisioning plan.

Start the Provisioning Wizard and respond to the questions in the interview to create a provisioning plan. You specify the product offerings to be installed and provide configuration details such as credentials, hosts, and ports.

Chapter 4

7. Provision a new environment.

Specify the location of the provisioning plan and start the installation, configuration, and deployment of the product offerings and their middleware dependencies. You use both the Provisioning Wizard and the command-line interface to perform an installation in a multiple-host environment.

Chapter 5

8. Complete the required postinstallation tasks.

The result of a successful installation is a fully operational applications environment. However, you may be asked to complete some manual tasks before you perform any product-specific functional setup tasks.

Section 5.6 and Section 5.7

1.4 Applications Topology: Oracle WebLogic Server Domains

The topology for an applications environment centers around a set of predefined Oracle WebLogic Server domains. The provisioning process creates these domains during the physical installation. It then deploys the product offerings that you select for installation in the associated product family domain. It also deploys common applications for use by all product offerings and their dependent middleware components.

After provisioning is complete, you can scale out middleware components, such as Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle SOA Suite, and product domains, such as Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management domain, Oracle Fusion Common domain, or Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management domain.

For more information about the enterprise deployment of domains and instructions about scale out, see Oracle Fusion Applications Enterprise Deployment Guide. This guide describes the recommended deployment of an Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) domain.

A WebLogic Server domain is a logically related group of Oracle WebLogic Server resources that is managed as a unit. It consists of an Administration Server and one or more Managed Servers. A Managed Server hosts components and associated resources that constitute each product configuration. The domains are predefined to ensure that product offerings and their dependencies are always stored in a standardized arrangement.

In each domain, every Managed Server belongs to a cluster. Clusters are groups of Oracle WebLogic Servers that work together to provide scalability and high availability for applications. A cluster appears as a single Oracle WebLogic Server instance. The Managed Server instances that constitute a cluster can run on the same host or be located on different hosts. Applications are deployed to the cluster, which implies deployment to every Managed Server within the cluster.

See "Oracle WebLogic Server Domains Configuration" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for more information.

1.5 Oracle Fusion Applications Directory Structure

In a discussion of Oracle Fusion Applications directory structures, unless stated otherwise, the term home directory refers to a directory that contains one or more Oracle Fusion Middleware homes or Oracle Fusion Applications homes. This directory has no functional significance other than as a grouping of related Oracle product offerings.

For a more information, see "Provisioned Oracle Fusion Applications Home Directories" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

1.5.1 Applications Base Directory

When an environment consists of multiple hosts, a central, shared provisioning installation directory is required so that the location is visible to all provisioned hosts. In order to achieve this setup, the use of full host names is required. Alias names are not recommended.

The top-level directory for the Oracle Fusion Applications binaries is the applications base. You specify a name for this directory at the time or provisioning, using the variable APPLICATIONS_BASE. This directory includes two mount points: /net/mount1/appbase for components that will remain read-only after provisioning, and /net/mount2 (APPLICATIONS_CONFIG) to contain instances that are configurable after provisioning. This structure aids performance issues and accommodates a "lock-down" of binaries after provisioning. It ensures that the configurable components remain available.

1.5.2 Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle Home Directory

The Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home directory (FA_ORACLE_HOME) is located under the APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps directory (net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps). The /fusionapps directory is an Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home (FA_MW_HOME). Figure 1-1 shows this directory structure.

Figure 1-1 Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle Home

Apps Oracle Home: Described in surrounding text.

The Oracle home contains the following subdirectories:

  • /fusionapps/applications/lcm: The life cycle management directory. Contains the patching framework artifacts in the following subdirectories:

    • ../ad/bin: Patching framework software and executables, including C artifacts and configuration scripts, that set the environment and start the corresponding utility.

    • ../ad/java: Java artifacts.

    • ../ad/db/sql: Database artifacts and SQL files.

    • ../ad/lib: Application libraries.

    • ../ad/template: Configuration files or templates delivered and used by the patching framework during configuration activities.

  • /fusionapps/applications/bin: Executables called by Enterprise Scheduler Service jobs.

  • /fusionapps/applications/product_family: Container directory for artifacts specific to a product configuration, for example, /ORACLE/fusionapps/fin.

  • /fusionapps/applications/admin: Patching framework environment properties file (, Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch, and the patching logs, reports, and administration files. These files are required by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

  • /fusionapps/applications/lib: Applications-specific libraries.

  • /fusionapps/applications/OPatch: Contains the OPatch utility called by Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager when patching middleware artifacts.

For complete information about patching your applications environment, see Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide.

1.5.3 Oracle Fusion Applications Product Family Directory

The Oracle Fusion Applications .../product family directory is located under the net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps/applications directory. This structure exists for each of the product configurations (product families) deployed in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment during provisioning. Figure 1-2 shows this directory structure.

Figure 1-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Product Family Directory

Apps Product Family: Described in surrounding text.

These subdirectories are located under the .../product_family directory:

  • /fusionapps/applications/product_family/product: Product grouping within a product family. For example, /fusionapps/applications/fin/ar.

    • /db/plsql/: PL/SQL packages and bodies for a given product, for example, .../fin/ar/db/plsql/arp_process_line.pkh.

