78 Set Up Company Information

This chapter contains this topic:

78.1 Setting Up Company Information


From Accounts Payable (G04), enter 29

From Accounts Payable Setup (G0441), choose Automatic Payment Setup

From Automatic Payment Setup (G04411), choose Company Information

Set up company information if you produce payments by company, or if you want to print your company name on checks.

This program creates records in the Company Constants table (F0010).

To set up company information for A/P

On Company Information

Figure 78-1 Company Information screen

Description of Figure 78-1 follows
Description of "Figure 78-1 Company Information screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Company

  • Print Company Name

  • Signature Block (optional)

  • Alternate Company Name (optional)

Field Explanation
Print Company Name This data item is used in A/P payment processing to print the company name on checks. Valid values are:

0 – Print the company name on the checks (default)

1 – Do not print the company name

2 – Print programs

If you leave this field blank, the system uses 0.

Signature Block Denotes the title of the authorized payor whose signature appears on the check.

For future use.

Alternate Company Name This data item represents the alternative company description that can be printed on the checks.

For future use.