16 Overview to Voucher Processing

This chapter contains these topics:

16.1 Objectives

  • To create payment vouchers

  • To enter landed costs

  • To review and post journal entries that result from voucher transactions

  • To create preliminary vouchers

  • To review voucher information

16.2 Overview

Before you can pay a supplier for the goods and services you purchase, you must create a voucher that:

  • Indicates that the terms of a transaction have been met

  • Specifies the amount to pay to the supplier

  • Notifies the Accounts Payable system to cut a check

You can create a voucher interactively using an invoice. You use this method to verify that invoice information corresponds to your receipt records. For example, if a supplier bills you for 100.00 worth of goods, you must verify that you received 100.00 worth of goods. If you do not record receipt information, you must verify that invoice information corresponds to purchase order detail lines.

You can create vouchers in batch mode using only receipt information. You use this method when you have an agreement with your suppliers that your receipt records are sufficient for creating vouchers, and invoices are unnecessary. For example, if receipt records indicate that you received 100.00 worth of goods, the system creates a voucher for 100.00 worth of goods.

You might want to review the receipt records for which you must create vouchers. After you locate this information, you can enter landed costs (costs in excess of an item's purchase price) for the items you have received.

If you receive an invoice before you take receipt of the goods and services, you can create a preliminary voucher to account for the billing amount. After you receive the goods or services on the invoice, you can create a permanent voucher from the preliminary voucher.

Voucher processing includes the following tasks:

  • Reviewing open receipts

  • Entering landed costs

  • Creating vouchers using invoices

  • Creating multiple vouchers from receipt records

  • Working with journal entries for voucher transactions

  • Logging invoices prior to receiving goods

  • Printing voucher information

16.2.1 Files and Journal Entries

The following is a summary of the primary files created/updated and the journal entries made during the voucher process, with the AAI's that drive these journal entries.

Stock Purchase: 3-Way Match

Match Voucher to Open Receipt (P4314)

At Match Voucher to Open Receipt, the system updates or creates records in the following files:

  • F0411 (Accounts Payable Ledger) - Voucher created (usually PV document type)

  • F0911 (Account Ledger) - Journal entries created

  • F43121 (P.O. Receiver File)

    • Match Type 2 record written at Voucher Match

    • Match Type 1 record changes from open to paid (for amount vouchered)

  • F4311 (P.O. Detail) - Record created for any added lines at Voucher Match

  • F4111 (Item Ledger File)

    • Payment variance (PV) document type may be created to account for the difference between and item's receipt cost and invoice cost, depending on the item's inventory cost method

  • F4105 (Item Cost File) - Average cost updated if invoice cost differs from receipt cost

The following journal entries are created in the F0911:

Driven by Debit Credit
AAI 4320 RNV  
PCAAI   A/P Trade Account

Other journal entries might also be created depending on specific variables that relate to the purchase order, including taxes and landed costs, exchange rate variances (if you operate in a multi-currency environment), and variables that relate specifically to stock items, such as variances between the receipt and invoice costs.

The credit to A/P trade (PCAAI) is not created at Voucher Match; instead, it's created by the post program (P09800) when you run it over the batch.

Non- Stock Purchasing: 2- Way Match

Receive and Voucher P.O. (P4314)

At Receipt and Voucher P.O., the following files are created/updated:

  • F4311 (P.O. Detail) - order line gets closed (status codes, received and open quantities and amount fields updated.)

  • F43121 (P.O. Receiver File) - Match Type 2 record created

  • F0411 (Accounts Payable Ledger) - Voucher created (usually PV document type)

  • F0911 (Account Ledger) - Journal entries created

The following Journal Entries are created:

Driven By Debit Credit
AAI 4315 or acct. # Non-Stock or Expense Account  
PCAAI   A/P Trade Account

The debit to the account in AAI 4315 is created when you perform the match; however, the credit to A/P trade (PCAAI) is not created until you run the post program (P09800) over the batch. Other journal entries might also be created depending on specific variables that relate to the purchase order, such as taxes.

Non-Stock Purchasing: 3-Way Match

Match Voucher to Open Receipt (P4314)

At Match Voucher to Open Receipt, the system creates or updates the following files:

  • F0411 (Accounts Payable Ledger) - Voucher created (usually PV document type)

  • F0911 (Account Ledger) - Journal entries created

  • F43121 (P.O. Receiver File)

    • Match Type 2 record written at Voucher Match

    • Match Type 1 record changes from open to paid (for amount vouchered)

  • F4311 (P.O. Detail) - Record created for any added lines at Voucher Match

The following Journal entries are created:

Driven By Debit Credit
AAI 4320 RNV  
PCAAI   A/P Trade Account

Other journal entries might also be created depending on specific variables that relate to the purchase order, including taxes and landed costs, cost variances between the receipt cost and the invoice cost, and exchange rate variances (if you operate in a multi-currency environment).

The credit to A/P trade (PCAAI) is not created at Voucher Match; instead, it's created by the post program (P09800) when you run it over the batch.

If you perform a 3-way match on order lines that have a line type with an inventory interface of A or B (usually lines types of J and B, respectively), you can define whether cost variances and exchange rate variances are booked back to the expense account on the order line or to the AAI variance accounts (as defined in AAIs 4330 and 4340). You define this information in the Order Lines Types video (P40205).

16.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Voucher match methods If you record receipt information for items, you compare invoices to receipt records to create individual vouchers. If you do not record receipt information, you compare invoices to purchase order detail lines to create vouchers.

A three-way voucher match method implies that you use receipt records to create vouchers. A two-way voucher match method implies that you use purchase order detail lines to create vouchers. You must specify the match method that you use in processing options.

Retainage at voucher match You often retain a percentage of a payment until all work under a construction contract is complete and accepted. This retainage is paid after the contractor has been given written notice of acceptance. An amount to cover unfinished work is usually retained.

To activate retainage at time of voucher match, set processing option 20 on P4314 to "1". Once the processing option is set, the retainage field appears on the header of the voucher.

Zero dollar vouchers You can set processing option 38 for P4314 to prevent the system from creating a voucher and journal entries for zero dollar invoices. This occurs regardless of whether the G/L Functional Server (XT0911Z1) is set to create zero dollar journal entries.
Options 1, 7 and 9 in Voucher Match Option 1 (Match) will voucher the quantity and amount on the line, but will leave open any remaining quantity. Option 7 (Close) is only valid for a two-way match, and will close the balance on the line should you enter a quantity or amount that differs from the intial quantity or amount entered on the purchase order. Option 9 (Cancel) is only valid for a two-way match, and will cancel everything on the line.

Options 7 and 9 are not valid for stock items, which are always received prior to voucher match (3-way match). To close or cancel stock lines, you must first reverse the receipt through the Enter Receipts program (P4312).

See Also: