8 Work with User Defined Data in EDI Transactions

This chapter contains these topics:

8.1 About User Defined Data in EDI Transactions

You can include user defined data that is associated with a sales order, purchase order, and shipment header with outbound EDI transactions. The system can also store data from inbound EDI transactions that it cannot store with the sales or purchase order header or detail lines as user defined data for the order. The system stores the data as part of the order, making it accessible through the order entry programs and available for outbound EDI transactions as well. For example, if your trading partner sends you a purchase order that includes unique information that you must return, you can process this information as user defined data, maintain it as part of the order, and return it as part of any outbound transaction.

The JD Edwards World EDI programs move the user defined data from the inbound EDI transactions to the orders and extract user defined data from the orders and shipments for outbound EDI transactions. For inbound EDI transactions, the programs processing the transaction examine the EDI user defined data tables for user defined data for the order. Any data that the program locates, it enters it in the corresponding user defined data table for that order.

For outbound EDI transactions, you enter the type of user defined data you want to extract in the processing options for the JD Edwards World extract program. The program examines the order or shipment for the type of user defined data you indicate and extracts the data into EDI user defined data tables as well as processing the other order or shipment information.

The system processes user defined data in the following Sales EDI transactions and programs:

  • Inbound Request for Quote (840) - Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z)

  • Inbound Customer Order (850) - Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z)

  • Inbound Customer Order Change Report (860) - EDI Purchase Order Change Edit/Create (P47131)

  • Outbound Response to Request for Quotation (843) - Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565)

  • Outbound Order Acknowledgement (855) - Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565)

  • Outbound Order Change Acknowledgement (865) - Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565)

  • Outbound Invoice (810) - Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565)

  • Outbound Shipping Notice (856) - EDI Advanced Ship Notice Extraction (P47032)

The system processes user defined data in the following Procurement EDI transaction and programs:

  • Inbound Purchase Order Add (860) - Purchase Order Batch Entry Edit Object (P471411)

  • Inbound P.O. Acknowledgement (855) - EDI Inbound PO and PO Change Acknowledgment (P47021)

  • Inbound P.O. Change Acknowledgement (865) - EDI Inbound PO and PO Change Acknowledgment (P47021)

  • Outbound Request for Quote (840) - EDI Request for Quote Extraction (P47092)

  • Outbound Purchase Order (850) - Purchase Orders Print (P43500)

  • Outbound Purchase Order Change (860) - EDI Purchase Order Change Extraction (P47132)

You review and revise user defined data for the header and detail portion of an EDI transaction using the following programs:

  • EDI Order Header-User Defined program (P4730)

  • EDI Order Detail-User Defined program (P4731)

  • EDI Order SDQ-User Defined (P4732)

  • EDI Shipment-User Defined program (P4733)

The primary purpose of these programs is to allow you to review data before you process it, however you can also enter user defined data for the header and detail portion of an EDI transaction.

You access these programs initially through the EDI Order Header Inquiry program (P47013) for all inbound and outbound EDI transactions, with the exception of the EDI Shipment-User Defined program. You can also choose Header Revisions for a detail line from the Status Inquiry program (P47010) to access the EDI Order Header-User Defined program (P4730).

From the EDI Order Header Inquiry program, you can access the EDI Order Header -User Defined program (P4730) from the following programs:

  • EDI Order Header 2 Revisions (P470131)

  • EDI Additional Header 1 Revisions (P470132)

  • EDI Additional Header 2 Revisions (P470133)

From the EDI Order Header Inquiry program, you can access the EDI Order Detail-User Defined program (P4731) from the following programs:

  • EDI Additional Detail Revisions (P47014)

  • EDI Order Detail 1 (P470141)

  • EDI Order Detail 2 (P470142)

  • EDI Order Detail 3 (P470143)

  • EDI Order Detail 4 (P470144)

Also from the EDI Order Header Inquiry program, you access the EDI Order SDQ-User Defined program (P4732) from the EDI Purchase Order Detail SDQ Revisions (P47015).

The EDI Shipment-User Defined program (P4733) is accessible from the EDI ASN Header Inquiry program (P47033).

You must first access the JD Edwards World menu for the EDI Sales Order or Procurement Transactions. User defined data is only available from these menus and is not available for Price Sales Catalog, Product Activity, Planning and Shipping Schedule, or financial transactions.

