4 Work with Basic Journal Entries

This chapter contains these topics:

You can enter journal entries using different ledger types and multiple detail lines that distribute amounts to various accounts. The basic journal entry process serves as the basis for working with other types of journal entries.

As you enter data, the General Accounting system validates the information in certain fields to ensure that the integrity of your financial data remains intact.

When you enter a journal entry, the system marks it as unposted and adds it to the Account Ledger table (F0911). When you post, the system updates the Account Balances table (F0902) and marks the journal entry as posted in the Account Ledger table.

You can use the Import/Export function in this program. See the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more information.

If you set up Enhanced Subledger Accounting, you can access the Enhanced Subledger Revisions program (P16092) to change these values by choosing Enhanced Subledger Revisions (F9).

Before You Begin

  • Set up your organization's chart of accounts

  • Set up the general accounting constants that apply to journal entries

  • Set up your fiscal date patterns in the company constants

  • Set up your AAIs specifically for intercompany settlements

  • Review the user defined code list (00/DT) for document types to ensure that JE is the document type for journal entries

4.1 Entering Basic Journal Entries (P09101)


From General Accounting (G09), choose Journal Entries

From Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), choose Journal Entry

You can enter many types of transactions using basic journal entries. When you enter a journal entry, the debit and credit amounts must balance.

Entering a basic journal entry consists of:

  • Identifying the journal entry

  • Entering the G/L distribution

  • Correcting an out-of-balance condition

4.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reference numbers When you complete a journal entry, the system displays the assigned batch and document numbers. You can use these numbers to facilitate locating and reviewing a journal entry.

See Section 4.4, "Locating a Journal Entry."

To identify the journal entry

For each journal entry, you must enter information to identify it in the system, such as the date that the journal entry will affect the general ledger.

On Journal Entry

Figure 4-1 Journal Entry screen

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Journal Entry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Document Type

    • Explanation

    • G/L Date

  2. Complete the following fields, or let the system assign the values:

    • Document Number/Company

    • Currency Code

    After you complete these steps, follow the steps to enter the G/L distribution.

Field Explanation
Document Type A user defined code (system 00/type DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction.

JD Edwards World reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets.

The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:

P – Accounts payable documents

R – Accounts receivable documents

T – Payroll documents

I – Inventory documents

O – Order processing documents

J – General ledger/joint interest billing documents

The system creates offsetting entries as appropriate for these document types when you post batches.

Form-specific information

The document type for journal entries is JE. The document type of a model percent journal entry is %. It changes to JE when you create an actual journal entry from the model.

G/L Date A date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction will be posted. The Fiscal Date Pattern for general accounting specifies the date range for each financial period. You can have up to 14 periods. Generally, period 14 is for audit adjustments.

Form-specific information

If you do not specify a G/L date when you are locating journal entries, the system displays journal entries for all G/L dates associated with the document, as specified by document number, document type, and document company.

To keep the periods in balance when you void reversing journal entries, use the same date in the voiding entry as shown for the corresponding journal entry you are voiding.

Document (Voucher, Invoice, etc.) A number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, an invoice, unapplied cash, or a journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the original document number or let the system assign it through Next Numbers.
Co (Document Company) A number that, along with document number, document type and G/L date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

For World, if you are using the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

Currency Code A code specifying the currency of the transaction. This can be any code defined on the Designate Currency Codes form.

Note: This currency field only applies when currency is activated.

Form-specific information

If you leave this field blank, the system supplies the company currency code associated with the account number of the first detail line for the journal entry.

To enter the G/L distribution

After you enter the information that identifies the journal entry, enter the detail lines that distribute the journal entry amount to the G/L accounts.

On Journal Entry

  1. Complete the following fields for each G/L account to which amounts will be distributed:

    • Account Number

    • Amount

    • Explanation 2 (optional)

  2. Review the following field:

    • Batch Number

  3. Access the detail area and verify the following field:

    • LT (Ledger Type)

  4. Complete the following optional fields:

Field Explanation
Account No Identifies an account in the general ledger. You can use one of the following formats for account numbers:

1 – Standard account number (business unit.object.subsidiary or flexible format)

2 – Third G/L number (maximum of 25 digits)

3 – 8-digit short account ID number

4 – Speed code

The first character of the account indicates the format of the account number. You define the account format in the General Accounting Constants program (P000909).

