
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


1099 A/P Worktable (F045143), 58.1
1099 G/L Worktable (F045141), 58.1
comparison of methods, 58.1
G/L method vs. A/P ledger method, 58.1
reviewing company information, 57.2.2
reviewing supplier information, 57.2.1
W-9 Exception report, 57.3.1
W-9 with Tax ID report, 57.3.3


About 1099s, 56.2
About AAIs, 66.1
About AAIs for A/P, 67.1
About A/P batch control, 6.2
About A/P integrity and ’as of’ reports, 53.2
About A/P matching document type codes,
About A/P standard and analytical reports, 50.2
About A/P system setup, 60.2
About A/P tax setup, 80.2
About automatic payment processing, 25.2
About automatic payment setup, 73.2
About cash forecasting, 81.2
About default AAIs, 66.2
About document type codes for A/P, 69.2.1
About G/L date warnings, 7.1
About manual payments, 37.2
About other voucher entry methods, 19.2
About payee control, 88.2
About payment status codes, 69.2.2
About payment terms codes, 65.2.1
About Payment Terms Codes, 65.2.1
About supplier information, 2.2
About supplier ledger and payment information, 47.2
About technical processes, 92.1
About the A/P post process, 14.1
About two-cycle entry, 6.3
About user defined codes for A/P, 69.1
About voucher document type codes,
About voucher processing, 5.2
Account Description
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
Account Number
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
Account numbering
concepts, 1.4
Accounts payable
Accounts Payable Constants form, 6.1, 61.1.1
A/P Annual Close report, 93.2
A/P Batch Detail form, 85.2
A/P cash forecasting, 81.2
A/P Ledger table (F0411), B.2.3
A/P Payment Control Group table (F04571), 28.1.1
A/P Payment Detail table (F04573), 28.1.1
A/P Payment Header table (F04572), 28.1.1
A/P Payment Tape table (F0457), 30.5
A/P Payments - Sequence ID Update, 75.1
AR and AP Journal Entries form, 8.1.1
Batch Voucher Processing program (P04110Z), C.1
features, 1.3
menu overview, 1.5
multi-national functionality, 1.3.3
overview, 1
Produce Bank Tape program (P04572T), 30.5
relationship to procurement system, F.1
system integration, 1.2
tables and descriptions, 1.4.3
tax setup, 80.2
Accounts payable reports, 50.2
Accounts receivable
AR and AP Journal Entries form, 8.1.1
A/R Ledger table (F0311), B.2.3
ACH ODFI/RDFI Info Window (P0030), 34.3
Activity rules, F.5.1
Adding cross-references for A/P, 79.2
Adding text to vouchers, 8.5
Adding vouchers to batches, 85.2
Additional address book information
entering, 3.1.2
Additional information
address book, 3.1.2, 3.1.2
Additional Selections form, 27.2, 48.2, 49.2
Address Book
Address Book Exception report, 79.3.2
Address Book Additional Information form, 3.1.2
Address book records
entering additional information, 3.1.2
Address by Date table (F0116), 3.1
Advanced Payment Term Revision, 65.6.2
Aging Days
Aging vocabulary codes, 69.2.5
Alpha Name
defined, 3.1.2, 4.1
Alternate Company Name
defined, 78.1
defined, 12.1, 16.2
Amount Applied
defined, 38.2
Amount Currency
defined, 3.1.3
Amount From
defined, 30.2
Amount Range From
defined, 49.2
Amount Through
defined, 30.2
A/P Netting
overview, 41.1
payables and receivables, 42
stand-alone mode, 42.2.3
voiding net transaction, 42.2.7
voiding payments, 42.2.7
A/P to G/L by Offset Account Report, 54.3.3
Approval control revisions, 64.3
Approval Processing, 18, 64
approver maintenance, 18.3.2
approving vouchers, 18.3
control revisions, 64.3
Global Update of Approver (P04840), 18.3.2
set voucher flag, 64.6
defined, 13.2
Approver Number
defined, 3.1.3
Approving and posting automatic payments, 32.1
Approving and posting manual payments, 39.1
Approving automatic payments for posting, 32.2
Approving manual payments for posting, 39.2
Approving voucher batches, 13.2
AR and AP Journal Entries form, 20.4
A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table (F03465), 43.2
As of
As Of A/P Ledger worktable (F0411A), 55.1
As Of A/P Matching Document Detail worktable (F0414A), 55.1
As Of A/P Matching Document worktable (F0413A), 55.1
voucher category codes to data dictionary items, 71.1
Assigning model journal entries to suppliers, 3.1.4
Assigning payment instruments to suppliers, 76.4
Attachment Program
defined, 76.2
setting up, 76.1
Auto Reset
defined, 72.1.1
Automated Clearing House transactions, 34.1.2
Automatic accounting instructions
Automatic Accounting Instructions form, 59.2, 68.1.2
Automatic Accounting Instructions Master table (F0012), 66.1
defaults, 66.2
discounts available accounts (PKD), 10.2.2, 10.5.1, 67.2.3
discounts lost accounts (PKL), 10.2.2, 10.5.1, 67.2.3
Drafts payable (PD), 46.1
form 1099-DIV (PX1), 59.1
form 1099-INT (PX6), 59.1
form 1099-MISC (PXA), 59.1
locating and changing, 68.1.2
Multiple AAI Revisions form, 59.2, 68.1.3
payables class accounts (PC), 14.1.3
payables tax accounts (PT), 10.4.1, 14.1.3
search sequence, 66.3
setting up, 68.1.3
Single AAI Revisions form, 59.2, 68.1.3
voucher logging - expense accounts (PP), 67.2.6
voucher logging - trade accounts (PQ), 67.2.7
Automatic payment
revising multiple vouchers, 27.3.3
Automatic payment setup
CTX bank tape format, 74.1
setting up bank accounts, 74.1
Automatic payments
additional search criteria for, 27.3.3
Address Book Exception report, 79.3.2
approving, 32.2
BACS, 34
bank account cross-references, 79.2
Bank Account Exception report, 79.3.1
bank tapes, 30.5
changing payment value dates, 29.6.4
changing unprocessed payments, 29.6
debit balances, 29.6.1
decreasing discounts, 29.6.3
EFT payments, 33.3.1
multi-currency, 28.2.1
next status, 30.2
overview, 25.2
Payment Analysis report, 29.2
payment control group information, 29.6.7
Payment Group Controls form, 29.6.7
Payment Group Edit report, 28.1.1
payment groups
creating, 28.1.1
posting, 32.3
removing processed payments, 30.4
resetting processing, 30.3
Review Payment Group - Write form, 29.5, 30.2
Review Voucher Detail form, 29.5
reviewing vouchers, 29.5
setting up payment instruments, 76.2
splitting payments, 29.6.2
Void Payment Entry form, 35.1.1
voiding, 30.3
Work with Payment Groups form, 29.3, 30.2
Write Payments form, 30.2
writing, 30.2


