6 Creating Journal Entries from the Purchase Card Management System

This chapter contains the topic:

After you process, review, and approve purchase card transactions, you create journal entries to record the purchase card expense using the Create Journal Entries program (P01P520).

6.1 Understanding Create Journal Entries (P01P520)

When you run the Create Journal Entries program, the system generates journal entries in the Account Ledger file (F0911) for the PCard expense accounts that it retrieves from the F01P111 file (Transaction Distribution File) according to the data selection that you use. The program generates separate journal entries based on the following criteria:

  • Employee Company The system derives the employee company based on the business unit that you assign in the Employee/Card Revisions program (P01P01). The system uses this company as the document company of the journal entry. If you generate journal entries for employees in different companies, the system generates a journal entry for each company.

  • Date of Purchase The system uses the Date of Purchase to derive the G/L Date of the journal entry. Based on the setting of the Transaction Processing processing option, the system generates one journal entry for each purchase date or one journal entry for all purchases made within the same G/L period

  • Number of Detail Lines on the Journal Entry The system limits the lines in one journal entry to 9999. After the system creates 9999 lines for one journal entry, it creates a new journal entry for additional lines.

The program creates journal entries in the domestic currency to the AA ledger only.

After you generate a batch of journal entries, you must approve the batch and post it to update the Account Balances file (F0902).

6.1.1 Program Used to Create Journal Entries from the PCard System

Program Name Program Number Navigation Usage
Create Journal Entries P01P520 From Purchase Card Processing (G01P), choose Transaction Processing.

From Transaction Processing (G01P11), choose Create Journal Entries

Generate journal entry transactions for purchase card expenses.

6.1.2 Setting Processing Options for Create Journal Entries (P01P520)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Proof or Final Mode

1. Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode:

  • Blank - Proof Mode The system generates the PCards - Create Journal Entries Proof report (R01P520), which is an exception report that includes error and warning messages, but does not update files or create journal entries. I

  • 1 - Final Mode The program does the following to create the journal entry in the Account Ledger file (F0911):

    • Locates records from the Transaction File (F01P11) that have 1 in the Transaction Status field (CDSP) and no date in the Create Journal Entry Date field (CRTJ).

    • Uses the value of the Unique Key ID field (UKID) to retrieve the account information for the corresponding records from the Transaction Distribution File (F01P111).

    • Retrieves the account to balance the journal entry from the CCP automatic accounting instructions. This distribution account should be the same one assigned by the Create A/P Vouchers program (P01P510) if you generate vouchers.

    • Generates a batch header record in the Batch Control Records file (F0011) and assigns it batch type G.

    • Updates the following fields in the F0911 file:

      • Address Number (AN8)

        The system uses the address book number of the bank unless you track merchants, in which case it uses the address book number of the merchant (supplier).

      • Purchase Card Flag (CFF1)

        The system updates this field to 1 to indicate that the journal entry was generated from the Purchase Card Management system.

      • G/L Explanation (EXA)

        The system uses the vocabulary override VTX029 (Purchase Card Journal Entry) from PCard - Create Journal Entry Error Report (R01P520).

  • Updates the following fields in the F01P11 file with the journal entry transaction information:

    • Original Document (ODOC)

    • Original Document Type (ODCT)

    • Original Doc Co (OCKO)

    • Create Journal Entry Date (CRTJ)

  • Updates the Journal Entry Line field (JELN) in the Transaction Distribution file (F01P111).

Automatic Post

2. Use this processing option to specify whether to submit the post program (P09800) after successfully creating journal entries.

  • Blank - Do not submit the post program.

  • 1 - Submit version ZJDE0001 of the post program.

Transaction Processing

Use the processing options under this heading to specify how to generate journal entries and the G/L date to assign:

3. Summarizing Transactions and Assigning the G/L Date

  • Blank - Purchase Date

    The system creates one journal entry for each unique purchase date and assigns the purchase date as the G/L date.

  • 1 - Summarized Purchase Date to Period End Date

    The system creates one journal entry for the entire purchase date period and assigns the last day of the fiscal period as the G/L Date on the voucher.

  • 2 - Statement Date

    The system creates one journal entry for each unique statement date and assigns the statement date as the G/L date. If the system cannot locate a statement date, it uses the purchase date.

  • 3 - Summarized Statement Date to Period End

    The system creates one journal entry for the entire purchase period and assigns the statement date as the G/L date. If the system cannot locate a statement date, it uses the purchase date.


If you use either of the Statement Date options (2 or 3), you must set the Data Sequence as follows:
  • Employee Company

  • Currency Code

  • Statement Date

  • Date of Purchase

  • Unique Key ID

The program provides a unique DREAM Writer version for Statement Date processing (ZJDE0003).

4. Offsetting Entries

Use this processing option to specify how to generate the offset (balancing) entries for the journal entry expense:

  • Blank - One offset entry for each journal entry the system generates.

    The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:

    • CCP + Currency + Employee Company

    • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

    • CCP + Employee Company

    • CCP + Company 00000

    The system uses the employee company from the F01P11 record to locate the CCP AAI to use. If you do not specify a business unit on the CCP AAI, the system uses the employee business unit from the F01P11 record and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary to derive the offset account to use.

  • 1 - One offset entry for each company and business unit combination based on the account used for the journal entry expense.

    The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:

    • CCP + Currency + Expense Distribution Company

    • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

    • CCP + Expense Distribution Company

    • CCP + Company 00000

    The system derives the expense distribution company based on the business unit of the expense account from the F01P111 record and uses that to locate the CCP AAI to use. If the business unit is blank on the CCP AAI, the system uses the business unit from the expense distribution account and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary account specified in the AAI to derive the offset account.

Default Values

5. Enter the document type to assign to the journal entry. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns JE.

Report Processing

Use the processing options under this heading to specify the information to print on the error report (R01P520).

6. Warning Message

Use this processing option to specify whether to print warning messages, in addition to error messages, on the report (R01P520) the system generates:

  • Blank - Print the warning messages.

  • 1 - Do not print warning messages.

7. Successfully Processed Notification

Use this processing option to specify whether to print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry:

  • Blank- Print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry.

  • 1 - Do not print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry

DW Version for Journal Entry Processor

8. Use this processing option to specify the version of the Journal Entry Functional Server (XT0911Z1) that you want the system to use to provide default processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

6.1.3 Setting Data Selection for Create Journal Entries (P01P520)

The data selection for this DREAM Writer includes the following mandatory values that you should not change:

  • Create Journal Entry Date EQ *ZEROS

  • Transaction Status EQ 1

You can add additional data selection as desired.

6.1.4 Setting Data Sequence for Create Journal Entries (P01P520)

Depending on the processing option setting for the date to assign as the G/L date, the data sequence for the DREAM Writer version varies:

Purchase Date as G/L Date

If you set the processing option to use the purchase date, the data sequence for the DREAM Writer version is as follows:

  • Employee Company 001

  • Currency Code 002

  • Date of Purchase 003

  • Unique Key ID (Internal) 004

Statement Date as G/L Date

If you set the processing option to use the statement date, the data sequence for the DREAM Writer version is as follows:

  • Employee Company 001

  • Currency Code 002

  • Statement Date 003

  • Date of Purchase 004

  • Unique Key ID (Internal) 005