Form-specific information

Depending on your general accounting constants, you might be able to accept an invalid account number. Insert an & (ampersand) as the first character in front of the invalid account number. For example, &90.1107

Amount A number that identifies the actual amount. Type debits with no sign or a plus sign (+). Type credits with a minus sign (-) either before or after the amount. You can use decimals, dollar signs, and commas. The system ignores non-significant symbols.

Form-specific information

For a percent journal entry or a model for percent journal entries, enter the percent to be distributed to the account without a % (percent) sign. For example, enter 25.75 for 25.75%. The system will calculate the amount as a percentage of the amount to distribute.

When you use the Journal Entry format with separate debit and credit columns, omit signs. Instead, enter the amount in the appropriate column (debit or credit).

Explanation 2 A name or remark that describes an element in the JD Edwards World systems.

Form-specific information

An optional description of the transaction or a remark. Press the key that is set up to act as a duplication key to copy the description from the preceding line.

Batch Number A number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let the system assign it through Next Numbers. When you change, locate, or delete a batch, you must specify the batch number.
G/L Posted Code A code that designates the posting status of a transaction in the general ledger. Valid codes are:

P – Posted. (You cannot alter posted transactions.)

M – Model journal entry.

Blank – Unposted status.

This code also designates the status of the posting of each particular transaction in the A/R and A/P Ledger tables. Valid codes are:

P – Transactions that have been processed through cash entries programs and will require being edited again in the pre-post process.

X – Transactions that were originally coded P from cash entries programs have been processed through pre-post.

D – Transactions that have been successively posted or that have been processed through the cash entries programs with a one-to-one record relationship with the general ledger (for example, adjustments, journal entry from cash receipts, and so on).

Type (Ledger Type) A user defined code (system 09/type LT) that specifies the type of ledger, such as AA (Actual Amount), BA (Budget Amount), or AU (Actual Units). You can set up multiple, concurrent accounting ledgers within the general ledger to establish an audit trail for all transactions.

Form-specific information

The default ledger type is AA.

Enhanced Subledger 1-4 An enhanced subledger can be, for example, an equipment item number or an address book number. If you enter an enhanced subledger code, you must also specify the enhanced subledger type. This field acts the same and is edited much the same as the Subledger field.
Enhanced Subledger Types 1-4 A user defined code (16/E1 through 16/E4)) that is used with the associated Enhanced Subledger field (ABR1 through ABR4) to identify the Enhanced Subledger field type and how the system will perform the Enhanced Subledger editing. The second line of the description on the User Defined Codes form controls how the system validates entries in the Enhanced Subledger field. This is either hard-coded (edits against a file as described in the second line of the description) or user defined.

User defined examples include:

A Alphanumeric field, do not edit

N Numeric field, right justify and zero fill

C Alphanumeric field, right justify and blank fill

To correct an out-of-balance condition

In most cases, you need to correct a journal entry so that the debit amounts balance to the credit amounts before the system accepts it.

  1. On Journal Entry, review the following field to determine the adjustment amount:

    • Remaining

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Correct the journal entry so that the debits balance to the credits and press Enter.

    • Delete the journal entry.

    • Accept the out of balance entry.

Field Explanation
Remaining The current balance of the document.

Form-specific information

The amount of the journal entry remaining to be distributed. An amount appears in this field if the transaction is out of balance. A positive amount indicates debits are greater than credits. A negative amount indicates credits are greater than debits.

4.2 Accepting an Out-of-Balance Journal Entry

Debits and credits must be equal for a journal entry to be in balance. In most cases, if a journal entry has a remaining amount, you need to find and correct the error. However, you might need to accept an out-of-balance journal entry if an unusual situation occurs. For example:

  • You are entering a journal entry to correct an out-of-balance condition in the general ledger for one or more companies. This could happen if the post process terminated abnormally and the system posted only part of an original journal entry.

  • You are entering a long journal entry. You need to leave and, before you sign off; you want to save your work-in-process.

To accept an out-of-balance journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Review the Remaining field to determine the problem.

  2. To accept the out-of-balance journal entry, press F12.

4.3 Duplicating Account Number Segments

When you are entering journal entries, you can duplicate account numbers from one detail line to another to save time and reduce keying errors.

4.3.1 Example: Duplicating Account Number Segments

The following illustrates how duplication works in a single journal entry. It shows a series of account numbers you might enter followed by the corresponding account numbers the system uses.