Backup withholding, 26.1
bank account set up, 34.2.1
payment instruments, 34.2.2
payment processing, 34.4
set up, 34.2.1
supplier master, 34.2.3
BACS payments, 34
setting up, 76.2.1
Bank Account Cross Reference form, 79.2
Bank Account Exception report, 79.3.1, 79.3.1
Bank Account Information form, 74.1.1
Bank Accounts by Address form, 3.1.4
Bank Transit Number Master table (F0030), 3.1, 79.3
setting up account cross-references, 79.2
setting up bank account information, 74.1
tapes, 30.5
Bank Account Address (P00302), 34.3
Bank Account Information
BACS, 34.2.1
processing options, 74.1.3
Bank file
positive pay, 36.3
Bank tape
positive pay, 36.4
Bank tape format
CTX, 74.1
Bank Transit
defined, 30.2
Bank Transit Number Master File (F0030), 34.3
Banks Automated Clearing System
payment processing, 34.1.1
Batch Control Required
defined, 61.1.1
Batch Date From
defined, 13.1
Batch Date Thru
defined, 13.1
Batch Number
defined, 13.1, 84.1
Batch Status
defined, 13.1
Batch Voucher Revisions form, 85.2
Batch vouchers
correcting and changing, 86.3
entering transaction information, 85.2
posting, 86.4
processing, 83.2
reviewing detail, 84.2, 84.2
revising unprocessed, 85.4
submitting for processing, 86.1
verifying information, 86.2
Accounts Payable Constants form, 6.1
adding vouchers, 13.1.3
amounts, 13.1.3
approving, 13.2
Batch Control table (F0011), 6.1
Batch File Entry Exceptions report, 86.2
Batch Voucher Entry form, 84.2, 84.2
control, 6.1
Open Architecture Batch Review form, 84.1
posting, 15.2
preventing posting, 13.2.1
reviewing voucher detail, 13.1
revising, 13.1.3
security, 13.1.1
setting up batch approval, 61.1.1
setting up batch control, 61.1.1
setting up batch input processing, C.1
totals, 13.1.1
Automatic Payments (K), 25.2.1
Manual with Match (M), 37.2.3
Manual without Match (W), 37.2.3
Build the Netting Report Workfile (P03465), 43.2
Business Unit
defined, 68.1.3
Business units
Business Unit Information form, 77.1


withholding, 26.2
Case study
training, 1.6
Cash management
cash forecasting, 81.2
Cash Requirements report, 27.1
Open A/P Detail report, 51.2
Open A/P Summary report, 51.1
Open A/P with Foreign Amounts report, 51.3
Receivables/Payables Netting report, 52.4
Recurring Voucher report, 21.3
Cash Requirements report, 27.1
Changing a voucher from procurement system, F.1
Character Code
defined, 70.1
Chart of accounts
example, 1.6.2
Check Digit
defined, 72.1.1
Check Float Days
defined, 3.1.3
Checking or Savings
defined, 79.2
defined, 3.1.4
Choosing a 1099 method, 58.1
Commitments, F.5.2.1
Company Information form, 78.1
Company structure
example, 1.6.1
Company/business unit defaults, 3.2
supplier master, 3.2
Constants, approvals for A/P, 64.2
Constants, setting up for A/P, 64.2
Control Digit
defined, 3.1.4
batches, 6.1
vouchers, 6.3
Copy to Tape form, 30.5
Copy to Tape program (P0457), 30.5
vouchers, 8.4
Copying payments to tape, 30.5
Copying vouchers, 8.4
Correcting YTD voucher amounts, 93.2
landed, F.5.2.2
last-in, F.5.2.3
standard, F.5.2.5
weighted average, F.5.2.4
Create B from G Recs F0030 program (P0030QD3), 34.3
Create Payment Groups (P04570) program, 26.2.3
Creating a model for a basic journal entry, 11.2
Creating the A/R and A/P Netting Workfile table, 43.2
Credit Message
defined, 3.1.3
CTX bank tape format, 74.1
defined, 3.1.3
Currency Code
defined, 10.5.1, 27.2, 48.2
Currency Codes table, B.2.2
Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015), 10.5


Data sequence, 75.1
Date From
defined, 48.2
editing, 7.1
generating as of date tables, 55.1
generating as of reports, 55.2
Days to Pay Aging
defined, 65.2.1
Debit memos
entering, 10.3
Debit statements
setting up, 76.5
Decreasing discount amounts, 29.6.3
Default Expense Account
defined, 3.1.3
Defining formats of payment instruments, 76.3
model journal entries, 11.2.1
unposted payments, 35.1.2
defined, 65.2.1, 70.1
Determining cash requirements, 27.1
Discount Available
defined, 10.2.2
Discount Days
defined, 65.2.1
Discount Percent
defined, 65.2.1
Discount Taken
defined, 29.6.3
Discounts, 10.2
AAI for discounts available accounts, 67.2.3
AAI for discounts lost accounts, 67.2.3
allocating, 27.5.1
changing, 10.2.3
decreasing, 29.6.3
multi-tiered, 65.8
Document Company
defined, 72.1.1
Document types
Automatic Entry (AE), 14.1.3
Automatic Payment (PK), 25.2.1
Change to Posted Entry (PE), 16.2, 35.1.1
Debit Memo (PD), 10.3.1
Drafts (P1), 25.2.1, 37.2.3
Electronic Funds Transfer (PT), 25.2.1
Foreign Currency Revaluation (JX), B.2.4
Manual Payment (PN), 37.2.3
Manual Voucher (PM), 37.2.3
matching documents,
original documents,
Recurring Voucher (PR), 25.2.1, 37.2.3
Voided Payment (PO), 35.1.1
Voucher (PV), 25.2.1, 37.2.3
Voucher Document Types form, 70.1
Voucher Logging (PL), 25.2.1, 37.2.3
about, 44.2
document type codes, 44.2.3
Draft Inquiry/Selection form, 45.1
setup, 44.2.1
DREAM Writer
Processing Options Revisions form, 76.3
Versions List form, 76.3
Due Date Range Setup form, 65.4
Due date rule
multi-tiered discounts, 65.8.1
Due Date Rule Revision form, 65.4
Duplicate Invoice Number Edit


