36 Work with Pay History Information

This chapter contains these topics:

You can review and void employee payment information. You can also assign a new check number to employee payment information.

When the history for a payment is in error, you can void this payment, and the system reverses the original payment. When you need to issue a replacement payment that contains different information than the original payment, you must void the original payment. When you need to issue a replacement payment that contains the same payment information as the original payment, you do not need to void the original payment. Instead, you should assign a new payment number and payment date using the Reissue Paycheck program.

The system retrieves the information from the Paycheck Summary table (F06156) when you review, void, or reissue employee payment information.

36.1 Voiding Payments

From Payroll Master (G07), choose History Inquiries

From History Inquiries (G0714), choose Paycheck Review and Void

When you need to issue a replacement check that contains different information than the original payment, you can void the original payment. For example, you might be processing the reports for a payroll cycle when you discover that an employee's pay rate is incorrect. You can finish processing the payroll cycle and then issue a replacement interim check for the employee. To update the employee's payroll history, you can void the payment that you printed for the employee during payroll cycle processing.

To void payments

On Paycheck Review and Void

Figure 36-1 Paycheck Review and Void screen

Description of Figure 36-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 36-1 Paycheck Review and Void screen''

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Employee Number

  2. To limit the information that appears, complete any of the following fields:

    • Original Check Number

    • G/L Bank Account

    • Check Date - From

    • Check Date - Through

  3. Choose the Check Inquiry/Void option for the payment you need to void.

    Figure 36-2 Paycheck Review and Void (Check Inquiry/Void) screen

    Description of Figure 36-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 36-2 Paycheck Review and Void (Check Inquiry/Void) screen''

  4. On Paycheck Inquiry and Void, choose the Void Check function.

    If the payment you are voiding is an automatic deposit, the system displays a caution message. Read the message and then use the Void Auto Deposit function.

    Figure 36-3 Void Check screen

    Description of Figure 36-3 follows
    Description of ''Figure 36-3 Void Check screen''

  5. In the Void Check Information window, complete the following fields:

    • Check Date

    • Time Entry Date

  6. Choose the Update File function.

    Figure 36-4 Paycheck Review and Void screen

    Description of Figure 36-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 36-4 Paycheck Review and Void screen''

  7. On Paycheck Review and Void, review the information in the following field:

  8. Review the information in the following field:

    • IC

Field Explanation
IC An internal code to indicate any one of the following conditions:
  1. The time and pay record was created by the interim check process.

  2. The record in the check table was created by the interim check process.

  3. An Employee has a record in the check file for the current period which was created by the interim check process. (Indicated by ICC in the employee's master file record).

Valid codes are:

X – The check has been voided.

V – The record is voiding a previously entered check.

I – The check was processed through interim checks

blank – The check was processed through the regular pay cycle.

36.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reversing general ledger entries When you void a payment on Void Check Window, the system reverses all associated transactions in the payroll history, including employee and employer associated transactions. The system stores the void as an interim check. The system updates the reversing entries when you process the voided check in a payroll cycle.
Reviewing payment history You also can use Paycheck Review and Void to review detail payment history, including tax and DBA information for an employee.
Voiding a check or automatic deposit On Paycheck Inquiry and Void, choose the Void Check function to access the Void check window. The system uses the check date as the G/L date for reversing entries associated with the disbursement, such as reversing the credit to cash and tax liabilities.

The system uses the time entry date as the G/L date for reversing entries associated with time cards, such as labor distribution.

The system also uses the time entry date as the work date on the reversing timecard.

Voiding an automatic deposit. When you void an automatic deposit, the system does not:
  • Update the automatic deposit tape

  • Create an accounts receivable entry for the employee

When you void an automatic deposit, use dates that affect only the current accounting periods and current tax filing period.

Unvoiding a check voided in error On Paycheck Inquiry and Void, you can "unvoid" a voided check. Choose the Unvoid function only:
  1. When the system has not yet updated the voided check to history

  2. When you need to unvoid checks and automatic deposit advices and not cash payments

If you choose the Unvoid function following pre-payroll for an employee who is currently locked, you must run a pre-payroll for only the changes.

36.2 Assigning a New Check Number and Date

From Payroll Master (G07), choose History Inquiries

From History Inquiries (G0714), choose Reissue Paycheck

When you need to enter a replacement payment that contains the same information as the original payment, you do not need to void the original payment. Instead, you should assign a new payment number and date. For example, if an employee accidentally destroys a check, you can issue a replacement check and then change the employee's payment history so that it includes the number and date of the replacement.

You cannot assign a new check number for a reconciled or voided check, or for a payslip or automatic deposit.

To assign a new check number and date

On Reissue Paychecks

Figure 36-5 Reissue Paychecks screen

Description of Figure 36-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 36-5 Reissue Paychecks screen''

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Bank Account Number

  2. To limit the information that appears, complete any of the following fields:

    • Check Number - From

    • Check Number - Through

    • Check Date - From

    • Check Date - Through

  3. Complete the following fields for the payment you need to update:

    • Reissue Number

    • Reissue Date

  4. Choose the Update File function.

36.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Locating all paychecks You can review a list of all paychecks by check date. To do so, do not enter information in any of the search criteria fields.