3 Enter Suppliers

This chapter contains these topics:

3.1 Entering Suppliers


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Supplier & Voucher Entry

From Supplier & Voucher Entry (G0411), choose Supplier Master Information

Before you enter a voucher and issue payment to a supplier, you must create a supplier record. When you enter a supplier, you are setting up information about how the system processes vouchers and payments for that supplier.

When you enter a supplier, you:

  • Enter supplier identification

  • Enter supplier mailing information

  • Enter address book additional information

  • Enter supplier information

  • Assign a model journal entry to a supplier

  • Enter supplier bank account information

  • Enter information for 1099 reporting

Information about suppliers is stored in the following tables:

  • Supplier Master (F0401) - Supplier information

  • Supplier Master Company/Business Unit Defaults (F04015) - Supplier information specific to company or business unit

  • Address by Date (F0116) - Mailing address information

  • Bank Transit Number Master (F0030) - Bank account information

3.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting supplier records You cannot delete a supplier record if there is information in the Supplier Master (F0401), A/P Ledger (F0411), or related tables in other systems.
Supplier Master - Company/Business Unit Defaults (F04015) This optional table allows you to set up multiple supplier master defaults for the same supplier number based on company and/or business unit.
Structure type When you create a parent/child relationship for a supplier, the Structure Type field must be blank.

See Viewing Parent/Child Relationships in the JD Edwards World Address Book and Electronic Mail Guide.

Multi-Currency You can store amounts such as amount vouchered year-to-date and amount vouchered prior-year-end in a specific currency. To do this, set a processing option to define the default currency code or the company currency of the responsible business unit. You can also enter them manually.

3.1.2 Before You Begin

  • Set a processing option for Supplier Master Information to automatically display the forms you will use. The tasks described here assume that the following areas display on the Supplier Master Information screen:

Address Book Addition (displays regardless of processing options)

Payment Information

Currency & Tax Information

Accounting Distribution Information

To enter supplier identification

On Supplier Master Information

Figure 3-1 Supplier Master Information screen

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Supplier Master Information screen"

  1. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Supplier Number

    • Long Address Number

  2. Use the Add action.

Field Explanation
Supplier Number A number that identifies an entry in the il system. Use this number to identify employees, applicants, participants, suppliers, tenants, special mailing addresses, and so on.

Form-specific information

If you leave this field blank, the system assigns a number using the Next Numbers program.

Long Address Number A user defined name or number that is unique to the address book number. This field can be used to enter and locate information. You can use it to cross-reference the supplier to a Dun & Bradstreet number, a lease number, or other reference.

Form-specific information

When you set up suppliers using a long address number, you can access the supplier number more quickly. For example, when you enter a voucher, you use the long address number preceded by the special character assigned to long address numbers in Address Book constants in the Supplier Number field. The system converts the long address number to the supplier number.

To enter supplier mailing information

On Address Book Addition

Figure 3-2 Address Book Addition screen

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Address Book Addition screen"

  1. On Address Book Addition, complete the following fields:

    • Alpha Name (optional)

    • Mailing Name

    • Mailing Address (optional)

  2. Use the Add action.

Field Explanation
Alpha Name The text that names or describes an address. This 40-character alphabetic field appears on a number of forms and reports. You can enter dashes, commas, and other special characters, but the system cannot search on them when you use this field to search for a name.

Form-specific information

If you leave this field blank, the default comes from the Mailing Name field. You can also choose Duplicate Alpha Name on Mailing Line to copy the Alpha Name to the Mailing Name field.

Mailing Name The company or person to whom billing or correspondence is addressed.

The mailing name prints as the payee name on 1099 forms. You can override this information by using the Type Code field on Who's Who.

To enter additional address book control revisions information

You can enter a variety of miscellaneous information in the address book, such as information about a particular customer or supplier. You can use the Address Book Control Revisions screen to enter and update Address Book Control fields that need special security, such as tax ID, hold codes, and credit limits.

