10 Enter Other Types of Vouchers

This chapter contains these topics:

In addition to entering basic information for a standard voucher, you can enter other types of information. For example, you might want to enter a voucher with multiple line items for different due dates or tax information.


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Supplier & Voucher Entry

From Supplier & Voucher Entry (G0411), choose Standard Voucher Entry

The entry process for standard vouchers serves as the basis for entering other types of vouchers.

10.1 Entering Split Payment Vouchers

You might need to pay your vouchers in installments. For example, a supplier could require that you pay half an invoice amount when you place an order and the remaining amount when the service is complete or when goods are shipped. To do this, enter a split payment.

The system divides payments into equal amounts paid at regular intervals according to the payment terms that are set up in the supplier master record. You can change the payment terms and amounts before payment is made. The system calculates the net due date based on the payment terms that you specify.

Figure 10-1 Split Payment Vouchers

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Split Payment Vouchers"

To enter a split payment voucher

On Standard Voucher Entry

Figure 10-2 Standard Voucher Entry screen

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Standard Voucher Entry screen"

  1. Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher.

    See Section 8.1, "Entering Standard Vouchers".

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Payment Terms

10.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing a split payment voucher If you change the invoice amount, you must manually adjust the gross amounts for the pay items.
Applying discounts If you split a voucher with a discount, the total discount amount is applied to the first payment.

10.2 Entering Vouchers with Discounts

Suppliers frequently offer discounts as an incentive for early payment of their invoices. When you enter a voucher with a discount, the system calculates the discount according to the payment terms that are set up in the supplier master record. You can change the discount before you issue payment by changing the payment term or discount available. The system creates the associated journal entries for the discount amount when you issue payment.

10.2.1 Example: Entering Discounts

There are three methods for entering discounts:

  • Payment terms

  • Discount amount

  • Discount percentage Payment Terms

You enter a voucher, specifying payment terms.

Figure 10-3 Standard Voucher Entry screen

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of "Figure 10-3 Standard Voucher Entry screen"

The system calculates the discount available and due date from the payment terms.

Figure 10-4 Standard Voucher Entry screen (With Payment Schedule)

Description of Figure 10-4 follows
Description of "Figure 10-4 Standard Voucher Entry screen (With Payment Schedule)" Discount Amount

You enter a voucher, specifying the discount available and, optionally, a net due date.

Figure 10-5 Standard Voucher Entry screen (With Discount Due Date Entered)

Description of Figure 10-5 follows
Description of "Figure 10-5 Standard Voucher Entry screen (With Discount Due Date Entered)" Discount Percentage

You enter a voucher, specifying the discount as a percentage and, optionally, a net due date.

Figure 10-6 Standard Voucher Entry screen

Description of Figure 10-6 follows
Description of "Figure 10-6 Standard Voucher Entry screen "

The system calculates the discount available from the percentage you entered.

Figure 10-7 Standard Voucher Entry screen

Description of Figure 10-7 follows
Description of "Figure 10-7 Standard Voucher Entry screen"

10.2.2 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the following automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) are set up correctly:

    • PKD (discount available)

    • PKL (discount lost)

To enter a voucher with discounts

On Standard Voucher Entry

  1. Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher.

    See Section 8.1, "Entering Standard Vouchers".

  2. Complete one of the following fields:

    • Payment Terms

    • Discount Available

  3. Complete the following optional field:

    • Net Due Date

Field Explanation
Discount Available The amount of the discount available as opposed to the amount of the discount actually taken. If the supplier's invoice specifies a discount available, type that amount. If not, do one of the following:
  • Compute the amount manually and type it in the field.

  • Type a percentage as a percent sign (%) followed by the percentage amount. For example, type %.02 for 2%.

  • Leave the field blank. The system calculates the amount based on the payment terms specified in the address book.

  • Type a zero (0) to override the address book value and indicate that a discount is not applicable.

Note: If the discount is to be calculated automatically, take care in determining the amount available for discount. Usually, freight, sales taxes, and labor included in the gross amount do not qualify for discounts. If this is the case, separate these pay items to ensure that the discount is calculated correctly.

Form-specific information

When you enter information in this field, it overrides the information specified in the payment terms.

10.2.3 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing vouchers with discounts If you change the payment terms, clear the Discount Available and Due Date fields so that the system can recalculate these values.

10.3 Entering Debit Memos

When a supplier sends you a credit, enter the invoice as a debit memo.

To enter a debit memo

On Standard Voucher Entry

Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher, except enter a negative amount.

See Section 8.1, "Entering Standard Vouchers".

On Enter Voucher - Payment Information

Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher, except enter a negative amount.

10.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Assigning a document type to a debit memo The system assigns the document type specified in the processing options for the XT0411Z1 A/P Functional Server. Generally, a debit memo is assigned a document type PD.