EFT payments
automatic payment processing, 33.3.1
manual processing, 33.3.3
processing, 33
set up, 33.2
Electronic data interchange (EDI), F.3.6
Electronic Fund Transfer
processing payments, 33
Electronic funds transfers
A/P Payment Tape table (F0457), 30.5
bank tapes, 30.5
Copy to Tape form, 30.5
copying to tape, 30.5
Encumbrances, F.5.2.1
additional address book information, 3.1.2
journal entry based on a model, 11.3
logged vouchers, 20.3
standard vouchers, 8.1
vouchers for multiple companies, 23.1
Entering debit memos, 10.3
Entering manual payments for existing vouchers, 38.2
Entering manual payments without existing vouchers (speed method), 38.4
Entering manual payments without existing vouchers (standard method), 38.3
Entering multi-currency vouchers, 10.5
Entering multiple vouchers for a single supplier, 24.1.2
Entering multiple vouchers for multiple suppliers, 24.1.2
Entering multiple vouchers for suppliers, 24.1
Entering other types of vouchers, 10
Entering prepaid vouchers, 22.1
Entering recurring vouchers, 21.2
Entering speed vouchers, 12.1
Entering split payment vouchers, 10.1
Entering suppliers, 3.1
Entering vouchers with discounts, 10.2
entering amount,
using payment terms,
Entering vouchers with taxes, 10.4
Exchange Rate
defined, 10.5.1, 38.2
Excluding debit balances, 29.6.1


Factor/Special Payee
defined, 3.1.3
accounts payable, 1.3
Account Description, 3.1.4, 79.2
Account Number, 3.1.4, 79.2
Aging Days,
Alpha Name, 3.1.2, 4.1
Alternate Company Name, 78.1
Amount, 12.1, 16.2
Amount Applied, 38.2
Amount Currency, 3.1.3
Amount From, 30.2
Amount Range From, 49.2
Amount Through, 30.2
Approved, 13.2
Approver Number, 3.1.3
Attachment Program, 76.2
Auto Reset, 72.1.1
Bank Transit, 30.2
Batch Control Required, 61.1.1
Batch Date From, 13.1
Batch Date Thru, 13.1
Batch Number, 13.1, 84.1
Batch Status, 13.1
Business Unit, 68.1.3
Character Code, 70.1
Check Digit, 72.1.1
Check Float Days, 3.1.3
Checking or Savings, 79.2
Checking/Savings, 3.1.4
Control Digit, 3.1.4
Credit Message, 3.1.3
Currency, 3.1.3
Currency Code, 10.5.1, 27.2, 48.2
Date From, 48.2
Days to Pay Aging, 65.2.1
Default Expense Account, 3.1.3
Denominated In Currency, B.2.5
Description, 65.2.1, 70.1
Discount Available, 10.2.2
Discount Days, 65.2.1
Discount Percent, 65.2.1
Discount Taken, 29.6.3
Document Company, 72.1.1
Duplicate Invoice Number Edit,
Exchange Rate, 10.5.1, 38.2
Factor/Special Payee, 3.1.3
Fiscal Year, 72.1.1
From Date, 84.1
G/L Class, 3.1.3
Gross Amount, 29.5, 29.6.2, 38.3
Hold Payment, 3.1.3
Imbed Digits, 72.1.1
Item Number, 68.1.3
Journal Entries Balanced, 13.1.3
Ledger Inquiry Sequence, 3.1.3, 48.2
Long Address Number, 3.1.2
Mailing Address,
Mailing Name, 3.1.2
Manager Approval of Input, 61.1.1,,
Mode, 10.5.1
Model JE Type/Document/Company, 3.1.4
Multiple Checks, 3.1.3
Net Days to Pay, 65.2.1
Next Number, 72.1.1
Next Number Constant, 72.1.1
Next Payment, 30.2
Next Status, 29.3
Number of Payments, 21.2
Number of Split Payments, 65.2.1
Object Account, 68.1.3
Offset Method, 61.1.1
Option, 68.1.3
Originating Currency, B.2.5
Originator, 29.3
Paid, 48.2, 48.5
Parent Number, 3.1.3
Pay Status Code, 45.1
Pay Status-From, 27.4
Payment - G/L Date, 38.2
Payment Amount, 38.2
Payment G/L Date, 30.2
Payment Instrument, 3.1.3
Payment Terms, 3.1.3, 65.2.1
Print Company Name, 78.1
Print Payment, 38.2
Print Queue, 29.3
Processed, 84.1
Proximate Date Day, 65.2.1
Proximate Date Month, 65.2.1
Recurring Frequency, 21.2
Reference/Roll Number, 3.1.4, 79.2
Register Program, 76.2
Reverse or Void (R/V, 16.2
Routing/Transit, 3.1.4, 79.2
Same As Document Type, 72.1.1
Search Type, 4.1
Sequence (A/D), 75.1
Sequence ID, 75.1
Service/Tax Date, 10.4.1
Signature Block, 78.1
Skip to Sequence Number, 68.1.2
Subsidiary, 68.1.3
Supplier Number, 3.1.2
SWIFT Code, 3.1.4, 79.2
System Code, 72.1.1
Tax Amount, 10.4.1
Tax Explanation 2, 3.1.3
Tax Rate/Area, 3.1.3
Taxable Amount, 10.4.1
Thru Date, 48.2, 84.1
Total Inquiry Amount, 27.2
Transaction Number, 84.1
Type, 3.1.4, 79.2
Type Code,
User ID, 84.1
Value Date, 29.6.4
Version, 29.3
Write Program, 76.2
Write/Update, 29.3
Fiscal Year
defined, 72.1.1
Forecasting A/P cash flow, 82.1
Journal Entry Prompt, 20.3
Accounts Payable Constants, 6.1, 61.1.1
Additional Selections, 27.2, 48.2, 49.2
Address Book Additional Information, 3.1.2
Advanced Payment Term Revision, 65.6.2
A/P Batch Detail, 85.2
A/P Payments - Sequence ID Update, 75.1
AR and AP Journal Entries, 8.1.1, 20.4
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 59.2, 68.1.2
Bank Account Cross Reference, 79.2
Bank Account Information, 74.1.1
Batch Voucher Entry, 84.2
Batch Voucher Revisions, 85.2
Business Unit Information, 77.1
Company Information, 78.1
Copy to Tape, 30.5
Date Range Setup, 65.4
Draft Inquiry/Selection, 45.1
Due Date Rule Revision, 65.4
Enter Vouchers - G/L Distribution, 11.3
Installment Payment Revisions, 65.7
Journal Entry, 11.2, 11.2.1
Journal Entry Batch Detail, 85.2
Multi Company-Single Supplier, 23.1.1
Multi Voucher-Multi Supplier, 24.1.2
Multi Voucher-Single Supplier, 24.1.2
Multiple AAI Revisions, 59.2, 68.1.3
Next Numbers, 72.1.1
Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal, 72.1.1
Open Architecture Batch Review, 84.1
Payment Group Controls, 29.6.7
Payment Instrument Defaults, 76.2
Payment Terms, 65.2.1
Payment Terms Revisions, 65.2.1
Payment With Voucher Match, 38.2
Payment Without Voucher Match, 38.3
Prepayment Voucher Entry, 22.1.2
Processed Voucher Summary, 24.1.2
Processing Options Revisions, 76.3
Recurring Voucher Inquiry, 21.4
Remittance Detail, 48.5, 49.5
Review Payment Groups - Write, 29.5, 30.2
Review Voucher Detail, 29.5
Sequence Review, 75.1
Single AAI Revisions, 59.2, 68.1.3
Speed Payment Entry, 38.4
Speed Release, 27.2
Speed Release Pay Item Split, 27.5
Speed Voucher Entry, 12.1
Standard Voucher Entry, 8.1.1, 10.1
Supplier Information, 93.3.1
Supplier Ledger Information, 48.3.1, 48.3.1
Supplier Ledger Inquiry, 48.2
Supplier Master Information, 3
Supplier Payment Inquiry, 49.2, 49.2
Tax Authorities, 26.1
Versions List, 76.3
Void Payment Entry, 35.1.1
Voucher Document Types, 70.1
Voucher Entry Journal Review, 13.1.2
Voucher JE Redistribution, 20.4
Voucher Journal Review, 13.1
Voucher Remittance, 48.5
Work Day Calendar, 65.5
Work with Payment Groups, 29.3, 30.2
Write Payments, 30.2
From Date
defined, 84.1