  1. Choose the Address Book Control Revisions function (F2).

  2. Locate the appropriate address book record.

    Figure 3-3 Address Book Control Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 3-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-3 Address Book Control Revisions screen"

  3. On Address Book Control Revisions, complete the following optional fields:

    • Consolidation Code

    • Inactive Code

    • Homeland Security Flag

    • AR/AP Netting

    • Subledger Inactive

    • Person/Corporation Code

    • Tax ID

    • Additional Individual Tax ID

    • Certificate

    • Credit Limit

    • Hold Payment

    • Hold Purchase Order

    • Hold Receipts/PO

Field Explanation
Consolidation Code The Consolidation Code is a way to group associated Address Book numbers in order to report on group financial data.

An example would be a chain of stores such as Dollar Stores. You can maintain multiple Address Book numbers, one for each store, in order to have different default, control and statistics associated with each store. However, all stores may be owned and operated by a single corporate entity. A common Consolidation Code lets you report information on an overall basis.

Inactive Code If the code is set to '1', the entity is inactivated. No further activity or action may be performed against the entity.
Homeland Security Flag A user defined field (01/HL) that indicates or identifies an Address Book Number in terms of its role in Homeland Security.
AR/AP Netting (Y) A code that indicates whether an address is eligible for the A/R and A/P netting process.
Subledger Inactive Code A code that indicates whether a specific subledger is active or inactive. Any value other than blank indicates that a subledger is inactive. Examples are jobs that are closed, employees that have been terminated, or assets that have been disposed. If a subledger becomes active again, set this field back to blank.

If you want to use subledger information in the tables for reports but want to prevent transactions from posting to the master record, enter a value other than blank in this field.

Person/Corp Code A code that designates the type of taxpayer. U.S. clients use one of the following codes with the 20-digit Tax field:

C – Corporate entity (printed as 12-3456789)

P – Individual (printed as 123-45-6789)

N – Non-corporate entity (printed as 12-3456789)

Blank – Non-corporate entity (not formatted)

The system selects suppliers with P and N codes for 1099 reporting.

Non-U.S. clients use the following codes with the 20-digit Company field and Individual field:

1 – Individual

2 – Corporate entity

3 – Both an individual and a corporate entity

4 – Non-corporate entity

5 – Customs authority

Tax ID The identification code required by various tax authorities. This can be a social security number, federal or state corporate tax ID, sales tax number, and so on. Do not enter separator characters. The system verifies the number and prints the separators in their correct format, according to the value of TAXC (Person/Corporation Code). If there is no value for TAXC, the system does not format this number.
Add'l Ind Tax ID An additional identification number that a tax authority assigns to an individual.
Certificate A number that identifies a license or certificate that tax authorities issue to tax-exempt individuals and companies.
Credit Limit The Credit Limit is the maximum negative balance that a customer can be assigned. The credit limit is retained for a customer account in the Customer Master file (F0301). This field is stored as an integer, no decimals.

A zero or blank amount is considered no credit allowed for the customer. If an unlimited credit limit is desired, the user can set a maximum limit by entering a large number, such as 999999999999999.

Hold Payments A code that controls whether you can enter accounts payable vouchers and make payments to this supplier.

Valid codes are:

1 – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers and prevent entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

Y – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers and prevent entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

2 – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers, but allow entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

3 – Allow payment but prevent entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

N – Allow payment and voucher entry. This is the default.

To hold payment of an individual voucher, rather than all outstanding vouchers, use the payment status code in the Voucher Entry program.

Hold Purchase Order A code that allows you to prevent the entry of any future Purchase Orders for the Address Book Number.
Hold Receipts/PO A code that allows you to prevent the entry of any future Receipts Purchase Orders for the Address Book Number.

3.1.3 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Tax ID field When preparing a 1099 form, if you have a P or N in the Person/Corporation field, you must enter a tax ID code.

Use the Screen Defaults processing option in your version of Address Book Additional Information (P010513) to specify whether or not the Tax ID field displays on the screen. Leave option 1 blank to display the Tax ID field for input/change or enter a '1' to suppress display of the Tax ID.

Use the Duplicate Data Verification processing option in P010513 to prevent duplication of Tax IDs. Enter a '1' for this processing option to prevent duplicate entry of Tax ID. If blank, duplicate Tax ID is allowed.

