11 Enter Rollover Information for a DBA

This chapter contains this topic:

11.1 Entering Rollover Information for a DBA


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G774), choose Pay/Deductions/Benefits

From Pay/Deductions/Benefits (G7742), choose DBA Setup

Employees can earn or hold balances for some DBAs that the system must carry over, or roll over, from one year to the next. When you set up the DBA, you must enter rollover information so that the system can calculate the balance to roll over.

The system rolls over DBAs that have:

  • Balances that are calculated using other PDBAs

  • An inception-to-date limit

  • An annual carryover limit

  • A start date for a fiscal or anniversary year

You also enter rollover information so that the system can store fiscal and anniversary history for the DBA.

For most types of DBAs, such as Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) benefits and medical deductions, the system carries forward year-end balances when you run the standard year-end rollover programs.

11.1.1 Example: Vacation Rollover

Your organization's vacation policy might state that;

  • Employees accrue vacation time at the rate of four to ten hours per month based on years of employment.

  • Employees cannot carry forward vacation hours from one year to the next.

  • Employees cannot accumulate more than 80 vacation hours within a calendar or fiscal year.

To administer this vacation policy, you would set up:

  • An accrual (such as 8011, Vacation) that tracks the vacation time an employee earns

  • A pay type (such as 811, Vacation Pay) that tracks the vacation time an employee takes

When you run the rollover program, the system subtracts the time taken from time earned to calculate the balance to roll over.

When you set up accrual 8011, you must enter the following rollover information:

  • Date Pay Starts as the fiscal/anniversary date.

  • 80 as the inception-to-date limit.

  • Pay type 811 as the related pay type (the pay type used to calculate the balance for accrual 8011).

  • 0 as the limit to carry forward. (You define this limit in the rollover calculation table.).

11.1.2 Before You Begin

  • Set up the pay types that you will use to calculate the balance for the DBA that requires rollover information

To enter rollover information for a DBA

On DBA Setup

Figure 11-1 DBA Setup screen

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of "Figure 11-1 DBA Setup screen"

  1. Complete the steps for setting up an accrual.

  2. Choose the Rollover function.

    Figure 11-2 Rollover Setup window

    Description of Figure 11-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-2 Rollover Setup window"

  3. On Rollover Setup Window, choose the Rollover Table function to define carryover limits.

    Figure 11-3 Calculation Tables screen

    Description of Figure 11-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-3 Calculation Tables screen"

  4. On Calculation Tables, enter R in the following field:

    • Table Type

  5. Enter VR in the following field:

    • Table Method

  6. Enter the number of months of service from the original hire date in the following fields:

    • Lower Limit

    • Upper Limit

  7. Complete the following fields:

    • Table Code

    • Amount/Rate

  8. Use the Add action.

  9. Exit to Rollover Setup Window.

  10. On Rollover Setup Window, complete the following fields and press Enter:

    • Benefit/Accrual Type

    • Rollover Table

    • Inception to Date Limit

    • Fiscal/Anniversary Date

    • PDBA

  11. Return to DBA Setup.

  12. On DBA Setup, choose the Limit function.

    Figure 11-4 DBA Limit Window

    Description of Figure 11-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-4 DBA Limit Window"

  13. On DBA Limit Window, accept the defaults or complete any of the following fields and press Enter:

    • Limit Method

    • Calendar Month Method

    • Fiscal/Anniversary Begin Date

Field Explanation
Table Type A code that defines the purpose of the table. Valid values are:

D – The system uses the table to calculate DBAs.

R – The system uses the table to determine limits for rolling over sick and vacation accruals.

Table Code A numeric code that identifies this table in the Table file (F069026).
Table Method A user defined code (system 00/type UM) that designates any unit of measure appropriate for an employee's time and pay.
Amt./Rate The amount or rate the system uses to calculate a DBA. When you enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 as the method of calculation, you must enter a value in this field to use in the calculation in conjunction with the basis table.
Bnft/Accrl Type A user defined code (07/SV) that specifies whether the benefit or accrual type is sick, vacation, holiday, leave, or other. The system uses this code to print taken and available accrual amounts for all types of accruals on all net pay documents and the payroll register.
Rollover Table This is the identification number of the rollover table that the system uses to limit the amount rolled over for an accrual.

