75 Understand User Defined Codes

This chapter contains these topics:

75.1 About User Defined Codes for A/R

Many fields in the Accounts Receivable system accept only user defined codes. For example, when you enter an invoice, you can enter a user defined code to specify the payment instrument. The system does not accept a payment instrument that is not in the user defined list of valid payment instruments.

Each user defined code is either soft-coded or hard-coded. You can customize any user defined code that is soft-coded to accommodate your specific business needs, and you can set up additional ones. You cannot customize a user defined code that is hard-coded.

User defined code types are identified by the system code and the user defined code list. For example, 00/DV represents system 00 and user defined code list DV.

75.2 Which User Defined Codes Are Available for A/R?

The following user defined codes are available:

  • Document type codes

  • Payment status codes

  • Payment instrument codes

  • Tax calculation codes

  • Aging vocabulary codes

  • Adjustment reason codes

  • Valid credit message codes

  • Collection reason codes

  • Credit reporting payment terms codes

  • Receipt type input codes

  • Dun & Bradstreet rating codes

  • TRW rating codes

  • Autocash algorithm codes

  • Language preference codes

  • Bank Type Code

75.2.1 Document Type Codes

When you enter a transaction, you may specify the document type, such as an invoice or credit memo, or let the system default the document type based on your set up or hard-coded values.

The document type code, document number and company, and G/L date are the link between the Accounts Receivable system and the General Accounting system.

The system maintains two groups of document type codes:

  • Invoice document types

  • All document types

Invoice Document Type Codes (00/DI)

Invoice document types are also known as original documents. Original documents can exist by themselves as a record without a matching document type. All original documents:

  • Represent the initial transaction

  • Stand alone in the system

  • Can be soft-coded; some are hard-coded.

You must set up a code for each type of original document that you use when you enter invoices. When a user defined code is hard-coded, you cannot change it.

Code Description
RI Invoice

The system uses this document as the default when you enter an invoice. This is soft-coded to allow user-defined alternative invoice document types.

RR Recurring Invoice

The system creates this hard-coded document when you enter an invoice to be recycled (copied) for a specified amount, time period, and number of payments.

RM Credit Memo

The system uses this document as the default when you issue a credit to a customer. This is soft-coded to allow user-defined alternative credit memo document types.

RB Chargeback

The system creates this hard-coded document when you enter an invoice for a discrepancy or a disputed amount on an original invoice.

For example, a customer pays 60 of an original 100 invoice amount. You might apply the full 100 to close the invoice and create a chargeback (a new invoice) for the difference of 40.

RF Finance Charge

The system creates this hard-coded document when you enter an invoice to assess interest or finance charges for delinquent invoices and late payments.

RU Unapplied Receipt

The system creates this hard-coded document when you place money in a clearing account until you determine how to apply the payment (that is, which customer accounts to apply it to, and so on).

R1 Draft

The system creates this hard-coded original document when you use draft processing.

NO A/R netting Invoice

The system uses this hard-coded document when reclassifying A/P open transactions to an open receivable.

RW Balance Forward

The system creates this original document when you summarize individual documents to one invoice.

All Document Type Codes (00/DT)

These document types are also known as matching document types The matching document type records cannot exist by themselves; each must match to a corresponding original document record. For example, a receipt is a matching document that must always have a corresponding invoice as the original document. A matching document is hard- coded and has its own type and number.

The system provides the following codes for the matching documents that you use when you enter invoices:

Code Description
RE Void or Charge to Invoice Amount

The system creates an audit trail when you change the amount of a posted invoice or when you void an invoice.

RC Receipt

The system creates this document for a payment when you enter a receipt.

RW Balance Forward

The system creates this matching document when you summarize detailed documents to one invoice. This is the matching document corresponding to each detailed document being summarized..

RO Void Entry

The system creates this document when you void a posted payment.

RA Adjustment

The system creates this document to correct bad debts, minor write-offs, or adjustments.