The EDI Revisions program you use can differ depending on the EDI transaction set with which you are working. The sample screens in the following task are for a sales order. Screens for other documents, such as a purchase order or a request for quotation, might have different fields.

The system stores the EDI user defined data in the following tables:

  • For inbound and outbound sales and purchase orders:

    • EDI Order Header-User Defined table (F4730)

    • EDI Order Detail-User Defined table (F4731)

  • For inbound sales order user defined data for an SDQ record - EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound (F47132)

  • For outbound shipping notices - EDI Shipment - User Defined (F4733)

8.2 Data Processing

The system allows the transfer of data between the EDI Order Header-User Defined table (F4730) and the S.O. Header User-Defined (F42016) or the P.O. Header User-Defined (F43016) tables. The File ID field in the F4730 allows the table to accept user-defined data for both inbound and outbound EDI transaction sets.

The system allows the transfer of data between the EDI Order Detail-User Defined table (F4731) and the S.O. Detail - User Defined (F42116) and the P.O. Detail User-Defined (F43116) tables. The File ID field in the F4731 allows the file to accept user-defined data for both inbound and outbound EDI transaction sets.

The system only allows the inbound transfer of data between the EDI Order SDQ-User Defined (F4732) and the S.O. Detail User Defined F42116) tables. However, the system uses the File ID field in the F4732 to identify which EDI SDQ file the records accompany.

The system only allows the outbound transfer of data between the Shipment Header-User Defined (F42156) and the EDI Shipment-User Defined (F4733) tables. The system uses the File ID field in the F4733 to identify the EDI file the records accompany.

For inbound transactions, the system moves data in the following manner:

From To
F4730 F42016 or F43016
F4731 F42116 or F43116
F4732 F42116

For outbound transaction, the system moves data in the following manner:

From To
F42016 or F43016 F4730
F42116 or F43116 F4731
F42156 F4733

For outbound transactions, you set the Extract User Defined Data processing options to extract header and detail user defined data from transactions. If you do not set this processing option, the system does not extract any user defined data. You can also set a processing option to extract multiple or all data types.


You can set the data type processing options to extract specific data types and blank is also a valid data type value. When you leave one of the data type processing options blank, the system extracts the records with a blank data type. If you want to extract only certain data types of user defined data for EDI transactions, you should use blank as the data type for one of the types of data that the system extracts.

For inbound transactions, the JD Edwards World EDI program always examines the table and processes the data if it locates any records.

The system associates the File ID in records in the EDI User-Defined tables to records in the EDI batch tables using the values in key EDI fields, such as the Company, Document Number, Document Type, and EDI Line Number. This works in a similar manner to the process the system uses to attach associated text in the EDI Order Text Lines - Header (F4714) and EDI Order Text Lines - Detail (F4715) tables to EDI transaction records.

For example, if you run the Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales program (P40211Z) for the inbound 850 transaction set, the program examines the data for matching EDI transaction field values in the F4730 and EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound (F47011). If the value in the File ID field in the F4730 is F47011, the program uploads data from the F4730 to the S.O. Header - User Defined (F42016). Likewise, if there are matching values in EDI transaction fields in the F4731 and EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound (F47012), and the value in the File ID field in the F4731 is F47012, the program uploads the data in the F4731 to the F42116.


If there is user-defined data for the same order line and data type in both the F4731 and F4732, the system enters the data from the F4731 in the F42116 and then overwrites this with data from the F4732.

The following table includes the EDI programs and transaction sets for which the system processes user-defined data. It also includes the corresponding File ID for the F4730 and F4731, based on the transaction set you are processing.

