Chapter 3. Installing Oracle NoSQL Database

Table of Contents

Installation Prerequisites
Installation Configuration

This chapter describes the installation process for Oracle NoSQL Database in a multi-host environment. If you are planning a large system for production use, please read Initial Capacity Planning to estimate the number of storage nodes on which you will need to install the software. For simple uses when you already know the storage nodes you intend to use, simply follow the instructions below and Oracle NoSQL Database will make the best use of the storage nodes you provide.

Installation Prerequisites

Make sure that you have Java SE 6 (JDK 1.6.0 u25) or later installed on all of the hosts that you are going to use for the Oracle NoSQL Database installation. The command:

java -version

can be used to verify this.

Only Linux and Solaris 10 are officially supported platforms for Oracle NoSQL Database. It may be that platforms other than Linux or Solaris 10 could work for your deployment. However, Oracle does not test Oracle NoSQL Database on platforms other than Linux and Solaris 10, and so makes no claims as to the suitability of other platforms for Oracle NoSQL Database deployments.

In addition, it is preferable that virtual machines not be used for any of the Oracle NoSQL Database nodes. This is because the usage of virtual machines makes it difficult to characterize Oracle NoSQL Database performance. For best results, run the Oracle NoSQL Database nodes natively (that is, without VMs) on Linux or Solaris 10 platforms.

You do not necessarily need root access on each node for the installation process.

Finally, make sure that some sort of reliable clock synchronization is running on each of the machines. Generally, a synchronization delta of less than half a second is required. ntp is sufficient for this purpose.