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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReadTextBuffer
oracle.ide.index.keyword Contains classes and interfaces used for keyword indexing. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.javatools.buffer The TextBuffer package assists in the manipulation of in-memory text content, whether it is read-only text, or read-write text. 
oracle.javatools.editor.language The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features. 
oracle.javatools.parser The Parser package is a basic framework of interfaces for building a lexer or parser for various document types. 
oracle.javatools.parser.generic The Generic Lexer package is a basic set of classes to help in quickly prototyping a lexer/scanner for a given language. The parser API. Classes common to model implementations. The parser's scanner API. 
oracle.javatools.parser.util The Parser Utilities package contains utility classes used by the rest of the parser framework. 


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.ide.index.keyword


Methods in oracle.ide.index.keyword with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
protected  boolean KeywordIndexer.filterKeyword(ReadTextBuffer buffer, int start, int end, char[] filter, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)
protected  void KeywordIndexer.reportKeyword(DataCollector data, ReadTextBuffer buffer, int start, int end, char[] filter, int hash, int flags, javax.swing.text.Segment segment)


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static TextBufferTracker TextBufferTracker.createTrackerFromSnapshot(TextNode node, ReadTextBuffer snapshot, int comparisonLimit)
          Creates a text buffer tracker for a text node with a specified snapshot as its initial version and the current node contents as the current version.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.ide.runner


Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
 void SmartDataProvider.getExpressions(ReadTextBuffer tb, int startOffset, int endOffset, java.util.List expressions)


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.buffer


Subinterfaces of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.buffer
 interface TextBuffer
          The TextBuffer interface describes a class which can be used for managing the raw text content of a document.


Classes in oracle.javatools.buffer that implement ReadTextBuffer
 class AbstractTextBuffer
          The AbstractTextBuffer class is a starting point for classes implementing the TextBuffer interface.
 class CharArrayReadTextBuffer
          The CharArrayReadTextBuffer is a wrapper implementation that provides a ReadTextBuffer interface on top of a String datasource.
 class ReadTextBufferDecorator
          The ReadTextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a ReadTextBuffer.
 class TextBufferDecorator
          The TextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a TextBuffer.


Fields in oracle.javatools.buffer declared as ReadTextBuffer
protected  ReadTextBuffer ReadTextBufferDecorator._rbuffer
          The delegate ReadTextBuffer.


Methods in oracle.javatools.buffer that return ReadTextBuffer
static ReadTextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createReadTextBuffer(char[] dataSource)
          Creates a ReadTextBuffer wrapper implementation for the given String data source so that it can be used with other classes that accept a ReadTextBuffer such as the parser package.
static ReadTextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createReadTextBuffer(java.lang.String dataSource)
          Creates a ReadTextBuffer wrapper implementation for the given String data source so that it can be used with other classes that accept a ReadTextBuffer such as the parser package.


Methods in oracle.javatools.buffer with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static java.text.CharacterIterator TextBufferFactory.createCharacterIterator(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Constructs a new CharacterIterator wrapper for the given text buffer instance so that the buffer can be used with a BreakIterator in the java.text package.
static TextBufferFactory.createReader(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Constructs a new Reader wrapper for the given text buffer instance so that the buffer can be read using the Reader API.
static TextBufferFactory.createReader(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer, int startOffset)
          Constructs a new Reader wrapper for the given text buffer instance so that the buffer can be read using the Reader API.
static LineMap Util.lineMap(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a line map for the specified text buffer.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.buffer with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
ReadTextBufferDecorator(ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Constructs the decorator for the delegate buffer.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor.language


Classes in oracle.javatools.editor.language that implement ReadTextBuffer
 class HistoryReadTextBuffer
          The HistoryReadTextBuffer is a decorator around a ReadTextBuffer to aid in damage calculations by allowing a client to examine a single prior version of the ReadTextBuffer if the document event representating the change is available.


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language that return ReadTextBuffer
protected  ReadTextBuffer DefaultWordLocator.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer to which this locator is bound.


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static HistoryReadTextBuffer HistoryReadTextBuffer.acquireReadTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer buffer, BasicDocumentEvent event)
          Acquire a shared (reused) wrapper text buffer for use.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser


Fields in oracle.javatools.parser declared as ReadTextBuffer
protected  ReadTextBuffer AbstractLexer.textBuffer
          The underlying text buffer we are lexing.


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser that return ReadTextBuffer
 ReadTextBuffer Lexer.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer that is being used by this Lexer.
 ReadTextBuffer AbstractLexer.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer that is being used by this Lexer.


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
 void AbstractSyntaxRecognizer.initialize(ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Initializes the SyntaxRecognizer with a preferred lexer.
 void AbstractSyntaxRecognizer.initialize(ReadTextBuffer buffer, int startOffset)
          Initializes the SyntaxRecognizer with a preferred lexer to start at the given start offset.
 void Lexer.setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Sets the text buffer that is to be used by this Lexer.
 void AbstractLexer.setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Sets the text buffer that is to be used by this Lexer.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser.generic


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.generic with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
 int BraceHelper.getBraceIndex(ReadTextBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Fetches the index of the brace at the specified location in the buffer.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in


Methods in with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static JavaFile JavaParser.lightParse(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer, url, JavaProvider javaProvider, int j2se)
          Parse the textBuffer and return a "light" sourceFile where all the method bodies were skipped In general this method should NOT be called directly.
static SourceFile JavaParser.parse(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Parses the given text buffer with default options.
static SourceFile JavaParser.parse(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer, int j2se)
          Parses the given text buffer with default options.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in


Fields in declared as ReadTextBuffer
protected  ReadTextBuffer SignatureParser.buffer
          The underlying text buffer.


Constructors in with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
SignatureParser(ReadTextBuffer buffer)


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in


Methods in with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static LexerLiteral LexerLiteral.scanConstant(LexerToken lexerToken, ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
 void ArrayedLexer.setTextBuffer(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static PlsqlRoot PlsqlParser.parse(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer, PlsqlParser.ParsingOptions options)
static PlsqlRoot PlsqlParser.parsePlsql(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Parses the input as INPUT_PLS_SRC.
static PlsqlRoot PlsqlParser.parseSql(ReadTextBuffer textBuffer)
          Parses the input as INPUT_SQL_QCPI.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
static RootSymbol PlsqlParser.parse(ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Parses according to default parsing options.
static ErrorReporter PlsqlParser.parse(ReadTextBuffer buffer, PlsqlParser.ParsingOptions options)
          Parses according to the specified parsing options.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.plsql.old.symbol with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
 void PlsqlSymbolFactory.finishSymbol(PlsqlSymbol symbol, ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Finishes a symbol's setup by looking at the symbol's syntax code and doing the appropriate wiring.
 void PlsqlSymbolFactory.finishSymbol(PlsqlSymbol symbol, SyntaxToken token, ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Finishes a symbol's setup by looking at the symbol's syntax code and doing the appropriate wiring.
 boolean PlsqlSymbolFactory.forceFinishSymbol(PlsqlSymbol symbol, int endOffset, ReadTextBuffer buffer)
          Attempts to finish a symbol.


Uses of ReadTextBuffer in oracle.javatools.parser.util


Methods in oracle.javatools.parser.util with parameters of type ReadTextBuffer
 int KeywordTable.lookupKeyword(ReadTextBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset, int precomputedHash)
          Lookup the given keyword marked by the given start and end offset in the ReadTextBuffer, and return the matching token value, or Lexer.TK_NOT_FOUND if there is no such keyword in the table.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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