94 Update A/P Records with Address Book Information

This chapter contains this topic:

94.1 Running Update A/P Records with A/B Information


From Accounts Payable (G04), enter 27

From A/P Advanced & Technical Operations (G0431), choose Update A/P Records w/AB Info

You should update A/P information periodically if you use:

  • An approver number when entering logged vouchers

  • Category code 7 (AC07) when entering vouchers with 1099 information

  • Voucher category codes (YC01 - YC10)

  • Consolidation codes

  • Parent number

  • Bank transit number

If you change specific information for a supplier record or a voucher category code, you should update your A/P ledger to ensure that you are working with current information in the A/P ledger (F0411).


Plan to run this process during off-peak hours.

See Also:

94.1.1 What Happens if You Do Not Update Approver?

This example illustrates a problem you might encounter if you do not update the approver number for existing vouchers in the A/P ledger.

You set up Dominique Abbott (address book number 4002) as the approver for A & D Parts (supplier number 4005) vouchers. You set a processing option to display the Approver Number field on Voucher Logging Entry. On June 1, you enter two vouchers for A & D Parts. Dominique Abbott is the approver for these vouchers. On June 2, Dominique Abbott leaves the company without redistributing the vouchers you entered.

Dominique Abbott is replaced by Melvyn Easter (address book number 6000). On Supplier Master Information, you change the approver number for vouchers for A & D Parts from 4002 (Dominique Abbott) to 6000 (Melvyn Easter). On June 10, you enter another voucher for A & D Parts. Melvyn Easter is the approver for this voucher.

On June 15, Melvyn Easter is ready to redistribute the logged vouchers. The following shows the information in the A/P Ledger table.

Date Transaction Records Approver Number
06/01/98 PV 3285 4002 Dominique Abbott
06/01/98 PV 4267 4002 Dominique Abbott
06/10/98 PV 5342 6000 Melvyn Easter

Melvyn Easter enters his approver number (6000) on Voucher J. E. Redistribution. The system displays all vouchers that have Melvyn Easter (number 6000) as approver depending on the following:

  • If you do not update approver information, Voucher J. E. Redistribution only displays PV 5342 because this is the only voucher that has Melvyn Easter (number 6000) as approver. PV 3285 and PV 4267 still have Dominique Abbott as approver.

  • If you update approver information, Voucher J. E. Redistribution displays all three vouchers because the program has read the supplier record for A & D Parts and changed the approver for all open vouchers to 6000 (Melvyn Easter).


Running Update A/P Records with A/B Information will automatically update both the Approver number and the value for category code 7 unless you set the processing option for P04820 to protect category code 7 from being updated.

94.1.2 Updating Voucher Category Codes

After you set up voucher category codes, any program that you use that updates the accounts payable ledger automatically updates the corresponding category code values for vouchers. You run Update A/P Ledger with A/B Information if you make any of the following changes:

  • You change one of the values for an Address Book category code (AC01-AC30). For example, the category code 05 is Manufacturing Materials. Within that code, you change the value from PRC (Processing Chemicals) to PPK (Product Packaging) for your supplier.

  • You change the UDC value (01/01 - 01/30) for a category code. For example, you change the UDC description for category code 05 (UDC table 01/05) for Manufacturing Materials to Materials to Manufacture.

  • You change the user defined code table assigned to a data dictionary item in the YC01-YC10 range. For example, you change YC05 to link to user defined code 01/06 instead of 01/09.

When you run Update A/P with A/B Information, you specify in a processing option which voucher category codes that you want to update. This program updates the voucher category codes from the Address Book Master (F0101) to the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411).

94.1.3 Before You Begin

  • Ensure that users are not on the system