To enter supplier information

On Supplier Master Information

Figure 3-4 Supplier Master Information screen

Description of Figure 3-4 follows
Description of "Figure 3-4 Supplier Master Information screen"

  1. For payment information, complete the following optional fields:

    • Credit Message

    • Factor/Special P (Payee)

    • Parent Number

    • Logging Approver

    • Payment Handling

    • Multiple Checks (Y/N/C)

    • Payment Terms

    • Check Float Days

    • Payment Instr

    • Ledger Inq Sequence

    • Reference

    • Bank Record Type

    • Payment MethodPrint BACS Remittance

  2. For currency and tax information, complete the following optional fields:

    • Withholding %

    • Tax Authority

    • Currency

    • Tax Expl Code

    • Tax Rate/Area

    • Amt. Currency

  3. For accounting distribution information, complete the following optional fields:

    • G/L Class

    • Default Expense Account

Field Explanation
Credit Message A user defined code (00/CM) that displays information about a particular customer or supplier. Examples:

1 – Over credit limit

2 – Requires purchase order

3 – Not on maintenance agreement

4 – Notify the credit manager

The A/R Information program (P01053) and the A/P Information program (P01054) display credit messages for customers and suppliers when you enter or locate information.

Factor/Special Payee An address book number that identifies a special payment address for A/P. This address number will be used as the default Alternate Payee on vouchers entered for the supplier.

If you leave this field blank during voucher entry, the system supplies the primary address from the Address Number field.

Parent Number The number of the parent company in a parent/child, national headquarters/subsidiary relationship.
Approver Number The address of the individual who approves transactions. This address must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) for validation purposes.

Form-specific information

The system uses this information as the default value when you enter vouchers.

Hold Payment A code that controls whether you can enter accounts payable vouchers and make payments to this supplier.

Valid codes are:

1 – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers and prevent entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

Y – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers and prevent entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

2 – Hold payment of outstanding vouchers, but allow entry of new vouchers for this supplier.

N – Allow payment and voucher entry. This is the default.

To hold payment of an individual voucher, rather than all outstanding vouchers, use the payment status code in the Voucher Entry program.

Multiple Checks A code that indicates whether a separate check will be issued for each pay item on a voucher. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, create a separate check for each pay item. (Certain agencies of the government require this.)

N – No, do not create separate checks. Issue one check for the voucher, regardless of the number of pay items.

C – Create one check per contract and collate the checks in contract or job number order. The system maintains this field in the Supplier Master table (F0401).

3 – Create a separate payment for each voucher, regardless of the number of pay items.

Payment Terms A code that indicates the default terms of payment for a supplier. Payment terms can determine due dates and discounts. This is used as a default value when vouchers are created.

Define payment terms in the Payment Terms Revisions program (P0014). Use a blank code for the most frequently used payment terms. For example:

blank Net 15

1 – 1/10 net 30

2 – 2/10 net 30

N – Net 30

P – Prox 25th

Check Float Days The number of days the check floated, as defined by subtracting the check date from the bank deposit date.

** future use **

Payment Instrument The user defined code that determines the type of payment to be made to the supplier.

Form-specific information

The system uses this information as the default value when you enter vouchers. The default is blank.

Ledger Inquiry Sequence A code used to designate the display sequence of the default ledger in the Ledger Inquiry programs. Valid values are:

1 – document number

2 – net due date

3 – invoice date

4 – statement number (A/R) or invoice number (A/P)

5 – purchase order number

6 – document type, document number

7 – matching document

8 – G/L date

A – summarized by document

B – summarized by due date and document

C - gross amount. You cannot use this sequence when also asking for Paid = 2 or 3 to show matching documents

Reference A field available to record reference numbers, such as the supplier's bid document number, quote document, sales order, work order, or job number.

This field is for informational purposes only.

Bank Record Type Use this to designate the default bank type to be used for the supplier.

See Section 34.2.1, "Setting Up Bank Account Information"

Payment Method A User Defined Code (UDC table 04/PM) to define the normal or customer payment method for a supplier.
Print BACS Remittance This flag will indicate to the payment program to bypass printing the BACS remittance for the payment.
Currency Indicates the currency used by the supplier. If you leave this field blank, Supplier Master provides the default value. If no currency is assigned to the supplier, the default value is the currency code of the voucher company.