    • /db/sql/: SQL scripts for a given product. For example, .../fin/ar/db/sql/ar_ar_rev_rec_typ_type.sql.

    • /db/data/lba/US/: Product-specific seed data files, striped by LBA. Note that sub-directories could exist in the top-level seed data directory because some LBAs can have sub-LBAs. For example, .../fin/ar/db/data/FinArCustomers/US/ArlookupTypeSD.xlf.

  • /fusionapps/applications/product_family/deploy: Container directory for deployable artifacts, composites, Java EE applications (such as Oracle Application Development Framework and Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service).

  • /fusionapps/applications/product family/security/: Product family directory containing security-related files.

1.6 Installation Guidelines

To install an applications environment efficently, it helps to know certain general characteristics of an applications installation and configuration. Planning which product offerings to choose, and what your topology will look like is the first step. This section suggests the information you may need in the planning phase, and presents an overview of an installation based on multiple hosts.

1.6.1 Planning for Provisioning

Before you create a provisioning plan for your new Oracle Fusion Applications environment, you should decide what your topology will look like, including what product offerings you want to install, port allocations, and the type and number of hosts that you will configure in the domains created for the product offerings. For example, Oracle recommends that you choose a separate host for each domain that will be installed. However, even in that scenario, some large product configurations must be split across multiple hosts.

For more information about the enterprise deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications product configurations, see the description how to deploy an Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management domain in Oracle Fusion Applications Enterprise Deployment Guide.

You must determine the necessasry system requirements to complete the provisioning of a new environment, based on how you will use the environment. For example, if you are installing a single-instance database for use as a test system, the requirements will differ from the installation of a multi-instance database to use for your production environment. You must also determine the access privileges for the database administrator (DBA) or system administrator who will perform the provisioning tasks.

You must supply directory locations, user names, and passwords associated with the prerequisite installations of Oracle Database and Oracle Identity Management components. These installations must be completed before you can create a provisioning plan.

For specific details about the information that you will need to complete a provisioning plan and successfully provision a new environment, review these sections before you begin:

1.6.2 Introduction to Multiple-Host Installations

Oracle Fusion Applications must be provisioned on multiple hosts for a production deployment and installed from a shared drive that is accessible to all hosts. To properly install all the necessary components for an applications environment on multiple hosts, you must run the physical installation in phases across all hosts. Types of Hosts in a Multiple-Host Environment

The way hosts are classified in a multiple-host environment determines the order in which you run the installation. Note the following definitions of the various types of hosts.

Primordial Host: The host that contains the Common domain (and specifically the Admin Server of the common domain). There is one, and only one, primordial host per shared drive.
Primary Host: The host on which the Administration Server of a domain runs.
Secondary Host: If a domain spans two physical servers, only the primary host runs the Administration Server for that domain. Example of a Runtime Environment

One configuration for an Oracle Fusion Applications runtime environment is to use three hosts, all of which have access to a shared drive. In this arrangement, the components on each host might look like this:

  • Host A, for Common and Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management.

  • Host B, for Oracle Fusion Financials, Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, and Oracle Business Intelligence.

  • Host C, for Oracle Database.

  • Shared Drive.

An Oracle Identity Management environment is installed on two servers and distributed as follows:

  • Host 1, for Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Virtual Directory.

  • Host 2, for Oracle Identity Manager, Oracle Access Manager, Oracle SOA Suite.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more information. Installation Phases

Installation actions are completed in phases, across all hosts, in a prescribed phase order. Each phase must be completed on all the hosts before you can run the next phase. For example, you must complete the preverify phase on hosts A, B, and C successfully before you run the install phase on any other host. Any one phase can run simultaneously on multiple hosts. For example, you can run the install phase on hosts A, B, and C simultaneously. Oracle recommends that you start the installation on the primordial host.

The provisioning installation phases are as follows (listed in phase order). See Section 5.1.2 for complete details.

  • Preverify: Checks to see that the prerequisites for an installation are met.

  • Install: Installs middleware and applications components and applies database patches shipped with provisioning (for databases created with the wizard).

  • Preconfigure: Updates the Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) configuration.

  • Configure: Creates domains, Managed Servers, and clusters. Configures data sources and performs Node Manager registration of servers on the primordial and primary hosts.

  • Configure-secondary: Performs the configuration actions on a primary or secondary host (or both), registers Managed Servers with the Node Manager on secondary hosts, and creates a web tier instance. If there are no primary or secondary hosts, or if there are only primary hosts, this phase runs, but takes no action.

  • Postconfigure: Configures Oracle SOA Suite composite deployment and Oracle HTTP Server, and populates policies and grants. Configures middleware and applications that require servers to be online.

  • Startup: Starts the Administration Server and Managed Servers on the current host. Performs online configuration, including global unique identifier (GUID) reconciliation and Financial/IPM configuration.

  • Validate: Validates the deployment configuration and starts the Managed Servers.

1.7 What to Do Next

Before you can begin, you must prepare your environment for provisioning, download the provisioning repository, install the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning framework, and install and configure the prerequisite Oracle Database and Oracle Identity Management components. Go to Chapter 2 to get started.