You type The system uses
100.1110.FRANCE 100.1110.FRANCE
. .BEAR 100.1110.BEAR
50. . 50.1110.BEAR
100.. 100.1110.BEAR
.1810 100.1810
70. 70.1810
. 70.1810

The system replaces each separator character with the missing part of the account number by copying the same part from the preceding account number. If there is only one separator character, the system copies the business unit.object from the preceding detail line.

To duplicate account number segments

On Journal Entry

During journal entry, replace each part (business unit, object account, and subsidiary account) of the account number to be duplicated with a separator character in the Account Number field.

4.4 Locating a Journal Entry


From General Accounting (G09), choose Journal Entries

From Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), choose Journal Entry

You must locate a journal entry before you can review, change, delete, or void it.

To locate a journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Document Type

    • Document Number

  2. Complete the following optional fields and press Enter:

    • G/L Date

    • Document Company

    If there are multiple documents for the same document number and type, you must select a document by looking at the associated company. Depending on your user preference settings, the system either:

    • Selects the journal entry for the company in your user preferences

    • Displays Document Inquiry

  3. If Document Inquiry appears, select a journal entry.

    Figure 4-3 Document Inquiry screen

    Description of Figure 4-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-3 Document Inquiry screen"

See Also:

4.5 Revising an Unposted Journal Entry


From General Accounting (G09), choose Journal Entries

From Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), choose Journal Entry

You can change or delete unposted journal entries. You cannot change the following key fields:

  • Document Type

  • Document Number / Company

  • G/L Date

  • Currency Code

  • Type (Ledger Type)

To change the information in these fields, do one of the following:

  • Delete and re-enter the journal entry

  • Copy the journal entry and change these fields on the new journal entry before you enter it, then delete the incorrect journal entry

To revise an unposted journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Locate the journal entry.

  2. To revise a specific detail line of a lengthy journal entry, complete the Skip to Line field.

  3. Complete the following fields, as necessary:

    • Explanation

    • Account Number

    • Amount

    • Explanation 2

    • Enhanced Subledger 1-4

    • Enhanced Subledger Types 1-4

  4. Use the Change action.

Field Explanation
Skip to Line To move rapidly through a long list of journal entries, enter a line number. The system shifts the information on that line to the top of the display.

4.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Deleting or voiding To remove an unposted journal entry from the system, delete it. Deleting does not provide an audit trail. If you need to maintain an audit trail, you can post the transactions and then void the journal entry.
Changing or deleting entries from other systems Do not change or delete journal entries that were originated in another system, such as Accounts Payable. To change a journal entry that is associated with an invoice or a voucher, use the corresponding Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable system.

4.6 Copying a Journal Entry


From General Accounting (G09), choose Journal Entries

From Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), choose Journal Entry

You can create a new journal entry by copying an existing journal entry and then changing the copy. This procedure is useful when you need to:

  • Correct errors in fields that you cannot change on an existing journal entry, such as the G/L date. In this case, you can use the copy to replace the existing journal entry.

  • Enter a journal entry that is similar to an existing lengthy journal entry.

You can copy a posted or an unposted journal entry.

To copy a journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Locate the journal entry.

  2. Clear the Document Number field.

  3. Change other fields as necessary.

  4. Use the Add Action.

  5. If the new journal entry replaces the existing one, do the following:

    • Locate the journal entry you copied from

    • Delete or void it.

4.6.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Making multiple copies If you need similar journal entries on an ongoing basis, consider creating a model journal entry or a cost allocation.

See Chapter 7, "Work with Model Journal Entries."

4.7 Working With Invalid Account Numbers

If you enter an account number that is not set up in your chart of accounts, the system displays an error message and does not accept the entry. You must do one of the following:

  • Choose a valid account number

  • Temporarily accept the invalid account number

  • Add the account number

Choosing a valid account number is always available. You might not have authority to temporarily accept or add an account number.

The system validates the account numbers you enter on Journal Entry against the information in the Account Master table (F0901).

4.7.1 Choosing a Valid Account Number

When you need to change an invalid account number, you can search for the valid account number by description, by number, or by partial description. If you already know the valid number, you can correct the entry.