Form-specific information

The system uses this information as the default when you enter vouchers.

Tax Explanation 2 A user defined code (00/EX) that controls how a tax is assessed and distributed to the general ledger revenue and expense accounts. You assign this code to a customer or supplier to set up a default code for their transactions.

Do not confuse this with the taxable, non-taxable code. A single invoice can have both taxable and non-taxable items. The entire invoice, however, must have one tax explanation code.

Tax Rate/Area A code that identifies a tax or geographical area that has common tax rates and tax distribution. The tax rate/area must be defined to include the tax authorities (for example, state, county, city, rapid transit district, or province) and their rates.

Typically, the U.S. sales and use taxes require multiple taxing authorities per tax rate/area, whereas value added taxes often require only one simple rate.

Form-specific information

The system uses this information as the default when you enter vouchers.

If you use Vertex, the Vertex GeoCode appears in this field. The system retrieves the Vertex GeoCode based on the supplier's city, state, and zip code.

Amount Currency The currency in which amounts are stored in the address book. For example, the credit limit, invoiced this year, invoiced prior year, and so on. The currency you specify is used to record and store transaction history.
G/L Class A code that determines the A/P liability account (class) that will be the offset when you post invoices. This code may be alphanumeric or may match the object account of the G/L account number. For example:

blank – Trade Accounts Payable

TRAD or 4110 – Trade Accounts Payable

Trade Accounts Payable

OTHR or 4120 – Other Accounts Receivable (Use class codes as the exception to the trade account.) If you leave this code blank on an entry form, the system uses AAI PC____ for the company.

Note: Do not use class code 9999. This is reserved for the post program and indicates that offsets should not be created.

Form-specific information

The system uses this information as the default when you enter vouchers.

Default Expense Account A field that identifies an account in the general ledger. You can use one of the following formats for account numbers:
  • Structured account (business unit.object.subsidiary)

  • 25-digit unstructured number

  • 8-digit short account ID number

  • Speed code

The first character of the account indicates the format of the account number. You define the account format in the General Accounting Constants program (P000909).

Form-specific information

Do not specify a default expense account if you specify a model JE. Although the system allows you to do this, it overrides the model JE, and you must enter the JE manually.

3.1.4 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Calculating withholding You use the Withholding Percentage and Tax Authority fields for calculating withholding.

See Section 25.2, "About Automatic Payment Processing"

To assign a model journal entry to a supplier

You can speed entry for G/L distribution by setting up suppliers for model journal entries. When you enter a voucher, the system uses the default G/L distribution set up for that supplier.


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Supplier & Voucher Entry

From Supplier & Voucher Entry (G0411), choose Supplier Master Information

On Supplier Master Information

  1. Locate a supplier.

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Model JE Type/Document/Company

Field Explanation
Model JE Type/Document/Company A code that identifies the type of model journal entry to use for a particular supplier.

Form-specific information

Do not specify a default expense account if you specify a model JE. Although you may enter a default account, the system will override the model JE. You will need to manually enter the JE information.

To enter supplier bank account information

On Supplier Master Information

  1. Choose the Bank Codes function (F8).

    Figure 3-5 Bank Accounts by Address screen

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Bank Accounts by Address screen"

  2. On Bank Accounts by Address (P0030), complete the following fields:

    • Routing/Transit

    • Account Number

    • Control Digit (optional)

    • Bank Type

    • Currency Code (optional - the currency code field will only be displayed if currency processing is activated)

  3. Press F4 to access the detail area (optional).

    Figure 3-6 Bank Accounts by Address screen (Detail area)

    Description of Figure 3-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-6 Bank Accounts by Address screen (Detail area)"

  4. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Checking/Savings

    • Effective Date

    • Expiration Date/Expiration Reason Code

    • Reference/Roll No.

    • SWIFT Code

    • IBAN

    • Pre-Note Code

    • Secondary Business Unit

  5. Press F3 to return to Supplier Master Information after entering information.

Field Explanation
Routing/Transit The routing and transit number for a particular bank account.

Form-specific information

The transit number/account number combination for each supplier must be unique.