For example, you can base the limit on an employee's months of service. You can set up the table so that an employee with 0 thru 12 months can roll over up to 40 hours at year end and an employee with 13 thru 999 can roll over up to 80 hours.

ITD Limit The maximum amount of dollars or hours that an accrual can have at any one time.

For example, your company might have a vacation policy that allows an employee to rollover 40 hours each year but the accrued balance cannot exceed a total of 300 hours at any one time. The system calculates both the payroll cycle and year end rollover up to the limit, taking into account the amounts that have been used.

Note: If the system rolls over the accrual at the end of a standard year, it applies the limit against payroll month history. If it rolls the accrual over at the end of a fiscal or anniversary year, it applies the limit against fiscal and anniversary history.

Fiscal/Anniv. Dt A user defined code (07/AF) that specifies when the rollover year begins. If blank, the system rolls the accrual over at the end of the standard calendar year (December 31, XXXX).

To specify a fiscal year, enter the user defined code FISC. The system will use the fiscal year setup for the employee's home company.

To specify an anniversary year, enter any of the other codes in the user defined code table. For instance, if you want the rollover year to begin on the employee's date of birth, use code DOB.

RELATED PDBAs The number and description of the PDBA you want the system to use to calculate the corresponding DBA.

Form-specific information

For rollover setup, this is the number and description of the PDBA that the system uses to calculate a remaining balance for example, a pay type that will deduct from the current balance. The remaining balance becomes the beginning balance for a year-end rollover.

Limit Method Indicates which history file the system uses for DBA limits. Valid values are:

Blank This is the default. The system applies monthly, quarterly and annual limits to calendar month history. The system stores fiscal and anniversary history by pay period ending date.

1 – The system applies monthly, quarterly and annual limits to payroll month history. Use this method for retirement plans, such as RRSP. The system stores fiscal and anniversary history by cheque date.

2 – The system applies monthly and quarterly limits to calendar month history. It applies annual limits to fiscal and anniversary history. It stores fiscal and anniversary history by pay period ending date.

3 – The system applies monthly and quarterly limits to payroll month history. It applies annual limits to fiscal and anniversary history. The system stores fiscal and anniversary history by cheque date.

Calendar Mnth Method This method determines how the system stores transition months for calendar month history. Transition months occur when the pay period crosses into another month. Valid codes are:

Blank – This is the default. If timecards exist for both months, the system prorates DBAs to the pay period ending date and the last day of the previous month.

1 – The system allocates DBAs to the pay period ending date.

11.1.3 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Entering an anniversary date rollover If you set up the DBA to roll over its balance on employee anniversary dates, you must enter the appropriate date for each employee to whom you assign this DBA. For example, if you choose the date pay starts as the rollover date, verify that you entered a date that pay starts for the employee on Employee Entry.
Entering related PDBAs You cannot relate a pay type to multiple DBAs that are based on different rollover years. For example, your organization might use the following vacation accruals:

One for office workers that rolls over balances at the end of the standard year

One for factory workers that rolls over balances on employees' hire dates

To record employees' vacation time taken, you must use separate pay types for each of these accruals.

Inception-to-date (ITD) limits During pre-payroll, the system applies the ITD limit to benefits and accruals that do not have related DBAs. The benefits and accruals can have related pay types.

You can associate multiple ITD limits with a single accrual, if your company uses fiscal anniversary accruals.

Additionally, pay period time taken is included in ITD calculations. If current pay period taken amounts bring an employee below the ITD limit, the accrual calculates in that same payroll cycle. The accrual will stop calculating if the employee is at or above the ITD limit. If vacation time is taken during the payroll to reduce the employee's current vacation amount below the ITD limit, the accrual calculates again up to the ITD limit.

Both of these types of limits override the ITD limit in the F19 (Previous) screen of the accrual. See Chapter 44, "Set Up Calculation Table Information" for more information.

At year end, the rollover process applies year-end limits first and then ITD limits.

Arrearage Method H When an employee does not have enough pay to cover deductions, the DBA setup determines if amounts are placed in arrears and, if so, how those amounts are deducted in the future.

The current deduction amount and arrearage amount in history are considered separately when the DBA is set up with an Arrearage Method of H on the DBA Setup screen (P069117). If the current deduction can be taken in its entirety, but the arrearage amount cannot, the current deduction amount is taken.