General Ledger Journal report, 14.2.3
General Ledger Post, 14.2.2
Generating the date table, 55.1
Generic text
adding to vouchers, 8.5
G/L accounts
Account Balances table, B.2.3
Account Balances table (F0902), B.2.5
Account Ledger table (F0911), B.2.3
Receivables/Payables Netting report, 52.4
resolving out of balance, 54.4
Supplier Totals by G/L Account report, 52.6
G/L Class
defined, 3.1.3
G/L date editing messages, 7.1
Gross Amount
defined, 29.5, 29.6.2, 38.3
Grouping vouchers for payment, 28.1


Hash totals, 13.1.2
Hold Payment
defined, 3.1.3


IAT payment processing, 34.1.2
IAT processing set up, 34.3
IBAN number
tape file, 33.2.2
Imbed Digits
defined, 72.1.1
Installment Payment Revsions, 65.7
International ACH Transaction, 34.1.2
Item Balances table, B.2.3
Item Number
defined, 68.1.3


Journal entries
AR and AP Journal Entries form, 8.1.1
automatic offsets, 14.1.3
Balancing report, 15.3.4
changing a model, 11.2.1
creating models, 11.2
deleting a model, 11.2.1
Journal Entry Batch Detail form, 85.2
Journal Entry form, 11.2
Journal Entry Prompt form, 20.3
locating a model, 11.2.1, 11.3
models, 11.1
multiple copies, 8.4.1
reviewing, 49.4
vouchers, 38.3
Journal Entries Balanced
defined, 13.1.3
Journal Entry form, 11.2.1


Landed costs, F.5.2.2
Last-in cost, F.5.2.3
Ledger Inquiry Sequence
defined, 3.1.3, 48.2
Ledger types
Account Ledger Units (AU), B.2.1
Budget Ledger Units (BU), B.2.1
using currency codes with, B.2.2
supplier information, 48.3.1, 48.3.1
Line types, F.5.1
model journal entries, 11.2.1
Locating manual payments, 38.5
Locating payments, 49.2
Locating suppliers, 4.1
Locating vouchers, 8.2, 48.2
Locating vouchers with SQL, D.1
Logged vouchers, 19.2.2
entering, 20.3
Logging vouchers
AAI for voucher logging - expense accounts, 67.2.6
AAI for voucher logging - trade accounts, 67.2.7
Journal Entry Prompt form, 20.3
redistributing logged vouchers, 20.4
Voucher JE Redistribution form, 20.4
Voucher Logging Entry form, 20.3
Long Address Number
defined, 3.1.2


Mailing Address
Mailing Name
defined, 3.1.2
Manager Approval of Input
defined, 61.1.1,,
Manual Payment with Voucher Match
netting payments, 42.2.6
Manual payments
approving, 39.2
deleting unposted payments, 38.8.1
locating, 38.5
overview, 37.2
posting, 39.3
regular and speed methods compared, 37.2.2
reviewing, 39.2.1
revising posted payments, 38.8
revising unposted payments, 38.7
speed payments, 38.4
Speed Payment Entry form, 38.4
with existing vouchers, 38.2
batch types, 37.2.3
document types, 37.2.3
Payment With Voucher Match form, 38.2
without existing vouchers, 38.3
batch types, 37.2.3
document types, 37.2.3
Payment Without Voucher Match form, 38.3
Matching documents,
adding to vouchers, 8.5
environments in procurement, F.4.2
overview, 1.5
Menu flows
for non-stock based procurement, F.6
for services/expenditures based procurement, F.6
for stock based procurement, F.6
date errors, 7.1
PACO (Post After Cut Off), 7.1.1
PBCO (Post Before Cut Off), 7.1.1
PYEB (Prior Year End Balance), 7.1.1
WACO (Way After Cut Off), 7.1.1
defined, 10.5.1
Model JE Type/Document/Company
defined, 3.1.4
Model journal entries, 11.1
changing, 11.2.1
deleting, 11.2.1
Multi Company-Single Supplier form, 23.1.1
Multi Voucher-Multi Supplier form, 24.1.2
Multi Voucher-Single Supplier form, 24.1.2
Multi-currency, 3.1.1
AAI search sequence,
automatic payments, 28.2.1
batch total example, 13.1.2
Currency Codes table, B.2.2
Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015), 10.5
decimals, B.1
entering vouchers, 10.5
gain/loss, 10.5
mixing currencies, 13.1.1
monetary accounts, 27.3.2, B.2.4
supplier currency, 3
Multiple AAI Revisions form, 59.2, 68.1.3
Multiple bank accounts
Supplier Master,
Multiple Checks
defined, 3.1.3
Multiple company vouchers
entering, 23.1
Multi Company-Single Supplier form, 23.1.1
Multiple supplier vouchers
entering for a single supplier, 24.1.2, 24.1.2
entering for multiple suppliers, 24.1.2
Multi Voucher-Multi Supplier form, 24.1.2
Multi Voucher-Single Supplier form, 24.1.2
Processed Voucher Summary form, 24.1.2
Multi-tiered discounts
due date rule, 65.8.1
setup, 65.8
updating, 65.8.4


Net Days to Pay
defined, 65.2.1
A/P and A/R, 41.1
Manual Payments with Voucher Match, 42.2.6
Netting - Aging report, 43.3
Netting Aging report, 43.1
payables and receivables, 42
stand-alone mode, 42.2.3
Netting - Aging Report (P03466), 43.3
Next Number
defined, 72.1.1
Next Number Constant
defined, 72.1.1
Next numbers
Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal form, 72.1.1
Next Numbers form, 72.1.1
reviewing, 72.1.1
setting up
by company/fiscal year, 72.1.1
standard next numbers, 72.1.1
Next Payment
defined, 30.2
Next Status
defined, 29.3
Number of Payments
defined, 21.2
Number of Split Payments
defined, 65.2.1


