31 Overview to Approval Processing

This chapter contains these topics:

31.1 Objectives

  • To understand the approval route process

  • To create approval routes

  • To assign an approval route to an order

  • To delegate approval authority

  • To understand the approval messaging system

  • To review orders awaiting approval

  • To approve and reject orders

  • To justify approvals and rejections

31.2 Overview

Your company might require you to obtain approval for the items or services that you purchase. After you enter a purchase order, requisition, blanket order, or so on, you can require that the proper authorities approve the order before the system processes it. This eliminates the unauthorized purchase of items.

The orders you enter might require approval from different persons, based on the department in which you work or the amount of purchases that you want to make. You must set up approval routes to specify the persons responsible for approving orders. You can then assign those routes to orders.

If you originate orders, you can check the current status of an order. The status indicates the person from whom the order is awaiting approval and the persons who have already approved the order. You will receive a message when an order is fully approved or rejected.

If you are responsible for approving orders, you can review all orders awaiting your approval and select orders to approve or reject. You can provide explanations for approving or rejecting an order.

You must determine which order types (purchase orders, requisitions, and so forth) require approval. For each order type, you must set up Order Activity Rules (P40204) to include the approval process.

The system maintains information about order approvals in the Held Order file (F4209).

To process approvals, complete the following tasks:

  • Set up approval processing

  • Work with orders awaiting approval

See Also: