A Codes and Charts

The following codes and charts are instrumental in creating FASTR versions:

Column Type Code Description
C Calculation column
CR Calculation column (recalculation at each row)
% Percentage calculation column
%R Percentage calculation column (recalculation at each row)
BL Blank column specification
AV Account values (OBJ.SUB)
AR Account ranges (OBJ.SUB)
CC Business unit values
CR Business unit ranges
CO Company values
RO Company ranges
SL Subledger values
RL Subledger ranges
01-30 Business unit category code 01 – 30 selection
51-73 Account category code 01 – 23 selection
AC Account code (SUB/OBJ print)
D1-D6 Job cost date 1 through job cost date 6
JR Job cost account ranges (SUB.OBJ)
JV Job cost account values (SUB.OBJ)
MC Method of computation
PR Propagate a column / values
RP Propagate a column / range
UM Unit of measure
R1 - R4 Enhanced Subledger Selection Ranges 1-4
S1 - S4 Enhanced Subledger Selection Values 1-4

Column Amount Code Description
AB Account balance as of current period
AB + NN Account balance as of current + nn periods
AB - NN Account balance as of current - nn periods
AB0NN Account balance as of period nn
BA Budget (approved)
BO Budget (original)
BR Budget (requested)
IC ITD through current period
IC + NN ITD through current + nn periods
IC - NN ITD through current - nn periods
IC0NN ITD period nn
IY ITD through year-end
PA Period activity - current period
PA + NN Period activity - current + nn periods
PA - NN Period activity - current - nn periods
PA0NN Period activity - period nn
PB Prior year-end balance forward (ITD)
PC Prior year's current period
PR Prior year's YTD to current period
PY Prior year-end balance (YTD net)
PS Prior semester-to-date
SC Current semester-to-date
Q1 End of quarter 1
Q2 End of quarter 2
Q3 End of quarter 3
Q4 End of quarter 4
WT Weekly activity (52 period accounting)
YC YTD through current period
YC + NN YTD through current + nn periods
YC - NN YTD through current - nn periods
YC0NN YTD through period nn
YY YTD through year-end

Row Type Code Description
AR Account ranges
AV Account values
C Row calculations
CR Business unit category code ranges
CV Business unit category code values
CA Business unit category codes and account ranges
JR Job cost account ranges
JV Job cost account values
RR Account master category code ranges
RV Account master category code values
RL Subledger ranges
SL Subledger values
T Text only
AR Account ranges
R1 - R4 Enhanced Subledger Range Inclusion 1-4
S1 - S4 Enhanced Subledger Selection Values 1-4

Print Indicator Code Description
Y Yes, print the line
N No, do not print the line
P Page break before printing the line
U Underline, then print the line below
= Double-underline
1-9 Insert 1-9 blank lines before printing

Fiscal Year Code Description
@ All fiscal years
blank Current fiscal year
00 through 99 Designate specific fiscal years
-9 through -1 Prior fiscal years relative to current
+1 through +9 Future fiscal years relative to current

Arithmetic Operation Code Description
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
A Average
S Sum
W Sum without interim calculations
Z Store non-zero numbers
< Store smaller number
> Store larger number

Edit Code Commas Y/N Zero Balance Y/N Negative Amount Notation
A Y Y Cr
B Y N Cr
C N Y Cr
D N N Cr
J Y Y - Trailing
K Y N - Trailing
L N Y - Trailing
M N N - Trailing
N Y Y - Preceding
O Y N - Preceding
P N Y - Preceding
Q N N - Preceding
R Y Y < >
S Y N < >
T N Y < >
U N N < >
1 Y Y No sign
2 Y N No sign
3 N Y No sign
4 N N No sign