17 Review Open Receipts

This chapter contains the topic:

You can review open receipts, which are receipts for which you have not yet created vouchers. You might do this to determine the receipts for which you must create vouchers. You can review the amount and quantity open for each receipt, as well as the amount open for all receipts on Open Receipts by Supplier (P43214).

17.1 Reviewing Open Receipts


From Stock Based Procurement (G43A), choose Receipts Matching and Posting

From Receipts Matching and Posting (G43A15), choose Open Receipts by Supplier

17.1.1 Before You Begin

To review open receipts

On Open Receipts by Supplier (P43214)

Figure 17-1 Open Receipts by Supplier screen

Description of Figure 17-1 follows
Description of "Figure 17-1 Open Receipts by Supplier screen"

  1. To locate receipts, complete one or more of the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Match Type

    • Currency Code

    • Order Number

    • Document Number

    • Supplier

    • Item Number

    • Account Number

  2. Review the following fields for each receipt:

    • Open Quantity

    • Open Amount

  3. Press F6 to review the total open amount for all receipts that display.

Field Explanation
Match Type The match type is a code attached to each purchase order detail line record or receipt record that indicates whether a voucher exists. Valid codes are:

1 – A receipt has been performed

2 – A voucher exists

3 – The voucher was reversed

4 – The receipt record was reversed

Note: Record types 3 and 4 are audit records only. You cannot access these records for the voucher payment or receipt programs.

Form-specific information

If you enter 1 in this field, the system displays orders for which vouchers do not yet exist. If you enter 2 in this field, the system displays orders for which vouchers do exist.

Open Quantity The original quantity for the order line, plus or minus any changes to that quantity, less all quantities shipped, received, and/or vouchered to date.

Form-specific information

The open quantity is the quantity of the order for which a voucher does not yet exist.

Open Amount The amount of the order, invoice, or voucher that is still unpaid or open. When you enter a document (for example, an order, invoice, or voucher), the open amount is the original amount of that document. If you change the original amount, the open amount is reduced by the net change. For example, payments, shipments, or receipts against a document result in a reduction of the open balance.

Form-specific information

The open amount is the amount of the order for which a voucher does not yet exist.

17.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Open receipt information The system displays open receipts based on either receipt information or purchase order detail lines. If you record receipts for goods and services, the system displays open receipts based on receipt information. If you do not record receipts, the system displays open receipts based on purchase order detail lines.

The voucher match method you specify in processing options determines whether the system displays open receipts based on receipt information (three-way voucher match method) or purchase order detail lines (two-way voucher match method).

Identifying the status of receipt records You must indicate the status of the receipt records or purchase order detail lines you want to review by entering a match type:
  • Match type 1 - display receipt records or purchase order detail lines for which vouchers do not exist

  • Match type 2 - display receipt records or purchase order detail lines for which vouchers do exist

The system assigns a match type of 4 to a receipt record or purchase order detail line if the receipt is reversed and a match type of 3 if the voucher is reversed. You cannot work with records that have a match type 3 or 4, as they are for audit purposes only.

Additional information for receipt records You can review additional information for each open receipt, such as routing information, related address numbers, and order dates, by choosing option 5 to review detail information for a specific receipt.

17.1.3 Processing Options

See Section 75.1, "Review Receipts (P43214)."