75 Year-End Processes Processing Options

This chapter contains the topic:

75.1 Item Balance Annual Close (P12825)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. For disposed assets with non Cost and Accumulated Depre Accounts that continue to carry beginning balances, (i.e. Expense and Revenue Accounts)


1 = carry these balances forward for the 'AA' Ledger only.

2 = carry these balances forward for the 'AA' and 'AU' ledgers.

3 = carry these balances forward for all ledgers.

Leave blank (default) to not carry forward any balances for assets that have been disposed.

2. For Disposed Assets with Cost or Accumulated Depreciation Accounts that continue to carry beginning balances


1 = Carry these balances forward for the 'AA' ledger only.

2 = Carry these balances forward for the 'AA' and 'AU' ledgers.

3 = Carry these balances forward for all ledgers.

Leave Blank (default) to not carry forward any balances for assets that have been disposed.