23 Review Information for Discrete Manufacturing

This chapter contains these topics:

You can review information for components, such as useability, availability, or supply and demand. You can review all item transactions in the system. And, you can review all work orders that make up the load at a particular work center. Also, you can view the components and quantities of two parts lists or view only the differences.

23.1 Reviewing Material Information

You can choose from three different programs to review information:

  • Component Useability

  • Summary Availability

  • Supply/Demand

Use the Component Useability program to display the quantity of a parent item that can be produced based on the component quantity. The system adjusts the production quantity in relation to the component quantity. This is useful in determining what can be produced based on component material on hand. You can restrict the data that is displayed to a specific lot, grade, or potency of the item.

Use the Summary Availability program to check the availability of an item in your branches or plants. You can display the date in detail or summary mode, and for one branch or all of your branches.

Processing options allow you to omit item records that have a zero quantity available and control which versions of associated programs are used when you access them. In addition, you can use the processing options and certain fields to display availability by grade or potency ranges.

Use the Supply/Demand program to show the demand, supply, and available quantities for an item in your inventory. You can access other forms to confirm detail information on work orders, parts lists, purchase orders, and sales orders. The information is interactively displayed from Purchase Order Management (system 42), Shop Floor Control (system 31), and Sales Order Management (system 43).

Use the processing options in this program to:

  • Include both supply and demand planned orders from the MPS/MRP/DRM Message table (F3411).

  • Include forecast demand from the Forecast table (F3460).

  • Display an Available to Promise line that calculates the units available for sale or distribution before the arrival of future supplies.

  • Display a Cumulative Available to Promise line that calculates the running total of Available to Promise.

  • Specify which version of associated DREAM Writer programs are used when you access the programs. You should use the same program version for each Distribution Requirements Planning generation you run to ensure that your data is consistent between systems.

  • Set up different versions of inclusion rules to include the document type, line type, and status of each purchase order, sales order, or work order. This program's processing option for the Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules must contain a valid version of inclusion rules from the MPS/MRP Resource Rules table (F34004). You should set this option to use the same version that you use in your Distribution Requirements Planning generation in order to facilitate tracking among the systems.

Reviewing material information consists of:

  • Reviewing component useability

  • Reviewing summary availability

  • Reviewing supply and demand information

  • Printing supply and demand

Before You Begin

  • Set up the Part Useability selection from the processing options before you review component useability

To review component useability


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Daily Order Preparation - Discrete

From Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), choose Component Useability

On Component Useability

Figure 23-1 Component Useability screen

Description of Figure 23-1 follows
Description of "Figure 23-1 Component Useability screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Component

    • Quantity

    The following fields display component information:

    • Item Number

    • Production Quantity

  2. Access the detail area.

Figure 23-2 Component Useability screen (Detail area)

Description of Figure 23-2 follows
Description of "Figure 23-2 Component Useability screen (Detail area)"

The following fields display component information:

  • Batch Quantity

  • Type

Field Explanation
2nd Item Number The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to alternate item numbers. These item numbers are:
  1. Item Number (short) - An 8-digit, computer-assigned item number.

  2. 2nd Item Number - The 25-digit, free-form, user defined, alphanumeric item number.

  3. 3rd Item Number - Another 25-digit, free-form, user defined, alphanumeric item number.

In addition to these three basic item numbers, an extensive cross-reference search capability has been provided (see XRT). Numerous cross-references to alternate part numbers can be user defined (for example, substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, or supplier numbers).

To review summary availability


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Daily Order Preparation - Discrete

From Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), choose Summary Availability

On Summary Availability

Figure 23-3 Summary Availability screen

Description of Figure 23-3 follows
Description of "Figure 23-3 Summary Availability screen"

Complete the following field:

  • Item Number

The following fields display item information:

  • Primary/Secondary Storage Location

  • Location

  • On Hand

  • Committed

  • Available

  • On Receipt

Field Explanation
P S A value that indicates if this is the primary or secondary location for this item within this stocking location. Valid values are:

P – Primary storage location

S – Secondary storage location

Note: You can only have one storage area within each branch or warehouse marked as primary. In some cases, the system uses the primary storage area as the default.

Totals: The total quantity committed to a specific location. The total is calculated from the following fields:
  • Soft Committed to Sales Orders

  • Hard Committed to Sales Orders

  • Soft Committed to Work Orders

  • Hard Committed to Work Orders

On Receipt The total number of items on receipt for a specific location. The total is based on the total number of items entered in the Quantity on Purchase Order Receipts and the Quantity on Work Order Receipt fields.

To review supply and demand information


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Daily Order Preparation - Discrete

From Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), choose Supply/Demand Inquiry

On Supply/Demand Inquiry

Figure 23-4 Supply/Demand Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 23-4 follows
Description of "Figure 23-4 Supply/Demand Inquiry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Item Number

  2. Access the detail area.

Figure 23-5 Supply/Demand Inquiry screen (Detail area)

Description of Figure 23-5 follows
Description of "Figure 23-5 Supply/Demand Inquiry screen (Detail area)"

The following fields display item information:

  • On Hand Balance

  • Parent Work Order

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Demand quantities The demand quantities are shown by date and can include safety stock, quantities on sales orders, work order parts lists, lower level planned order demand, and interplant and forecasted demand.
Supply quantities The supply quantities are shown by date and can include on-hand inventory and quantities on purchase orders, manufacturing work orders, planned orders, and rate schedules. Supply quantities shown without a date or order information represent current availability by branch/plant storage location.

