37 Map Category Codes

This chapter contains this topic:

If you set up category codes for your business units that facilitate tracking and reporting on equipment, you can set up your system to automatically assign category codes from the responsible business unit to equipment category codes. When you enter master information for a new piece of equipment, the category codes that you specify from the responsible business unit automatically appear on the Equipment Master screen.

37.1 Mapping Category Codes


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 29

From Equipment/Plan Management Setup (G1341), choose Category Code Mapping

To map category codes

  1. On Category Code Mapping, to indicate how you want to map the category codes, complete the following field:

    • Mapping Type

    Figure 37-1 Category Code Mapping screen

    Description of Figure 37-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 37-1 Category Code Mapping screen"

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Map to Category Code

    • Map From Category Code

Field Explanation
Mapping Type Enter a 1 in this field to map Business Unit Category Codes to Equipment Category Codes.

Enter a 2 in this field to map Equipment Category Codes to Work Order Category Codes.

Map to Category Code Use this field to specify defaults for your category codes. If the mapping type is 1, the equipment category code number in this field receives its default value from the Business Unit category code you specify in the Map From Category Code field on this form. If the mapping type is 2, the Work Order category code in this field receives its default value from the Equipment category code you specify in the Map From Category Code field.
Map From Category Code Use this field to set up defaults for your category codes. If the mapping type is 1, the Business Unit category code value you enter in this field is the default value for the Equipment category code you specify in the Map To Category Code field on this form. If the mapping type is 2, the Equipment category code value you enter in this field is the default value for the Work Order category code you specify in the Map To Category Code field.

37.1.1 What You Should Know About

Category Codes Description
Changing the responsible business unit for a piece of equipment The system uses the responsible business unit from the equipment master to determine which business unit to assign codes from. If you change the responsible business unit for a piece of equipment, the system assigns equipment category codes based on the new business unit.
Mapping default category codes with different values The default values you set up on Category Code Mapping will appear on Equipment Master only if the values are valid for the business unit and the equipment. For example, if you want to map the value for category code 05 from the Business Unit Master to category code 08 on the Equipment Master, the values for both category code tables must match.
Mapping category codes with different character lengths Category codes 21 through 23 can be up to 10-characters long. The system truncates any codes that you map from a business unit category code which is longer than three characters into a three-character category code field on the Equipment Master form.