C Package Files

This appendix contains these topics:

The following is a list of package files to be installed on either a Windows NT Server or the IBM i:

  • .LWR

    Compiled panel file (or package file) that contains all the GUI panels that display at runtime.

  • .LWM

    External text file that contains text references that are referenced from compiled application panels.

  • .LWC

    Control file used to handle .LWR sequencing and automatically update .LWR files based on date stamp.

  • Graphics files (.JPG, .GIF)

    Graphics used in GUI panels or referenced individually.

  • .INI

    Configuration settings such as host session address, router, emulator, automatic signon, dynamic transformation. They are edited when you run the Configuration Assistant and referenced using the / parameter in the Target field of the Client shortcut properties.

C.1 Controlling the Order in which .LWR Files are Accessed

If you have created your own custom .LWR panel files, you can use a control file (.LWC) to control the order in which these files are accessed.

If you deploy more than one .LWR panel file, they are accessed in reverse-alphabetical order. For example, if you have three files (apples.LWR, bananas.LWR, and oranges.LWR) in your A91APP directory, application accesses oranges first, then bananas, then apples. If you want to have more control over the order in which these files are accessed:

  • Use a control file (.LWC) to manage your compiled panel files. Use the Runtime= parameter to specify runtime package files that must be accessed at runtime to display GUI panels instead of host screens. For example:

    • Runtime=APPLES.LWR

    • Runtime=ORANGES.LWR

    • Runtime=BANANAS.LWR

    In this example, the APPLES.LWR is searched first for the panel that matches the current host screen. If a matching panel is found, it is displayed. If not, the next file, ORANGES.LWR, is searched and so forth.

C.2 Adding or Replacing Custom Images

If you have any custom images to add or replace, copy the images to the following folder. For the BKGRD2.jpg and BKGRD3.jpg images, the size is 784 by 550 pixels.

For IBM i Installation prior to uploading, copy your custom images into the following path on the installation PC:

  • C:\Program Files\SEAGULL\LegaSuite Server for IBM i V5Rx\4.1xxx.x.xxx\bin\jwalk\JWALKAPP\A9100App\Images

For IBM i Installation after uploading, copy your custom images into the following path on the IBM i:

  • Your IBM i root folder/LEGASUITE/A93App/Images

For Windows NT-2000-2003 Server and LegaSuite Client on Windows Installations, copy to the following folder:

  • C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\JWALKAPP\A93App\Images