To print supply and demand


From Shop Floor Management (G31), choose Periodic Functions - Discrete

From Periodic Functions - Discrete (G3121), choose Supply/Demand

The Supply and Demand report shows the supply, demand, and available quantities for an item. This report can include quantities of materials in:

  • On-hand inventory

  • Safety stock

  • Sales orders

  • Purchase orders

  • Work orders

  • MPS/MRP planned orders

  • Forecasts

  • Rate schedules

The information on this report and the processing options used to generate it are the same as on Supply/Demand Inquiry.

Figure 23-6 Supply and Demand report

Description of Figure 23-6 follows
Description of "Figure 23-6 Supply and Demand report"

Processing Options

See Section 35.26, "Co-/By-Products Produced by Process (P30201)."

See Section 35.27, "Item Availability (P41202)."

See Section 35.28, "Supply & Demand (P4021)."

23.2 Reviewing Item Ledger Information


From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Discrete Periodic Functions

From Periodic Functions - Discrete (G3121), choose Item Ledger

Use the Item Ledger program to display a detailed history of the transactions that have occurred for an item. The transactions include:

  • Inventory issues, adjustments, and transfers

  • Sales posted after sales update

  • Purchase receipts

  • Manufacturing completions and issues

  • Physical inventory updates

You can limit the date displayed by entering values in any of the header fields. You can toggle between transaction dates (running balance) and general ledger dates for items and set a default display in the processing options.

Because the dates in the item ledger and running balance might differ for an item, the values displayed might also differ.

Reviewing item ledger information includes the following tasks:

  • Reviewing cost information

  • Reviewing quantity information in running balance format

  • Reviewing cost information in running balance format

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Using the running balance format In the running balance format:
  • You must enter a valid From date.

  • The balance forward is a cumulative amount up to the From date you enter. The system retrieves the As Of records for the specified item, branch, location, and lot you enter. After the balance forward is calculated, the system displays item ledger records with a general ledger date from the From date forward, in ascending order.

  • You can toggle between quantities and costs.

  • Transactions resulting from manufacturing completions and issues do not display unless they have been processed through manufacturing accounting.

If you have not run the As Of Generation program to create records in the Item As Of table (F41112), or a balance forward record does not exist for your item, it might take additional time to accumulate the item ledger records to create a balance forward.

The system displays balance forward quantities in their primary unit of measure.

To review cost information

On Item Ledger (The CARDEX)

Figure 23-7 Item Ledger screen

Description of Figure 23-7 follows
Description of "Figure 23-7 Item Ledger screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Item Number

  • Branch/Plant

  • Location

  • Lot

  • Date From

  • Date Through

To review quantity information in running balance format

On Item Ledger (The CARDEX)

Change the format to Running Balance.

Figure 23-8 Item Ledger screen with Running Balance Format

Description of Figure 23-8 follows
Description of "Figure 23-8 Item Ledger screen with Running Balance Format"

To review cost information in running balance format

On Item Ledger (The CARDEX)

Select the Amount/Quantity format.

Figure 23-9 Item Ledger screen with Amount/Quantity Format

Description of Figure 23-9 follows
Description of "Figure 23-9 Item Ledger screen with Amount/Quantity Format"

Processing Options

See Section 35.29, "Item Ledger - Costs (P4111)."

23.3 Reviewing Work Order Status


From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing - Repetitive (G3115), choose Production Status

Use Production Status to view the status of all work orders by work center, production line, and item, within the status and date ranges. The system shows historical information as well as open orders.

From the Production Status form you can access the Production Transaction History form, where you can view a record for each entry of completions and scrap at an operation.

To review production status

On Production Status

Figure 23-10 Production Status screen

Description of Figure 23-10 follows
Description of "Figure 23-10 Production Status screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Work Center/Line

    • Item Number

    • Branch/Plant

  2. To view the various transactions reported against an order, choose Production History.

Figure 23-11 Production History screen

Description of Figure 23-11 follows
Description of "Figure 23-11 Production History screen"

23.4 Reviewing Parts List Comparison


From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Discrete Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), choose Parts List Comparison

Use Parts List Comparison to view the different items and quantities of two parts lists. You can display all items for the two parts lists or only the differences. In addition, you can limit displayed data to a specified work center or dispatch group.

Before You Begin

  • Attach the components to an operation on the routing to view these components

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Modes of display This program has two modes of display you can use to locate information:

1 = Display all components

2 = Display only differences between the two parts lists

If you leave the mode blank, the mode of display is the differences between the two parts lists.

Printing a report Use the appropriate selection to print the parts list comparison in report form. Use the processing options to specify work orders, the mode to print, and a work center, a dispatch group, or both.

To review parts list comparison

On Parts List Comparison

Figure 23-12 Parts List Comparison screen

Description of Figure 23-12 follows
Description of "Figure 23-12 Parts List Comparison screen"

  1. Complete the following fields to locate all components of your work orders:

    • Work Order 1

    • Work Order 2

  2. Access the detail area.

  3. Figure 23-13 Parts List Comparison screen (Detail area)

    Description of Figure 23-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 23-13 Parts List Comparison screen (Detail area)"

  4. Review the part descriptions.

Processing Options

See Section 35.30, "Parts List Comparison (P31117)."