Object Account
defined, 68.1.3
Offset Method
defined, 61.1.1
automatic, 14.1.3
potential A/R - A/P, 52.4
setting up method, 61.1.1
Open A/P Detail report, 26.4, 51.2
as of, 55.2
Open A/P Summary report, 51.1
as of, 55.2
Open A/P with Foreign Amounts report, 51.3
defined, 68.1.3
Order activity rules, F.2
See Activity rules
Order line types, F.2
See Line types
Orders, F.2
Original documents,
defined, 29.3
accounts payable, 1
procurement for accounts payable, F
to processing orders, F.5


Voucher Category Codes, 71.1.2
defined, 48.2, 48.5
Parent Number
defined, 3.1.3
Pay Status Code
defined, 45.1
Pay Status-From
defined, 27.4
Payee control
setting up, 62.1
Payee Control table (F0450), 88.2
changing, 27.3.2
withheld amounts, 26.3
setting up instruments, 76.1
Payment - G/L Date
defined, 38.2
Payment Amount
defined, 38.2
Payment G/L Date
defined, 30.2
Payment Group Edit report, 28.2
Payment Instrument
defined, 3.1.3
Payment instruments
BACS, 34.2.2
Payment Instrument Defaults form, 76.2
setting up, 76.1, 76.2
Payment Number
defined, 38.2
Payment processing
BACS, 34.4
EFT, 33, 33.3.3
payment terms
multi-tiered discounts, 65.8
Payment terms
advanced payments, 65.3
changing, 10.2.3
due date rules, 65.4
installment payments, 65.7
Payment Terms form, 65.2.1
Payment Terms Revisions form, 65.2.1
Payment Terms table (F0014), 65.2
setting up due upon receipt terms, 65.2.1
setting up net terms, 65.2.1
setting up net terms with discounts, 65.2.1
setting up proximate date terms, 65.2.1
setting up split payment terms, 65.2.1
verifying installment payments, 65.7.1
work day calendars, 65.5
Payment Terms
defined, 3.1.3, 65.2.1
batch types, 25.2.1, 37.2.3
deleting, 35.1.2, 49.3.1
document types, 25.2.1, 37.2.3
drafts, 45.1
duplicates, 52.3
excluding debit balances, 29.6.1
locating, 49.2
Payment Details report, 52.1
Payment Group Controls form, 29.6.7
Payment instrument codes, 69.2.3
Payment Journal report, 39.2.2
Payment Register, 52.2
Payment status codes, 69.2.2
Payment With Voucher Match form, 38.2
Payment Without Voucher Match form, 38.3
reviewing by supplier, 49.3
speed, 38.4
splitting voucher payments, 10.1, 27.5, 29.6.2
Suspected Duplicate Payments report, 52.3
value dates (drafts), 29.6.4
voiding, 35.1.1
voucher detail for supplier, 52.1
Positive pay
about, 36
bank file, 36.3
bank file fields, 36.5.2
bank tape, 36.4
workfile, 36.2
automatic payments, 32.3
Batch Edit report, 15.3.2
Edit Report, 15.3.1
Journal report, 15.3.3
manual payments, 39.3
out-of-balance batches, 6.2.3
preventing, 13.2.1
verifying, 15.3
vouchers, 14.1, 15.2
Posting automatic payments, 32.3
Posting batch vouchers, 86.4
Posting batches of vouchers, 15.2
Posting Edit Report, 14.2.4
Posting manual payments, 39.3
Posting outstanding A/P drafts, 46.1
Posting programs, 14.2
Posting reports, 14.2
Posting vouchers, 15
Prepaid vouchers, 19.2.4
Prepayment Voucher Entry form, 22.1.2
Preparing vouchers for payment, 27
Prepayment Voucher Entry form, 22.1.2
Print Company Name
defined, 78.1
Print Payment
defined, 38.2
Print Queue
defined, 29.3
Printing A/P ’as of’ reports, 55
Printing A/P analytical reports, 52
Printing A/P standard reports, 51
Printing changes to controlled data, 90.1
Printing netting reports, 43.1
Printing open A/P detail reports, 51.2
Printing open A/P reports with foreign amounts, 51.3
Printing open A/P summary reports, 51.1
Printing payment detail reports, 52.1
Printing payment registers, 52.2
Printing purchase receivers, F.5.1
Printing receivables/payables netting reports, 52.4
Printing supplier analysis reports, 52.5
Printing supplier totals by G/L account reports, 52.6
Printing suspected duplicate payments reports, 52.3
Printing the address book exception report, 79.3.2
Printing the bank account exception report, 79.3.1
Printing the Netting - Aging report, 43.3
Printing the Payment Analysis Report, 29.2
Printing the payment journal, 39.2.2
Printing voucher journals, 17.1
defined, 84.1
Processed Voucher Summary form, 24.1.2
Processing A/P integrity reports, 54.1
Processing options
Bank Account Information, 74.1.3
Processing Options Revisions form, 76.3
Procurement for accounts payable, F
Procurement system
accounts payable relationship, F.1
features, terms, and concepts, F.4
purchasing methods, F.4.1
Program ID
P0016, 8.5
P010513 (address book additional information), 3.1.2
P09101, 11.2.1
Program IDs
P0001Z - Batch Entry Review, 84.1
P0002 - Next Number Revisions, 72.1.1
P00021 - Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year, 72.1.1
P00051 - User Defined Codes, 70.1
P000904 - A/P Constants Revisions, 6.1, 61.1.1
P0012 - Single AAI Revisions, 59.2, 68.1.3
P00121, 59.2
P00121 - Automatic Accounting Instructions, 68.1.2
P00122 - Multiple AAI Revisions, 59.2, 68.1.3
P0014 - Payment Terms Revisions, 65.2.1
P00301 - Bank Account Cross-Reference, 3.1.4
P00310 - Bank Account/Address Book Exception report, 79.3.1
P00311 - Address Book/Bank Account Exception report, 79.3.2
P01051 - Tax Authorities, 26.1
P01054 - Accounts Payable Information, 3
P01301, 57.3.1
P014032, 57.3.3
P01NS4 - Name Search - Accounts Payable form, 93.3.1
P03101 - AR and AP Journal Entries, 20.4
P03101 - AR and AP Journal Entry, 8.1.1
P03450 - Receivable/Payable Netting, 52.4
P03465 - Build the Netting Report Workfile, 43.2
P03466 - Netting - Aging Report, 43.3
P0401Z1 - A/P Batch File Revisions, 84.2, 85.2, 85.2
P0401ZW - A/P Batch Maintenance - Additional Information form, 85.2
P0406 - A/P Payment Business Unit Information, 77.1
P0410 - A/P Payment Company Information, 78.1
P041016 - Speed Voucher Entry - Multi-Company Offset, 23.1.1
P041017 - Voucher Entry - Multi-Voucher Format, 24.1.2
P04102 - Manual Payment with Voucher Match, 38.2
P04103 - Separate Void Check Entry, 35.1.1
P04105 - Standard Voucher Entry, 8.1.1
P04105 - Voucher Entry, 20.3, 21.2, 22.1.2
P041051 - A/P Voucher Logging - Journal Entry Prompt form, 20.3
P04106 - A/P Manual Check without Match, 38.3
P041065 - Speed Manual Check without Match, 38.4
P04110Z - Batch Voucher Processing, C.1
P04114 - A/P Voucher Speed Release, 27.2
P04114W - A/P Voucher Speed Release Additional Selections, 27.2
P04115 - Speed Release - Pay Item Split, 27.5
P04120 - Recurring Voucher Review, 21.4
P04130 - Bank Account Information, 74.1.1
P04141W - Remittance Detail form, 48.5, 49.5
P0414W - Voucher Remittance form, 48.5
P0415 - A/P Payments - Sequence ID Review, 75.1
P04151 - A/P Payments - Sequence ID Update, 75.1
P0417 - A/P Payment Instrument Defaults, 76.2
P042002 - A/P Voucher Journal Entry Redistribution, 20.4
P042003 - Supplier Ledger Inquiry, 48.2
P042003W - Supplier Ledger Inquiry with SQL - Additional Selections form, 48.2
P042004 - Supplier Payment Inquiry, 49.2, 49.2
P042004W - Payment Ledger Inquiry - Additional Selection form, 49.2
P04200W - Supplier Ledger Inquiry - Additional Information form, 48.3.1, 48.3.1
P04202 - Accounts Payable Batch Review, 13.1.2
P04257 - Work with Payments, 29.3, 30.2
P042571 - Review Payment Group - Write, 29.5, 30.2
P042572 - A/P Payment Review Voucher Detail, 29.5
P04257W - A/P Payment Group Controls, 29.6.7
P04257W2 - Write Payments, 30.2
P04260 - A/P Outstanding Drafts Inquiry, 45.1
P04311 - A/P Payment Journal Report, 39.2.2
P04413 - Accounts Payable Summary, 51.1, 55.2
P04423 - A/P Detail by Supplier, 51.2, 55.2
P04424 - A/P Payment History Detail, 52.1
P04427 - Open A/P with Foreign Amounts, 51.3
P04431 - Cash Requirements Report, 27.1
P0450 - Payee Control Review and Approval, 88.2
P04505 - Payee Control Approval Report, 88.2
P0457 - A/P Payments - Tape Review/Copy, 30.5
P04572T - Produce Bank Tape, 30.5
P04578 - A/P Payments - Payment Analysis Report, 29.2
P04580 - Calculate Withholding, 26.2
P04601 - Suspected Duplicate Payments, 52.3
P04602 - Supplier Analysis Report, 52.5
P04701 - Integrity Test - A/P Originals to G/L by Batch, 54.2.2
P04702 - Integrity Test - A/P Matching to G/L by Batch, 54.3
P04820, 57.3.2, 57.3.5
P04820 - Annual Close - A/P, 93.1
P04840 - Global Update of Approver, 18.3.2
P0901ZW - G/L Batch Maintenance - Additional Information form, 85.2
P09101 - Journal Entry, 11.2
P09313 - Check Register, 52.2
P09450 - Totals by G/L Account, 52.6
P98300 - DREAM Writer - Version Set-Up, 76.3
P98312 - DREAM Writer - Processing Options Revisions, 76.3
P98999 - Reorganize Files Procedure, 95.1
Create Payment Cash Entries, 14.2.1
General Ledger Post, 14.2.2
P04570, 26.2.3
P04801, 14.2.1
P09800, 14.2.2
P09801, 14.2.3
posting, 14.2
Proximate Date Day
defined, 65.2.1
Proximate Date Month
defined, 65.2.1
Purchase order processing cycle, F.5.1
environments, F.4.2
for inventory, F.4.1.1
methods, F.4.1
terms, F.5.2
to the general ledger, F.4.1.2
Purging approved payee control records, 91.1
Purging processed batch vouchers, 87.1