EDI Program Sales Procurement Transaction Set F4730 File ID F4731 File ID
Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z) In   840 EDI Request for Quote Header - Inbound (F47091) EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound (F47092)
Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z) In   850 EDI Purchase Order Header - Inbound (F47011) EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound (F47012)
Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z) In   Batch Batch Receiver File - Order Headings (F4001Z) Batch Receiver File - Order Details (F4011Z)
Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565) Out   810 EDI Invoice from Sales Header - Outbound (F47046) EDI Invoice from Sales Detail - Outbound (F47047)
Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565) Out   843 EDI Response to RFQ Header - Outbound (F47106) EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound (F47107)
Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565) Out   855 EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Outbound (F47026) EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound (F47027)
Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565) Out   865 EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Outbound (F47146) EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound (F47147)
Purchase Orders Print (P43500)   Out 850 EDI Purchase Order Header - Outbound (F47016) EDI Purchase Order Detail - Outbound (F47017)
EDI Inbound PO and PO Change Acknowledgment (P47021)   In 855 EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Inbound (F47021) EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound (F47022)
EDI Inbound PO and PO Change Acknowledgment (P47021)   In 865 EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Inbound (F47141) EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound (F47142)
EDI Advanced Ship Notice Extraction (P47032)   Out 856 EDI Shipping Notice Header - Outbound (F47036) EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Outbound (F47037)
EDI Request for Quote Extraction (P47092)   Out 840 EDI Request for Quote Header - Outbound (F47096) EDI Request for Quote Detail - Outbound (F47097)
EDI Purchase Order Change Edit/Create (P47131) In   860 EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Inbound (F47131) EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound (F47132)
EDI Purchase Order Change Extraction (P47132)   Out 860 EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Outbound (F47136) EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Outbound (F47137)
Purchase Order Batch Entry Edit Object (P471411)   In 860 EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Inbound (F47141) EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Inbound (F47142)

EDI Inbound PO and PO Change Acknowledgment (P47021) and EDI Purchase Order Change Edit/Create (P47131) print discrepancy reports which include discrepancies between the user defined data in the F4730 and F4731 and existing user defined data in the transaction tables (F43016, F43116, F42016, F42116).

You can set the processing options for the Batch Order Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z) and Purchase Order Batch Entry Edit Object (P471411) programs to copy user defined data from the blanket or quote order when you release the sales or purchase order detail line from the original order. If you do not set this processing option, the system does not copy user defined data from the blanket or quote to the new order. You can also set a processing option to copy multiple or all data types.

Each of the user defined data tables includes an additional thirty five fields that are not on any screen. The system processes the data in these fields in the inbound EDI programs, updates the user defined data for the order, and the data is available for an outbound EDI process to extract. The set up for user defined data (override data items, required fields, and defaults) applies to these fields as well.

8.3 User Defined Data Set Up

You set up the user defined data for override data items, inactive and required fields, and default values for the EDI user defined data. As the EDI tables are merely transitional, the system applies the data you set up based on the target table (inbound) or source table (outbound) for the data.

For example, if you are using EDI Order Header-User Defined program to revise data for an inbound sales order, the system applies the override data items, inactive and required fields, and defaults from the S.O. Header-User Defined table (F42016) to verify, enter, and display the data.

8.4 User Reserved UDC and Code Fields

The values the system verifies for User Reserved UDCs depend on the program you are using. The JD Edwards World programs that process the EDI transactions, including the EDI Revisions programs, retrieve the values based on the program through which the data is accessible once the system updates it in the master inbound files or in the program in which the data originated (outbound).

For example, if you are using the EDI Order Detail-User Defined program (P4731) to revise data for an inbound purchase order, the system retrieves the same values that are available in the P.O. Detail-User Defined (P42116) program. Any UDC values you add to the P4731 are available in P42116.

8.5 Working with User Defined Data in EDI Transactions

Working with user defined data in EDI transactions includes the following tasks:

  • To run the outbound extraction

  • To review and revise user defined data for EDI transactions

  • To revise user defined data for Ship Destination Quantity (SDQ)

  • To revise user defined data for shipping notices

  • To run the inbound edit/update

8.5.1 Before You Begin

Set the following appropriate processing options:

  • Batch Edit and Creation - Sales (P40211Z)

  • Sales Order Invoices Print (P42565)

  • Purchase Orders Print (P43500)

  • EDI Advanced Ship Notice Extraction (P47032)

  • EDI Request For Quote Extraction (P47092)

  • EDI Purchase Order Change Extraction (P47132)

  • Purchase Order Batch Entry Edit Object (P471411)

8.5.2 Running the Outbound Extraction


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose an EDI outbound transaction