Account Number The account number for a supplier's bank account.
Control Digit This is an optional field that allows you to enter a check digit for a bank account number. The check digit is not part of the key to the Bank Account table (F0030).
Bank Type A code used to distinguish external bank accounts from internal bank accounts.

Examples of valid values are:

C – Customer Bank Accounts

G – Internal G/L Bank Accounts

V – Supplier Bank Account for payment via bank tape

D – Default Bank Account for A/R Drafts and Auto Debits

B – Valid Bank Transit Numbers

M – G/L Bank Account/Business Unit used to define print information in A/P payments

You may define and set up your own bank type codes. See Chapter 63, "Set Up Supplier Bank Account Information"

Effective Date The date the entry is active and available for use.
Expiration Date The date the entry is no longer active and available for use.
Expiration Reason Code A user defined code (00/XC) that indicates why this entity has expired or is no longer available for use.
SWIFT Code The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) code is an international banking identification code used to identify the origin and destination of electronic (or wire) financial transfers.
IBAN The International Bank Account Number or IBAN is a series of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies a customer's/supplier's account held at a bank anywhere in the world. The IBAN has a maximum of 34 alphanumeric characters.
Account Description A user defined name or remark that describes a field.

Form-specific information

The name of the bank where you will deposit funds.

Reference/Roll Number The recipient's reference number.

For French Electronic Funds Transfer, the six positions of this field are used to indicate the Banque de France sender's number.

Checking/Savings A flag that indicates whether the account is a checking or savings account. This indicator is only meaningful on the G type bank account records and is used during bank tape processing for automatic payments.

Valid values:

blank – checking account

0 – checking account

1 – savings account

Pre-Note Code/Date A code that indicates whether a supplier is in a setup or pre-note status for electronic funds transfer. Valid codes are:

P – Pre-note status. Set up electronic funds transfer information for this supplier with the bank. At this stage, the system writes a check to the supplier and makes a pre-note entry to the bank tape. No funds will be transferred until the pre-note cycle is complete.

N – Pre-note cycle complete. The bank has received and verified the supplier's account information. The system will process future payment to this supplier through electronic funds transfer.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses N.

Note: The system sets the pre-note status to P for a supplier when you first add bank account information to a supplier's address record and any time you change bank account information.

The date is recorded when the pre-note status changes.

Secondary Business Unit A business unit may be assigned to bank accounts so that Business Unit Security may be set up to prevent unauthorized users from accessing or changing bank account information.

The Business Unit must be set up in the Business Unit Master (F0006)

3.1.5 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Audit Information (Opt. 1) Provides audit information in regard to updating a bank account record.
Additional Information (Opt 2) This option allows you to enter Beneficiary and Corresponding bank account information for each bank account. Multiple Bank Accounts

You can effectively set up more than one bank account for the same bank type for your suppliers if they have different bank accounts that they would like to use for the same process. Your suppliers may want to use different bank accounts for EFT payment processing depending on currency, location, or some other factor. Although you can only have one bank account per supplier bank type 'V', you can tie currency to each bank type or set up alternate bank types that will essentially allow you to have multiple supplier bank accounts per bank type.

For example, you may identify each bank type V with a specific currency code. The Bank Type and the Currency Code make a unique combination.

You may also create alternate supplier bank types by adding your own bank type to the Bank Type Code UDC table (00/BT). The system uses the Special Handling code for the bank type code to determine if the code will be used by AR or AP. A 2 in the special handling code will be used by A/P. For example, your supplier may have an alternate V type bank account that they would like to use for EFT processing for a specific location. You would set up one record for bank type V and another record such as V1 in the Bank Type User Defined Codes (00/BT). You may then enter bank account information for your supplier for each bank type.

To determine which bank type will be used, assign a bank type to a supplier as the default, you may enter the specific type in the Bank Type field on a voucher or for automatic payments processing, you may use the override bank Effective Date and Bank Type processing option for Create Payment Groups (P04570).

See Also:

To enter information for 1099 reporting

If a supplier is not a legal entity, you must enter the legal name of the person that corresponds to the supplier's tax ID.

