6 Overview to Auxiliary Address Book Information

This chapter contains these topics:

6.1 Objectives

  • To add alternate mailing addresses to an address book record

  • To enter socio-economic information in your address book records

  • To enter related address to an address book record

  • To create and use address book user reserved fields

  • To select and revise email/URL addresses in the Who's Who records

6.2 About Auxiliary Address Book Information

After you create address book records, you can use the Auxiliary Address Book information to maintain information about companies and people with whom you do business.

You may have multiple addresses for an Address Book with each being identified with a User Defined Code called Address Type (01/AT). This type could indicate things like Home, Work, Post Office Box, etc. In addition, you may enter separate addresses, and multiples based on the Address Type, for every Who's Who contact associated with an Address Book.

Some countries require you to maintain statistics on companies and individuals you do business with. These socio-economic, or diversity, factors may vary by country or states. The Socio-Economic file and associated programs let you to design custom information to work for your particular needs.

Related Addresses are used primarily in conjunction with the Send Statement To field (STTO), the Send Invoice To (SITO) field, and the Ship-To or Sold-To Related Address (RLAB), all of which are in the Customer Master file (F0301). Application programs, such as Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing, use the code located in one of those three fields to locate the related address then used in the application.

Additional user reserved information associated with an address number and type can be maintained in the Address Book -User Reserved program (P0155). Various alpha and numeric fields, as well as date fields and 10 byte category codes can be utilized to record information unique to your company's business requirements.

Email/URL selection and revisions programs allows you to store and inquire Email/URL addresses associated with Address Book Who's Who records. Emails can be sent and URL addresses can be browsed from this program invoking the corresponding PC application.