From an outbound transaction menu (G47xx), choose an EDI Standard document

From EDI Standard document menu (G47xxx), choose Outbound Extraction

To run the outbound extraction

8.5.3 Reviewing and Revising User Defined Data for EDI Transactions


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose an EDI transaction

From a transaction menu (G47xx), choose an EDI Standard document

From EDI Standard document menu (G47xxx), choose Revisions

To review and revise user defined data for EDI transactions

  1. On Revisions, locate an EDI document.

    Figure 8-1 Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 8-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-1 Revisions screen"

  2. On Revisions, choose Header User Defined Data (F21) to access user defined data.

    Figure 8-2 EDI Order Header User Defined screen

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 EDI Order Header User Defined screen"

  3. On EDI Order Header - User Defined Data, change or complete the appropriate fields and click Change or Add.

  4. On Revisions, choose Detail Revisions (F10).

  5. On Order Detail Revisions, enter 1 in the Option field.

    Figure 8-3 Order Detail Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 8-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-3 Order Detail Revisions screen"

  6. On EDI Order Detail 1, choose EDI Order Detail - User Defined (F21) to access user defined data.

    Figure 8-4 EDI Order Detail 1 screen

    Description of Figure 8-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-4 EDI Order Detail 1 screen"

  7. On EDI Order Detail - User Defined Data, change or complete the appropriate fields and click Change or Add

Figure 8-5 EDI Order Detail User Defined screen

Description of Figure 8-5 follows
Description of "Figure 8-5 EDI Order Detail User Defined screen"

8.5.4 Revising User Defined Data for Ship Destination Quantity (SDQ)


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose Sales Order Transactions

From Sales Order Transactions (G4721), choose Customer Order

From Customer Order (G47212), choose Status Inquiry

To revise user defined data for Ship Destination Quantity (SDQ)

You can review, revise and enter user defined data for the SDQ using the EDI Order SDQ-User Defined Data program (P4732). The system stores the inbound SDQ user defined data in the EDI Order SDQ-User Defined table (F4732). The File ID field in the F4732 allows each record in the table to correspond to a record in the EDI Purchase Order Detail (SDQ) - Inbound (F47013), the EDI Request for Quote Detail (SDQ) - Inbound (F47093), or Batch Receiver File - Destination Quantity (F4012Z) tables.

  1. On Status Inquiry, enter 1 in the Option field.

    Figure 8-6 Status Inquiry screen

    Description of Figure 8-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-6 Status Inquiry screen"

  2. On Order Detail Revisions, enter 4 in the Option field.

    Figure 8-7 Order Detail Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 8-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-7 Order Detail Revisions screen"

  3. On EDI Order Detail SDQ, choose EDI Order SDQ - User Defined (F21) to access user defined data.

    Figure 8-8 EDI Order Detail SDQ screen

    Description of Figure 8-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-8 EDI Order Detail SDQ screen"

  4. On EDI Order SDQ - User Defined Data, change or complete the appropriate fields and click Change or Add.

Figure 8-9 EDI Order SDQ-User Defined screen

Description of Figure 8-9 follows
Description of "Figure 8-9 EDI Order SDQ-User Defined screen"

8.5.5 Revising User Defined Data for Shipment Notices


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose Sales Order Transactions

From Sales Order Transactions (G4721), choose Shipping Notice

From Shipping Notice (G47225), choose Outbound Shipping Notice Revisions

To revise user defined data for shipping notices

You can review, revise, and enter user defined data for shipment headers using the EDI Shipment-User Defined program (P4733). The system stores the outbound shipping notice user defined data in the EDI Shipment - User Defined (F4733) tables.

  1. On Revisions, enter or locate the shipment document.

    Figure 8-10 Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 8-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-10 Revisions screen"

  2. On Revisions, choose EDI Shipment - User Defined (F21) to access user defined data.

    Figure 8-11 EDI Shipment User Defined screen

    Description of Figure 8-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-11 EDI Shipment User Defined screen"

  3. On EDI Shipment - User Defined Data, change or complete the appropriate fields and click Change or Add.

8.5.6 Running the Inbound Edit/Update


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose an EDI inbound transaction

From an inbound transaction menu (G47xx), choose an EDI Standard document

From EDI Standard document menu (G47xxx), choose Inbound Edit/Update

To run the inbound edit/update
