6 JD Edwards World A9.3 Configuration

This chapter covers the setup required in JD Edwards World A9.3 before using the Transaction Server. You must install software update A928924878 prior to completing the steps described in this section. Ensure to have appropriate authority on the System i before starting the steps in this section.

This chapter contains these topics:

6.1 SQL Schema

An SQL schema is very similar to a library. You can create an SQL schema to facilitate to start journaling on three of the tables used by Transaction Server. Transaction Server requires that these tables be journaled.

  1. From a System i SQL command line (such as the interactive command line from STRSQL), enter the following command:

    CREATE SCHEMA [My Schema Name]

    Where [My Schema Name] is the name of your SQL schema (use your own library naming standards).

  2. Copy the Transaction Server files and tables from the software update library A928924878 to your SQL schema. From a System i command line, enter the following commands:

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90701) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90701_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90701_2) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907011) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907011_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90705) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90705_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90706) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90706_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90707) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90707_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907071) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907071_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907072) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F907072_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90710) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90710_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90711) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90711_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90712) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90712_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90715) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90715_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90720) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F90720_1) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F98S701) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F98S706) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F98S710) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(F98S712) FROMLIB(A928924878) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB([My Schema Name])

    Where [My Schema Name] is the name of your SQL schema (use your own library naming standards).

  3. Start journaling on the tables on which Transaction Server requires journaling. From a System i command line, enter the following commands:

    STRJRNPF FILE([My Schema Name]/F90710) JRN([My Schema Name]/QSQJRN)

    STRJRNPF FILE([My Schema Name]/F90712) JRN([My Schema Name]/QSQJRN)

    STRJRNPF FILE([My Schema Name]/F90720) JRN([My Schema Name]/QSQJRN)

    Where [My Schema Name] is the name of your SQL schema (use your own library naming standards).

  4. For the JD Edwards World environment, which is going to be using the Transaction Server, add your SQL schema to the JD Edwards World environment library list, using the Library List Revisions option on the Library List Control menu (G944).

  5. Ensure that the files which you copy to your SQL schema are not duplicated elsewhere in the JD Edwards World environment.

  6. After the files are journaled, restart the Oracle SOA Application Server.

6.2 Trigger Programs

Trigger programs are required to keep the JD Edwards World files in synch with the Transaction Server tables.

  1. Run Status Update Trigger Program (J90710T) using the Attach F90710 Trigger option on the Service Enablement Technical Ops menu (G98S31). This program must be used only by personnel knowledgeable about JD Edwards World software applications and with the proper system authorities to add or remove database triggers from production files.

    Attaching file triggers requires exclusive object allocation of the database file. Therefore, these operations must be performed when no users are accessing the software.


    Run Status Update Trigger Program (J90710T) to attach the Event Transfer File (F98S710) status update trigger to Event Transfer Table (F90710).

    The Event Transfer Table (F90710) file trigger calls Status Update Trigger Program (XF90710T) when the transaction server updates or deletes a record in Event Transfer Table (F90710).

    If a record is updated in Event Transfer Table (F90710), Status Update Trigger Program (XF90710T) updates the transfer status in Event Transfer File (F98S710) so that it matches Event Transfer Table (F90710).

    If a record is deleted from Event Transfer Table (F90710), Status Update Trigger Program (XF90710T) checks for a matching record in Failed Event Table (F90712).

    If a Failed Event Table (F90712) record exists, Status Update Trigger Program (XF90710T) sets the Event Transfer File (F98S710) transfer status to 06.

    If a Failed Event Table (F90712) record does not exist, Status Update Trigger Program (XF90710T) sets the Event Transfer File (F98S710) transfer status to 05.

6.3 Deployment Complete

The install of JD Edwards World Transaction Server is now complete. The following components were installed:

  • World Transaction Server