On Supplier Master Information

  1. Choose the Who's Who function (F5).

    Figure 3-7 Who's Who screen

    Description of Figure 3-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-7 Who's Who screen"

  2. On Who's Who, complete the following field:

    • Mailing Name

  3. Access the detail area (F4).

    Figure 3-8 Who's Who screen (Detail area)

    Description of Figure 3-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-8 Who's Who screen (Detail area)"

  4. Complete the following field:

    • Type Code

    After you complete this task, you must also:

Field Explanation
Type Code A user defined code (system 01, type WO) that identifies the Who's Who entry. Examples:

S – Student

B – Billing contact

T 1– 099 legal name

If an organization's legal name is different from the name under which it is doing business, enter a T (1099 legal name). During 1099 processing, this overrides the mailing name and directs the system to use a particular Who's Who entry on 1099 forms.

Mailing Address On 1099 forms, the system prints only the last non-blank line of the Mailing Address. This is because the IRS limits 1099 address to three lines, consisting of name, street address, and city, state, and zip code.

3.2 Supplier Master - Company/Business Unit Defaults

In addition to the general supplier information, you have the option to set up multiple supplier master records with default payment information, category codes, and account distribution information that apply uniquely to a specific company and/or business unit. The system stores the Supplier Master Company/Business Units Defaults information in the F04015 table. The system matches the combination of the supplier address number, company number and/or business unit number to retrieve default information from the F04015 record when entering transactions.

This feature allows you to use a single supplier address number with specific default selections for different companies and/or business units. For example you can set different payment terms for a supplier, depending on the company or business unit that generates the transaction. You may set up as many company/business unit default records (F04015) as you need for a supplier, but you will only have one supplier master record (F0401).

3.2.1 Before You Begin

To enter company/business unit defaults in the supplier record

On Supplier Master

  1. Select the function for Supplier Co/Bus. Unit Defaults (F17).

    Figure 3-9 Supplier Co/Bus. Unit Defaults screen

    Description of Figure 3-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-9 Supplier Co/Bus. Unit Defaults screen"

  2. Choose the Add action.

  3. Complete one or more of the following fields:

    • Company

    • Business Unit

  4. Complete additional fields under Payment Information, as needed for the company/business unit defaults.


    Enter only those fields that have values for this company and/or business unit that are different the global supplier master values.
    • Factor/Special P (Payee)

    • Logging Approver

    • Payment Handling

    • Multiple Checks (Y/N/C)

    • Payment Terms

    • Payment Instr

    • Reference

    • Bank Record Type

    • Remit To

    • Tax Rate/Area

    • Tax Expl Code

  5. Complete additional company/business unit defaults under Category Codes or Accounting Distribution Information, as needed.


The company/business unit defaults apply only to transactions between this supplier and the specified company/business unit. Supplier information for companies or business units that do not have associated records defined in the F04015 table come from the supplier master information in the F0401 table.

To enter company/business unit defaults in the purchasing instructions

On Supplier Co/Bus. Unit Defaults

  1. Press F13 (Purchasing) to access Purchasing Instructions.

    Figure 3-10 Purchasing Instructions screen

    Description of Figure 3-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-10 Purchasing Instructions screen"

  2. On Purchasing Instructions, complete the following:

    • Company

    • Branch/Plant

  3. Complete any of the following that apply specifically to this company and/or business unit:

    • Preferred Carrier

    • Supplier Price Rule

    • Price P/O

    • Minimum Order Value

    • Item Restrictions

    • Maximum Order Value

    • Send Method

    • Print Message

    • Evaluated Receipt

    • Freight Handling Code

    • Purchase Order Copies

    • Landed Cost Rule

    • Hold Orders Code

    • Order Template

    • Weight Display U/M

    • Rebate Active

    • Volume Display U/M

    • Rebate Level

    • Delivery Instructions

  4. Press Enter.

3.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Global Updates The Global Update Supplier Co/BU program (P044905) can selectively update the F04015 records. Processing options allow you to enter the values to be updated to each field selected. You may use data selection to select which records to update.

See Section 114.5, "Supplier Global Update - CO/BU Defaults (P044905)"

Bank Account Information If currency processing is not activated, the currency code field does not appear on the Bank Account by Address screen.