73 Overview to Automatic Payment Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

73.1 Objectives

  • To set up automatic payment processing

73.2 About Automatic Payment Setup

After you set up the Accounts Payable system, you define how you want the system to process automatic payments. You use automatic payments to group vouchers and produce multiple payments in a single payment run.

Setting up automatic payment processing consists of the following required tasks:

  • Setting up bank account information for A/P

  • Setting up print sequence for payments

  • Setting up payment instruments

  • Processing options for payment instruments

Setting up automatic payment processing consists of the following optional tasks:

  • Setting up business unit information, if you produce payments by business units

  • Setting up company information, if you produce payments by company or if you want to print company information on your payments

  • Setting up bank account information for A/P, if you use bank tapes to transmit payments

  • Setting up draft processing for A/P, if you use draft payment instruments