Receivables/Payables Netting report, 52.4
Recurring Frequency
defined, 21.2
Recurring vouchers
canceling, 21.4.1
deleting, 21.4.1
entering, 21.2
Recurring Voucher Inquiry form, 21.4
Recurring Voucher report, 21.3
recycling, 21.5
revising paid vouchers, 21.4.1
splitting, 27.5.1
Recycling recurring vouchers, 21.5
logged vouchers, 20.4
Reference/Roll Number
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
Register Program
defined, 76.2
setting up, 76.1
Releasing vouchers, 27.4
Removing processed payments, 30.4
Removing unprocessed payments, 29.6.6
Removing voucher pay items, 29.6.5
withheld amounts, 26.4
Address Book Exception, 79.3.2
A/P Annual Close, 93.2
A/P Original Document to G/L by Batch, 54.2.2
A/P Payments to G/L by Batch, 54.3
A/P to G/L by Offset Account, 54.3.3
Bank Account Exception, 79.3.1
Batch Edit, 15.3.2
Batch File Entry Exceptions, 86.2
Batches with Balancing Problems, 15.3.4
Calculate Withholding Error report, 26.2.2
Calculate Withholding Status, 26.2
Calculate Withholding Status report, 26.2.2
Cash Requirements, 27.1
General Ledger Journal, 14.2.3
generating as of date tables, 55.1
Netting - Aging, 43.3
Netting Aging report, 43.1
Open A/P Detail, 26.4, 51.2, 55.2
Open A/P Summary, 51.1, 55.2
Open A/P with Foreign Amounts, 51.3
Payment Analysis, 29.2
Payment Details, 52.1
Payment Group Edit, 28.1.1, 28.2
Payment Journal, 39.2.2
Payment Register, 52.2
posting, 14.2
posting edit, 14.2.4
Posting Edit, 15.3.1
Posting Journal, 15.3.3
R09800, 14.2.4
Receivables/Payables Netting, 52.4
Recurring Vouchers, 21.3
setting up aging,
Supplier Analysis, 52.5
Supplier Totals by G/L Account, 52.6
Suspected Duplicate Payments, 52.3
Voucher Detail, 20.2.3
W-9 Exception, 57.3.1
W-9 with Tax ID, 57.3.3
Reverse or Void (R/V)
defined, 16.2
Review Payment Group - Write form, 29.5, 30.2
Review Voucher Detail form, 29.5
Reviewing AAIs, 68.1.2
Reviewing address book information for 1099s, 57.1
Reviewing and approving changes to controlled data, 89.1
Reviewing and approving vouchers, 13
Reviewing A/P ’as of’ information, 55.2
Reviewing batch voucher detail, 84.2
Reviewing batch voucher information, 84.1
Reviewing batch vouchers, 84
Reviewing payment information, 49
Reviewing payment journal entries, 49.4
Reviewing payment remittances, 49.5
Reviewing payments, 49.3
Reviewing supplier and company information for 1099s, 57.2
Reviewing supplier ledger information, 48
Reviewing the Posting Edit Report, 15.3.1
Reviewing the Posting Journal, 15.3.3
Reviewing the W-9 report with tax ID, 57.3.3
Reviewing voucher journal entries, 48.4
Reviewing voucher payments, 48.5
Reviewing vouchers, 13.1, 27.2, 29.5
Reviewing vouchers and voucher information, 48.3
Reviewing YTD voucher amounts, 93.3
multiple vouchers for payment, 27.3.3
Revising AAIs, 68.1.3
Revising control information for payment groups, 29.6.7
Revising multiple vouchers, 24.1.2
Revising posted vouchers, 16
Revising recurring vouchers, 21.4
Revising the value date of payments, 29.6.4
Revising unposted manual payments, 38.7
Revising unposted vouchers, 8.3
Revising unprocessed batch vouchers, 85.4
Revising unprocessed payments, 29.6
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
Running A/P integrity reports, 54.2
Running A/P original document to G/L by Batch, 54.2.2