10.4 Entering Vouchers with Taxes

Enter tax information on a voucher if you want to override the default tax information. Default information, which is assigned on the supplier master record, applies to an entire voucher and all associated pay items.

The system creates accounting entries for accrued taxes (such as VAT and Use when you post the voucher. AAI item PTyyyy, where yyyy specifies the offset associated with a tax rate/area, identifies the tax account.

10.4.1 Before You Begin

  • Set up the appropriate tax rates and areas.

  • Set the processing options for the Post program to update the Sales/Use/VAT Tax table (F0018) for tax reporting.

  • Set up AAI item PTyyyy (payables taxes)

To enter a voucher with taxes

On Standard Voucher Entry

  1. Access the alternate tax format, if necessary.

  2. Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher.

    See Section 8.1, "Entering Standard Vouchers".

    Figure 10-8 Standard Voucher Entry screen

    Description of Figure 10-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-8 Standard Voucher Entry screen"

  3. Complete the following fields:

    • Tax Amount (optional)

    • Tax Explanation Code

    • Taxable Amount (optional)

    • Tax Rate/Area

    • Service Tax/Date (optional)

Field Explanation
Tax Amount This is the amount of tax that applies to the payment you are entering. The system makes accounting entries when you post the payment and voucher or when you post the receipt and invoice. If you leave this field blank, the system calculates it for you based on the tax explanation code and tax rate/area you defined for the supplier on Supplier Master Information or for the customer on Customer Master Information. If you enter a tax amount, the system validates it against the tolerance ranges you specify on Tax Rules by Company.

Form-specific information

When you enter a tax amount, you might receive a warning message if the amount is different than the calculated amount in the Tax Rate/Area field. This warning does not prevent you from completing the entry.

Taxable Amount The amount on which taxes are assessed.

Form-specific information

You can either enter an amount in this field and the system will calculate the tax for you, or you can enter an amount in the Tax Amount field. If you decide to type an amount in the field, the system will validate it according to the tax rules you set up on Tax Rules by Company.

Service/Tax Date A date that indicates either when you purchased the goods or services, or when you purchased the goods and services and incurred the tax liability. Generally, when you leave this field blank, the system uses the G/L date you specified.

10.4.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing tax information You must change or clear the system-calculated information (tax amount and taxable amount) so that the system can recalculate it.

When a voucher has multiple tax rates, you must change tax information for each pay item that differs from the default information.

Dividing tax amount among pay items You can divide a tax amount among pay items. To do this, enter tax information for each pay item instead of the entire voucher.

10.5 Entering Multi-Currency Vouchers

When you enter a voucher with a foreign currency amount, the system converts the amount to the domestic currency of the company that the voucher is associated with using the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015).

This task consists of:

  • Entering a multi-currency voucher

  • Verifying the voucher currency (optional)

10.5.1 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the following AAIs are set up correctly:

    • PG (realized gain)

    • PL (realized loss)

To enter a multi-currency voucher

On Standard Voucher Entry

  1. Follow the steps to enter a standard voucher.

    SeeSection 8.1, "Entering Standard Vouchers".

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Currency Code

    • Exchange Rate (optional)

To verify the voucher currency

On Standard Voucher Entry

  1. Locate the voucher.

    See Section 8.2, "Locating Vouchers".

  2. Verify the following field:

    • Mode

Field Explanation
Mode A code that specifies whether amounts are in the domestic currency of the company the vouchers are associated with or in the foreign currency of the transaction. Codes are:

D – Domestic

F – Foreign

Form-specific information

When you inquire on a voucher, the default code in this field is that of the original mode of entry. You can enter F or D to specify the display of either the foreign or domestic amounts.

Currency Code Indicates the currency used by the supplier. If you leave this field blank, Supplier Master provides the default value. If no currency is assigned to the supplier, the default value is the currency code of the voucher company.
Exchange Rate The conversion rate that the system uses to convert foreign currencies to domestic currencies. If the Multi-Currency Conversion option on the Set Multi-Currency Option form is set to Y, this rate is a multiplier. If it is set to Z, this rate is a divisor.

Form-specific information

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the Currency Exchange Rate table (F0015). The effective date for the exchange rate is either the invoice date or the general ledger date, depending on how the processing options are set.

If you enter a value in this field that is different from the exchange rate in the voucher record, the system calculates a gain or loss.

10.5.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing foreign currency information You cannot change the currency code. If you need to change the currency, you must enter a new voucher with the correct currency code and delete the incorrect voucher.

If you change the exchange rate, the system recalculates the domestic amount.

Deleting a multi-currency voucher If you delete the foreign side of a multi-currency voucher, the system also deletes the domestic side of the voucher. If you delete the domestic side of a multi-currency voucher, the system also deletes the foreign side.

10.5.3 Processing Options

See Section 99.1, "Voucher Entry (P04105)"