RQ Chargeback Offset

The system creates this document in conjunction with the RB document when you enter a chargeback invoice.

RS Spread

The system creates this document when you distribute unapplied receipts (an RU document) or a credit memo (an RM document) to an open invoice amount.

RV Non-sufficient Funds

The system creates this document when a bank cannot cover a customer's payment. This reopens the original invoice and voids the corresponding RC document.

R1 Draft

The system creates this matching document when you enter a draft. This is the matching document that corresponds to each original document being paid by the draft.

75.2.2 Payment Status Codes (00/PS)

Payment status codes indicate if an invoice is approved, pending, paid, and so on. You assign a payment status code if you need to change the status that the system has assigned. The following payment status codes are hard-coded:

Code Description
A Approved for payment
D Draft accepted
E Draft expired
G Draft remitted
P Paid in full
R Retainage
S Balance forward, summarized

75.2.3 Payment Instrument Codes (00/RY)

Payment instrument codes indicate various methods of payment. You assign a payment instrument code to each invoice. Examples are:

Code Description
C Check (soft-coded)
D Draft (soft-coded)
N Note (soft-coded)

75.2.4 Tax Explanation Codes (00/EX)

You can assign codes for various methods of calculating taxes. Examples of commonly used tax explanation codes are below. For a complete list of available tax explanation codes, see the JD Edwards World Tax Reference Guide:

Code Description
B VAT + use tax
C VAT + sales tax
S Sales tax
U Use (self-assessed) tax
E Tax Exempt

75.2.5 Aging Vocabulary Codes (03/AG)

You can assign codes to specify the terminology on your A/R aging reports. Examples are:

Code Description
1 Over
2 Previous
3 Future
4 Current

75.2.6 Adjustment Reason Codes (03/AR)

You can assign codes to specify the reason you adjusted an invoice amount and point each code to a separate expense account using AAIs. Examples are:

Code Description
BD Bad debt
DA Disputed amount
DC Damage credit
MW Minor write-off

75.2.7 Valid Credit Message Codes (00/CM)

You can assign codes to notify you of a customer's credit status. These credit messages are used throughout all JD Edwards World systems. Examples are:

Code Description
* Bypass temporary credit hold (hard-coded)
B Bad credit risk
C Cash basis only or C.O.D. (collect on delivery)
1 Over credit limit

75.2.8 Collection Reason Codes (03/CL)

You can assign codes to explain why an invoice is delinquent. Examples are:

Code Description
BK Customer in bankruptcy
DP Disputed by customer
NP Non-payment/delinquent

75.2.9 Credit Reporting Payment Terms Codes (03/PT)

You can assign codes to indicate the payment terms for discounts, discount percentages, and the net amount.

Code Description
Blank (default) Net amount due in 30 days
1 1/10, net 30
2 1/20, net 30

75.2.10 Receipt Type Input Codes (03/TI)

Type input codes indicate how receipts are applied to invoices. The following examples are hard-coded:

Code Description
Blank No action
A Adjustment to receivables
B Balance forward
C Chargeback
W Write-offs

75.2.11 Dun & Bradstreet Rating Codes (01/DB)

You can assign codes to identify the Dun & Bradstreet credit rating for a customer. Examples are:

Code Description
BA1 High
BA2 Good
BA3 Fair

75.2.12 TRW Rating Codes (01/TR)

You can assign codes to specify the TRW credit ratings. Examples are:

Code Description
AAA Excellent
BBB Good

75.2.13 Autocash Algorithm Codes (01/AA)

Autocash algorithm codes define the methods for applying receipts. The batch receipts process uses these codes. The following examples are hard-coded:

Code Description
B Balance forward
I Invoice match
T Statement match
C Chargeback
U Unapplied receipt

75.2.14 Language Preference Codes (01/LP)

You can assign codes to identify the language for your invoices, statements, and so on. Examples are:

Code Description
Blank (default) Domestic language
F French
G German