Same As Document Type
defined, 72.1.1
Search Type
defined, 4.1
Selecting paid drafts, 45.1
Sequence (A/D)
defined, 75.1
Sequence ID
defined, 75.1
Sequence review
Sequence Review form, 75.1
Service/Tax Date
defined, 10.4.1
Set up
BACS, 34.2.1
Setting up
bank account information for A/P, 74.1
existing vouchers for withholding, 26.1.1
suppliers for withholding, 26.1
tax authorities for withholding, 26.1
voucher category codes, 71.1
withholding taxes, 26.1
Setting up AAIs for 1099s, 59.1
Setting up AAIs for A/P, 68.1.3
Setting up AAIs for discounts available/lost accounts, 67.2.3
Setting up AAIs for voucher logging - expense accounts, 67.2.6
Setting up AAIs for voucher logging - trade accounts, 67.2.7
Setting up bank account cross-references for A/P, 79.1
Setting up batch control for A/P, 61.1.1
Setting up business unit information for A/P, 77.1
Setting up company information for A/P, 78.1
Setting up constants for A/P, 61.1
Setting up debit statements, 76.5
Setting up due date rules, 65.4
Setting up due upon receipt payment terms for A/P, 65.2.1
Setting up for IAT processing, 34.3
Setting up installment payments, 65.7
Setting up invoice number editing for A/P,
Setting up management approval for A/P, 61.1.1
Setting up net payment terms for A/P, 65.2.1
Setting up net with discount payment terms for A/P, 65.2.1
Setting up Next Numbers, 72.1
Setting up payment instruments, 76.1
Setting up payment term codes, 65.6
Setting up payment terms, 65.1
Setting up print sequence for payments, 75.1
Setting up proximate date payment terms for A/P, 65.2.1
Setting up split payment terms for A/P, 65.2.1
Setting up the automatic offset method for A/P, 61.1.1
Setting up time intervals for aging A/P reports,
Setting Up User Defined Codes for A/P, 70.1
Setting up work day calendars, 65.5
due date rules, 65.4
installment payments, 65.7
multi-tiered discounts for payments, 65.8
payment term codes, 65.6
payment terms, 65.3
work day calendars, 65.5
Signature Block
defined, 78.1
Single AAI Revisions form, 59.2, 68.1.3
Skip to Sequence Number
defined, 68.1.2
Special handling codes, 69.2.6
Speed Payment Entry form, 38.4
Speed release
Additional Selections form, 27.2
allocating discounts, 27.5.1
allocating taxes, 27.5.1
holding vouchers, 27.4
releasing vouchers, 27.4
reviewing vouchers, 27.2
revising vouchers, 27.3
Speed Release form, 27.2
Speed Release Pay Item Split form, 27.5
splitting payments, 27.5
Speed Voucher Entry form, 12.1
Splitting payments, 27.5, 29.6.2
Splitting voucher payments, 10.1, 27.5.1
Standard cost, F.5.2.5
Standard Voucher Entry form, 8.1.1, 10.1
defined, 68.1.3
Supplier Master
BACS payment setup, 34.2.3
Supplier Number
defined, 3.1.2
Supplier Payment Inquiry form, 49.2
Additional Selections form, 48.2, 49.2
currency information, 3
deleting, 3.1.1
entering, 3
long address number, 8.2.1
multiple bank accounts,
parent/child relationships, 3.1.1
Payment Details report, 52.1
payment information, 3
payment instrument default, 76.4
Remittance Detail form, 48.5, 49.5
reviewing journal entries, 49.4
reviewing payments, 48.5, 49.3
reviewing remittances, 49.5
structure type, 3.1.1
Supplier Analysis report, 52.5
Supplier Information form, 93.3.1
Supplier Ledger Information form, 48.3.1, 48.3.1
Supplier Ledger Inquiry form, 48.2
Supplier Master Information form, 3, 26.1
Supplier Master table (F0401), 3.1
Supplier Payment Inquiry form, 49.2
Supplier Totals by G/L Account report, 52.6
tax information,
updating YTD voucher amount, 93.1
Suspected Duplicate Payments report, 52.3
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
System Code
defined, 72.1.1
System integration
accounts payable, 1.2
procurement for accounts payable, F.3
System setup
automatic accounting instructions, 68.1.3
bank account cross-references, 79.2
payment instruments, 76.2
user defined codes, 69.1, 70.1


