20 Set Up Formats for Record Types

This chapter contains the topic:

20.1 Setting Up Formats for Record Types


From Work Order/Service Billing Processing (G48), enter 29

From Work Order/Service Billing Setup (G4841), choose Detail Spec. Over Titles

You use record types to organize the detail information that you track for work orders. For example, you can organize information, such as original task description, tools required, safety provisions, and so on. You can use Detail Specification Over Titles to control the format for these record types.

The format that you set up determines how the system displays the information. For each record type that you use, you can specify a text format or a format that includes text with three columns. The columnar format is particularly useful when you need to organize and track more than one type of information within a record type. For example, you can set up a record type for tools required and choose a three-column format to distinguish tools that are needed for:

  • Setup

  • Production

  • Tear-down and clean-up

When you use the format for text plus three columns, you must specify at least one of the column headings. Formats that are all text do not include headings. If you specify even one column heading for a record type, the format changes to text plus three columns.

You can review record types, formats, and column headings on Work Order Detail Entry.

20.1.1 Before You Begin

To set up formats for record types

On Detail Spec. Over Titles

Figure 20-1 Detail Spec. Over Titles screen

Description of Figure 20-1 follows
Description of "Figure 20-1 Detail Spec. Over Titles screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Record Type

  2. To define text for column headings, complete the following fields:

    • Sub-Title 1

    • Sub-Title 2

    • Sub-Title 3

20.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing the format for a record type When you change the format of a record type, the system updates the format of that record type for all work orders.