8 Set Up Lots

This chapter contains the topic:

8.1 Setting Up Lots

Your subdivision is divided into lots, with each lot having a lot identification number that you assign on the Lot Master screen. You use the Lot Master program to create and maintain your lots.

When you run the Lot Proceed Proof/Post program, the system creates a lot business unit number based on the lot identification number from the Lot Master program. Throughout the examples in this guide, the lot number is the last four characters of the subdivision number. For example, if your subdivision number is 33330000 and your lot identification number is 0001, the program creates lot business unit number 333300001 for the lot.


From Homebuilder Management (G44H), choose Subdivision/Plan/Lot Setup

From Subdivision/Plan/Lot Setup (G44H1), choose Lot Master

To set up lots

  1. On Lot Master, complete the following field and click Inquire.

    • Subdivision

    Figure 8-1 Lot Master screen

    Description of Figure 8-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-1 Lot Master screen"

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Lot

    • Address

    • Lot Premium

    • Previous Premium

  3. Choose More Detail (F4) to access the detail area of Lot Master.

    Figure 8-2 Lot Master (Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 Lot Master (Detail) screen"

  4. Complete the following fields:

    • Premium Effective Date

  5. Optionally, complete the following fields:

    • Comments

    • Status Release Date

    • Status

  6. 6. Click Change and then choose Update and Redisplay (F5) to update the database.

Field Explanation
Lot Used to record Lot Numbers per Subdivision. Blanks are not allowed in any position of this field. The lot number is also used to create the Lot Business Unit number.

Screen-specific information

The lot number is a four-digit number.

Address The first line of the mailing address in the Address Book system.

Screen-specific information

This can be a physical or legal address. If you choose to use a physical address, it is the first line of the mailing address in the Address Book system. An example of a legal address might be Lot 1, Block 1, Filing 5.

Lot Premium The dollar amount adjustment determine based on prime location of the Lot. This field is used to calculate the total house price. This filed is entered into the Lot Master file and will default into the Lot Proceed file.

Screen-specific information

An additional dollar amount you enter based on the prime location of the lot.

Previous Premium Lot premium previous is manually entered into the Lot Master file when a change is made to the Lot Premium field.
Premium Effective Date This is the date the lot premium becomes effective. You must use this field if you use Previous Premium.
Comments Additional text that further describes or clarifies a field in JD Edwards World systems.
Status Release Date Enter the day, month and year.
Status This column contains a list of valid codes for a specific user defined code list. The number of characters that a code can contain appears in the column title.

8.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 62.9, "Lot Master (P4453)."