Table IDs
F0005 - User Defined Codes, 69.1
F0011 - Batch Control, 6.1
F0012 - Automatic Accounting Instructions Master, 66.1
F0013 - Currency Codes, B.2.2
F0014 - Payment Terms, 65.2
F0015 - Currency Exchange Rates, 10.5
F0030 - Bank Transit Number Master, 3.1, 79.3
F0116 - Address by Date, 3.1
F0311 - Accounts Receivable Ledger, B.2.3
F0401 - Supplier Master, 3.1
F0411 - Accounts Payable Ledger, B.2.3
F0411A - As Of A/P Ledger worktable, 55.1
F0411AJC - A/P Report Join, 55.2
F0411Z1 - Voucher Transactions - Batch, C.1
F0413A - As Of A/P Matching Document worktable, 55.1
F0414A - As Of A/P Matching Document Detail worktable, 55.1
F0450 - Payee Control, 88.2
F045141 - 1099 G/L Worktable, 58.1
F045143 - 1099 A/P Worktable, 58.1
F0457 - A/P Payment Tape, 30.5
F04571 - A/P Payment Control Group, 28.1.1
F04572 - A/P Payment Header, 28.1.1
F04573 - A/P Payment Detail, 28.1.1
F0902 - Account Balances, B.2.3, B.2.5
F0911 - Account Ledger, B.2.3
F1202 - Item Balances, B.2.3
F03465 - A/R and A/P Netting Workfile, 43.2
generating date tables, 55.1
Tax Amount
defined, 10.4.1
Tax authorities for withholding, 26.1
Tax Explanation 2
defined, 3.1.3
Tax ID code, 3.1.3
Tax Identification Number (TIN), 57.3
Tax Rate/Area
defined, 3.1.3
Taxable Amount
defined, 10.4.1
AAI for taxes, 10.4
allocating on vouchers, 27.5.1
setting up tax authorities, 26.1
supplier tax information,
Tax Authorities form, 26.1
Tax calculation codes, 69.2.4
Three-tier processing, 5.2.1
Thru Date
defined, 48.2, 84.1
Total Inquiry Amount
defined, 27.2
Transaction Number
defined, 84.1
classifying voucher transactions, 71.1
Two-cycle voucher entry, 6.1
defined, 3.1.4, 79.2
Type Code


Update YTD Voucher Amount program (P04820), 57.3.2, 57.3.5
A/P approver, 94.1.1
discount available for multi-tiered discounts, 65.8.4
voucher category codes, 94.1.2
Updating approver/category code 7 information, 94.1
Updating the A/P ledger, 31.1
Updating YTD voucher amounts, 93.1
User defined code lists
Aging Vocabulary (04/AG), 69.2.5
All Documents (00/DT),
code type functions, 3.2.2, 18.3.3, 28.1.2, 29.6.8, 31.1.3, 51.3.3, 76.3.1, 86.1.1
hard coded vs. soft coded, 69.1
Ledger Types (09/LT), B.2.2
Payment Instrument (00/PY), 69.2.3
Payment Status (00/PS), 69.2.2
setting up, 70.1
Special Handling (00/HC), 69.2.6
Tax Explanation (00/EX), 69.2.4
Voucher Only (00/DV),
User defined codes
voucher category codes, 71.1
User ID
defined, 84.1


Value Date
defined, 29.6.4
Verifying and assigning programs to a payment instrument, 76.2
Verifying batch voucher information, 86.2
Verifying cross-references for A/P, 79.3
Verifying installment payments, 65.7.1
Verifying supplier information for 1099s, 57.3
Verifying the post of vouchers, 15.3
defined, 29.3
Versions List form, 76.3
Void Payment Entry form, 35.1.1
net payments, 42.2.7
payments, 35.1.1
posted vouchers, 16.2
vouchers from procurement system, F.1
vouchers with payments, 35.1.1
Voiding automatic payments, 35.1
Voiding manual payments, 40.1.1
Voiding posted vouchers, 16.2
Voucher Detail Report, 20.2.3
adding text, 8.5
adding to batches, 13.1.3
approving, 5.2.4
batch control, 6.1
batch headers, 8.3.1
batch types, 37.2.3
changing discounts, 10.2.3
changing from procurement system, F.1
changing invoice amounts, 8.3.1
changing pay items, 8.3.1
changing payment terms, 8.3.1, 10.2.3
changing several vouchers, 8.3.1
control, 6.3
copying, 8.4
copying a voucher to another supplier, 8.3.1
debit memos, 10.3
deleting unposted vouchers, 8.3.1
discounts, 10.2
document types, 25.2.1, 25.2.1, 37.2.3
duplicates, 52.3
entering prepaid vouchers, 22.1
entering standard vouchers, 8.1, 8.1
entry methods, 19.2
export summary information, 81.2
G/L distribution, 38.3
importing vouchers, C.1
locating, 8.2, 8.2.1, 48.2
logged, 19.2.2
many for one or more suppliers, 19.2.6
multiple companies, 23.1
multiple suppliers, 24.1.2
one voucher for many companies, 19.2.5
Open A/P Detail report, 51.2
Open A/P Summary report, 51.1
Open A/P with Foreign Amounts report, 51.3
paying unposted vouchers, 8.3.1
payment detail, 52.1
payment value dates (drafts), 29.6.4
posting, 5.2.5
prepaid, 19.2.4
preparing for payment, 27
recurring, 19.2.3, 19.2.3
reviewing, 5.2.4, 27.2
reviewing detail, 29.5
reviewing payments, 48.5
revising, 8.3, 12.1.1, 27.3
Revising posted vouchers, 16.1
setting up withholding, 26.1.1
Speed Voucher Entry form, 12.1
speed vs. standard entry, 5.2.2
splitting payments, 10.1, 27.5, 29.6.2
Standard Voucher Entry form, 8.1.1, 10.1
standard vs. speed entry, 5.2.2
supplier amount YTD, 52.5
Supplier Analysis report, 52.5
Supplier Totals by G/L Account report, 52.6
Suspected Duplicate Payments report, 52.3
taxes, 10.4
three tier processing, 5.2
two-cycle entry, 6.3
updating YTD amount for a supplier, 93.1
uploading vouchers, C.1
voiding, 16.2
voiding from procurement system, F.1
voiding posted vouchers, 35.1.1
Voucher Document Types form, 70.1
Voucher Entry Journal Review form, 13.1.2
Voucher JE Redistribution form, 20.4
Voucher Journal Review form, 13.1
Voucher Logging Entry form, 20.3
Voucher Remittance form, 48.5
Voucher Transactions - Batch table (F0411Z1), C.1
working with logged vouchers, 20


W-9 Exception report, 57.3.1
W-9 with Tax ID report, 57.3.3
Weighted average cost, F.5.2.4
Calculate Withholding Error report, 26.2.2
Calculate Withholding Status report, 26.2, 26.2.2
calculating, 26.2
G/L date for pay items, 26.2.5
paying withheld amounts, 26.3
paying withheld taxes, 26.4
program logic, 26.2
reporting to tax authorities, 26.4
reports, 26.4
setting up existing vouchers, 26.1.1
setting up suppliers, 26.1
setting up tax authorities, 26.1
supplier taxes, 26
Work Day Calendar form, 65.5
Work with Payment Groups form, 29.3, 30.2
Working with
logged vouchers, 20.1
model journal entries, 11.1
withholding supplier taxes, 26
Working with AAIs, 68.1
Working with batch vouchers, 85.1
Working with manual payments, 38, 48.1
Working with payment groups, 29.1
Working with payment terms, 65.3
Working with payments, 30.1
Working with recurring vouchers, 21.1
Working with voucher entry controls, 6.1
Working with YTD voucher amounts, 93
Write Payments form, 30.2
Write Program
defined, 76.2
defined, 29.3
Writing payments, 30.2