To choose a valid account number

On Journal Entry

  1. If you do not know the valid account number, press F1 in the following field to access a list of account numbers:

    • Account Number

    Figure 4-4 Account Number screen

    Description of Figure 4-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-4 Account Number screen"

  2. On Account Number, complete the following field to search for a specific account by description or part of the number:

    • Skip to

  3. Choose a valid posting account number.

Field Explanation
Skip to An account number or a description.

Form-specific information

This field is used on Accounting Structure to handle two functions: entering a specific account number to skip to, or searching for an account description.

Using Query Search, you can search for an alphabetic match by entering either of the following:

  • Full description

  • Partial text followed by an * (asterisk). The system searches for all descriptions that include the entered characters. For example, enter TAX* for all descriptions that begin with the characters TAX.

4.7.2 Temporarily Accepting Invalid Account Numbers

Depending on your general accounting constants, you might be able to accept an invalid account number temporarily. Doing this is useful in either of the following situations:

  • You are not sure what the correct account number is.

  • You are not authorized to add new accounts. Before You Begin

Ensure that the business unit segment of the invalid account number is set up as a valid business unit. If it is not, the system will not accept the entry.

To temporarily accept an invalid account number

On Journal Entry

  1. Insert an & (ampersand) as the first character in front of the invalid account number (for example, &90.1107) in the Account Number field.

  2. To add the record, press Enter. What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Posting invalid account numbers If you temporarily accept an invalid account number, the system sets the status of the batch to "error." You cannot post the batch even if it is approved. Account numbers must be in the Account Master table (F0901) before the batch can successfully post. Depending on your setup, you can fix invalid account numbers in three ways:

Change the account number on Journal Entry.

Add the account number to the chart of accounts. Then you can approve the batch and post as usual. You do not have to remove the & symbol from the account number on Journal Entry.

Let the post program create the account number.

See Section 58.4, "Creating Accounts Dynamically."

4.7.3 Adding Account Numbers

If you are authorized, you can add account numbers to your chart of accounts. This task consists of:

  • Adding a single account number

  • Adding multiple account numbers

If you add a single account number, you can enter all of the information for your chart of accounts. If you add multiple account numbers at the same time, you can access only the required part of the account information.

To add a single account number

On Journal Entry

  1. Access Account Master Revisions by pressing F13.

    Figure 4-5 Account Master Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 4-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-5 Account Master Revisions screen"

  2. On Account Master Revisions, complete the following fields:

    • Business Unit

    • Object

    • Subsidiary (optional)

    • Description

    • Account Level of Detail

  3. To add the record, press Enter.

See Also:

To add multiple account numbers

On Journal Entry

  1. Access Account Master Additions by pressing F10.

    Figure 4-6 Account Master Additions screen

    Description of Figure 4-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-6 Account Master Additions screen"

    The system preloads a level of detail of 8. You should change this to fit your chart of accounts. If you receive an Invalid Account message before choosing Account Master Additions, the system also preloads the invalid account number.

  2. On Account Master Additions, complete the following fields:

    • Description

    • Account Number

  3. Change the following fields as necessary:

    • L (Level of Detail)

    • P (Posting Edit)

4.8 Adding Text to Journal Entries


From General Accounting (G09), choose Journal Entries

From Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), choose Journal Entry

After you enter a journal entry, you can select it to add a comment or memo to it. This text is for internal reference only. Complete one or both of the following tasks:

  • Add text for an entire journal entry

  • Add text for a detail line of a journal entry

Figure 4-7 Journal Entry (Add Text) screen

Description of Figure 4-7 follows
Description of "Figure 4-7 Journal Entry (Add Text) screen"

4.8.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Size of text entry You can enter up to 32,000 characters of text.
Highlighted fields When you add text to a journal entry or a detail line for a journal entry, the system highlights the associated field on Journal Entry and on inquiry forms, such as Account Ledger Inquiry.
Printing added text You can set a processing option on the General Ledger by Business Unit report to include the text added to journal entries.

See Section 18.2, "Printing a General Ledger by Business Unit Report (P09420)."

To add text for an entire journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Locate the journal entry.

  2. From one of the entry fields in the header, press F14.

  3. On the Journal Entry text form, enter the text and press Enter.

  4. Return to Journal Entry.

To add text to a detail line of a journal entry

On Journal Entry

  1. Locate the journal entry.

  2. From any detail line, press F14.

  3. On the Journal Entry text form, enter the text and press Enter.

  4. Return to Journal Entry.