B Alternate Language Special Install Instructions

Several LegaSuite components, such as button text and hover help text, can be translated to other languages. The translation does not require that you have the LegaSuite Developer. The WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM text files have different language translations.

The following are example paths for location of WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM:

For IBM i Installation:

  • Your IBM i root folder/LEGASUITE/A93App/Translation Text Files

For Windows NT-2000-2003 Server and LegaSuite Client for Windows Installations, copy to the following folder:

  • C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\JWALKAPP\A93APP\Translation Text Files

To reference the WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM text files, you need to set up a new instance of the LegaSuite Server and then copy the text files WV93_ccc.LWM and DYNBLD93_ccc.LWM to the new LegaSuite Server instance located with the LWR and LWX files.

The ccc is the three-character name for the respective language. Delete the existing WV93.LWM and DYNBLD93.LWM files and rename the _ccc files without the _ccc.

In addition, based on the language you want to display, you may need to change the CCSID parameter for that group in the LEGASUITE.INI file and, you may need to edit the value of a parameter in LEGASUITE.HTML file. Contact the My Oracle Support, JD Edwards World Technical for more information.

Users who need the translated text, must sign in using a URL, which points to this instance of the LegaSuite Server.