A Convert Data for Enhanced Subledger Accounting

This appendix contains the topic:

You use the Add Enhanced Subledgers to Lots program (P447316) to convert Enhanced Subledger information for lots which you created using the Auto Voucher (P445028) or Lot Proceed Post (P445098) programs prior to the A9.3 release. After you upgrade to A9.3 and run the Auto Voucher or Lot Proceed Post programs, the enhanced subledger data that you specify during this conversion allows consistent reporting on all lots within the subdivision.

The four Enhanced Subledger fields, with corresponding Type Code fields are similar to subledger and subledger type. These four fields differ from subledgers in their length and setup. There are two 12-character fields (ABR1 and ABR2) and two 34-character fields (ABR3 and ABR4).

Enhanced Subledgers for HomeBuilder includes the functionality to use lot-specific data values for the enhanced subledgers without the need for manual setup. The pre-defined lot-specific values are:

  • Square footage, from the Plan Master (F4452)

  • Plan

  • Plan/Elevation

  • Subdivision, also known as Community

You can use one or more of these values, based on your business needs. If you want to use different values that are more meaningful for your company, you must set up the Enhanced Subledger values and assign them to lot business units.

If you choose to use one of the pre-defined Enhanced Subledger values for HomeBuilder, with the exception of Subdivision, you must first create a Value Category name to associate with the pre-defined enhanced subledger value, using the Business Values List Categories program (P0060). As Subdivision is a business unit, you must specify a type code of C, which instructs the system to verify this is a valid business unit in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

A.1 Converting Data for Enhanced Subledger Accounting

You must create a copy of DREAM Writer Version ZJDE0001. Change the processing options to enable your enhanced subledger values. Run the program in proof mode and review the report for any errors. The program performs the following validations:

  • Value Category Code is set up, except for pre-defined value Subdivision.

  • HomeBuilder-specific value is one of the four pre-defined values: Square Footage, Plan, Plan/Elevation, or Subdivision.

  • Posting edit code is L or S.

  • Enhanced Subledger Type codes are an allowable value.

Review the proof report. If there are no errors, you can run the conversion program in final mode.

When the program runs in final mode it performs the following:

  • Retrieves the Plan Master table (F4452) for the square footage if a value exists for the pre-defined Square Footage.

  • Verifies the value specific to the lot is in the value category list for Square Footage, Plan, Plan/Elevation. If the value is not set up, it creates it in Values List (Detail) table (F00601).

  • Creates the ES setup record for the lot business unit if it does not exist. Sets the default value to the lot-specific value.

  • Updates an enhanced subledger setup record with the lot-specific value if it exists for the lot business unit.

  • Examines each Account Master (F0901) record for the lot business unit. For each F0901 record it:

    • Retrieves the default ES setup values by account.

    • Retrieves Account Balance (F0902) records. For each F0902 record it:

      • Bypasses updating the F0902 if supporting Account Ledger (F0911) entries exist.

      • Updates the F0902 enhanced subledger values and type codes when the Posting Edit Code is L if no supporting F0911 entries exist.

      • Prints the enhanced subledger values for the account, if they differ from the lot job enhanced subledger values.

      • Prints the F0902 record, if the processing option is set.

    • Examines each F0901 record for the lot business unit. For each F0901 record it:

      • Retrieves the default enhanced subledger setup values by account.

      • Retrieves the F0911 transactions. For each F0911:

        Prints the enhanced subledger values for the account, if they differ from the lot job enhanced subledger values.

        Updates the F0911 enhanced subledger values and type codes for Posting Edit Code values of L or S.

    • Updates the subdivision business unit enhanced subledger values in the F0902 and F0911 tables if the processing option is set.

After you have run Add Enhanced Subledgers to Lots in final mode, you must run the Repost Account Ledger program (P099105) for the lot and subdivision business units with the new enhanced subledger values.

A.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Profit recognition for Enhanced Subledgers If you want to use profit recognition for enhanced subledgers, run the Update Subledger Flag by Job program (P51082) to update the profit recognition flags for enhanced subledgers in subdivisions under construction. The flags for each of the enhanced subledger fields are in the Extended Job Master Revisions program (P5108), which you access from the Job Master Revisions (P510063) and Job Revisions by Company (P51006) programs.

A.1.2 Before You Begin

  • Review Work with Enhanced Subledger Accounting in the General Accounting I Guide for information about Enhanced Subledger Accounting and set up.

  • JD Edwards World strongly recommends you back up the F0911 and F0902 files prior to running this program in final mode.


From Homebuilder Management (G44H), enter 27

From Homebuilder Management Technical Operations (G44H31), choose Add Enhanced Subledger-Lots

A.1.3 Data Selection

Change the data selection to include the subdivisions that are in progress.