3 Send Outbound Documents

This chapter contains these topics:

3.1 Sending Outbound Documents

Send outbound documents to transmit EDI Standard documents, such as a purchase order, to your trading partner.

When you send outbound documents, the Electronic Commerce software must perform several tasks before your trading partner receives the document.

3.2 Copying Data into the EDI Outbound Interface Files


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose an EDI transaction From transaction (G47xx), choose an EDI Standard document

From the EDI Standard document (G47xxx), choose Outbound Extraction

To begin the process of sending an outbound document, you must copy the records from your JD Edwards World application files to the JD Edwards World EDI outbound interface files (known as System 47). To do this, you run the Outbound Extraction program that is specifically set up for the type of document you are sending.

Outbound Extraction programs are specific to each EDI Standard document supported by JD Edwards World. Each EDI Standard document has its own outbound menu that contains an Outbound Extraction selection. When you choose Outbound Extraction, the system displays a DREAM Writer version list. You can run an existing version, change an existing version, or add a version. When running a version, you may change the processing options and data selection options for that version to fit your company's needs.

When you run Outbound Extraction, the program retrieves data from the application files for this document and places the data in the EDI outbound interface files. The translator software can include data that is not required by JD Edwards for Outbound transactions. For some EDI Standard documents, the Outbound Extraction program retrieves trading partner specific data from the unutilized information file (F4700) by JD Edwards World Order Number, Order Type, Order Key Company, and Order Line Number, and sends it back to your trading partner with the EDI Standard Document.

After you run Outbound Extraction, the system generates an audit report that lists which documents completed successfully. If any document in the extraction is not completed successfully, the system also generates an extraction error report that lists the documents that contain errors along with the reasons for those errors.

To copy data into the EDI outbound interface files

On Outbound Extraction

Figure 3-1 Outbound Extraction screen

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Outbound Extraction screen"

Choose the Run option next to the DREAM Writer version you want to run.

3.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Correcting errors with System 47 data If the extraction error report indicates a problem with the System 47 data, you can use the Status Inquiry and Revisions programs to revise the data in the EDI outbound interface files. However, note that any changes you make to the data in the EDI outbound interface files are not transferred back to the application files that were the source of the information. To change data in the application files, you must revise the data in the application and run the Outbound Extraction program again.

See Section 18.1, "Determining Document Status" and Section 19.1, "Revising EDI Documents."

Correcting Outbound Extraction program errors If the extraction error report indicates a problem with the Outbound Extraction program, revise the processing options and/or data selection options and run the Outbound Extraction program again.

See Also:

3.3 Copying Data into the Translator Software Files

After the system copies the data to the EDI outbound interface files, the records can be processed by the translator software. You copy information from the EDI outbound interface files (System 47 data) to the translator software files. When you copy System 47 data into the translator software files, the translator software maps the data into EDI Standard document format.

3.4 Sending EDI Standard Documents to the Network

Once the documents you are sending have been copied to the translator software files and processed, you can send them to the network so that your trading partner can receive them. See your translator software guide for specific details to process the EDI documents after you have copied them to the translator software files.

3.5 Recording Documents as Sent


From Electronic Commerce (G47), choose an EDI transaction

From transaction (G47xx), choose an EDI Standard document

From EDI Standard document (G47xxx), choose Update as Sent

Record documents as sent to flag all documents that you transmitted as processed so the translation software will not send the same document again.

You should run the Update as Sent report feature as soon as possible following each successful communication with a trading partner. You must run this program before you download a new batch of transactions to the outbound files for the transaction or you could accidentally duplicate data.

Use the same criteria to define the update procedure that the translation software uses when extracting information from the files used to transmit information.

You do not need to run the Update as Sent report feature for inbound transactions. The Inbound Edit/Update report feature updates the processed field for all inbound transactions that are successfully processed.

Update as Sent is a DREAM Writer program. You can run the Update as Sent program:

  • After the translation software maps the EDI Standard documents

  • After the translation software transmits the EDI Standard documents to trading partners

  • After the trading partners acknowledge receipt of the EDI Standard documents you sent

To record documents as sent

On Update as Sent

Figure 3-2 Update as Sent screen

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Update as Sent screen"

Choose the Run option next to the DREAM Writer version you want to run.

Options Description
Copying outgoing mail to media You can copy outgoing mail to media to send documents to a tape or CD rather than a network. You might want to use this as an archival procedure or alternate method of sending data to your trading partner.
Unutilized Information Processing (F4700) When you run Update as Sent, the program also updates information in the Unutilized Information File if the EDI Standard document program is using it.