7 Set Up House Plans

This chapter contains the topic:

7.1 Setting Up House Plans

For each house model you offer in a subdivision, you create a plan master. The plan master information includes the house model number and name, the elevation, the square footage, the year you introduce the plan, the base price, and the previous base price.

You use the Plan Master screen to add and maintain specific information about house models within a subdivision. The Lot Proceed Proof/Post program uses this information to determine the base house price.


From Homebuilder Management (G44H), choose Subdivision/Plan/Lot Setup

From Subdivision/Plan/Lot Setup (G44H1), choose Plan Master

To set up house plans:

  1. On Plan Master, complete the following field and click Inquire.

    • Subdivision

    Figure 7-1 Plan Master screen

    Description of Figure 7-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-1 Plan Master screen"

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Plan

    • Elv (Elevation)

    • Yr

    • Base Hse Price

    • Base Hse Pre

    • Plan/Elevation Description

    • Square Footage

  3. Choose More Detail (F4) to access the detail area of Plan Master.

    Figure 7-2 Plan Master (Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 7-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-2 Plan Master (Detail) screen"

  4. Complete the following field:

    • $ Eff Date (Effective Date)

  5. Optionally, complete the following fields.

    • Target Profit %

    • Arch pl

  6. Choose Update and Redisplay (F5) to update the database.

Field Explanation
Plan A number that identifies a specific floor plan within a project. This is an important key field in the homebuilder system. It is also used to match lot proceed options to bid or takeoff contracts when the Lot Proceeds Proof/Post program (P445098) is run.

Note the meaning of the following values when this field is used for searching:

  • blank All records

  • * Only records that have * in this field

Elv (Elevation) Lot Proceed House Elevation. This field is used to match the Lot Proceed to a Bid or Takeoff contract when doing a Lot Proceed Post to create commitment contracts.

Screen-specific information

This is a user defined code that indicates the topography where the house is built. The program uses the Elevation field to match the Lot Proceed to a Bid or Takeoff contract when you runt the Lot Proceed Post to create commitment contracts.

Yr This is a information only field use in the Plan Master file.

Screen-specific information

This is the year you introduce the plan. This is an information only field in the Plan Master (F4452) table.

Base Hse Price The base price of a house. The base price is enter in the Plan master file and will default into the Lot Proceed file.

Screen-specific information

This is the base price of a house.

Base Hse Pre Previous Base house price. This field should be manually entered when a change occurs to the Base house price field in the Plan Master file.

Screen-specific information

This is a previous base house price. You manually enter this price when a change occurs to the base house price field.

Plan/Elevation Description A user defined name or remark.

Screen-specific information

This is a description of the house plan where you can enter the house model name and house style. For example, Sunrise-Tri-level Brick.

Square Footage The number of square feet in the house.
$ Eff Date (Effective Date) Enter the month, day and year.

Screen-specific information

This is the date a base house price becomes effective. You must use the Effective Date field if you use Base House Previous. The system uses the effective date to determine whether to use the current sales price or the previous sales price.

Target Profit % Percent used to determine how much over cost a sale should be.
Arch pl This is a description field in the Plan Master file.

7.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 62.8, "Plan Master (P4452)."