4 Approvals for Notification

This chapter contains these topics:

For Notification Real Time Events (RTEs) to function, you must first activate the RTEs in the Approvals Management system and subscribe to the JD Edwards World system to receive notification when a specific transaction occurs. See Overview to Approvals Management in the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more details. Complete the following tasks:

4.1 Configure Approvals Constants

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the Approvals Management menu (G00A).

    Figure 4-1 Approvals Management screen

    Description of Figure 4-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-1 Approvals Management screen"

  2. Select hidden selection 29 to access the Approvals Management Setup menu (G00A41).

    Figure 4-2 Approvals Management Setup screen

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Approvals Management Setup screen"

  3. Select option 2, Approvals Constants and then press F6 to proceed past the Warning screen.

    Figure 4-3 Approval Constants screen

    Description of Figure 4-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-3 Approval Constants screen"

  4. If not already added, add either Approval Type 01 or Address Book RTE. Set Proof Mode, Approval Processing, Auto Submit, and World Approvals Engine as follows:

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Proof Mode Proof mode generates a transaction in the approvals management system whenever a record gets added, changed, or deleted. Real time event transactions must be submitted. Unlike other approval types, real time event approval types do not generate approval requests when submitted. If a rule is true for a real time event approval type the system executes the program assigned to the rule. Proof mode must be turned on to enable real time event processing.

    Real time event processing uses file triggers to drive the creation of real time event transactions. Use F9 to add the real time event file triggers to the necessary files. Use F10 to remove the file triggers. Real time event processing can be turned off by turning proof mode off as opposed to removing the reaL time event file triggers.

    Approval Processing Approval processing must be turned on for real time event approval types. Y
    World Approvals Engine World Approvals Engine must be turned on for real time event approval types. Y
    Auto Submit Transactions automatically submitted. 1

    Figure 4-4 Approval Constants (Approval Type 01) screen

    Description of Figure 4-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-4 Approval Constants (Approval Type 01) screen"

4.2 Configure Program Calls

When programs are called to process real time event transactions, the real-time event main program knows what program to call and they must be set up using UDC table 00A/01. The program called must contain the following entry parameters:

  • Approvals Transaction Number - 15 Numeric

  • Code value from UDC 00A/01 - 10 Alphanumeric

  • Description value from UDC 00A/01 - 30 Alphanumeric

  • Description-2 value from UDC 00A/01 - 30 Alphanumeric

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the General Systems menu (G00).

    Figure 4-5 General Systems screen

    Description of Figure 4-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-5 General Systems screen"

  2. Select Option 14 for General User Defined Codes.

    Figure 4-6 General User Defined Codes (Configure Program Calls) screen

    Description of Figure 4-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-6 General User Defined Codes (Configure Program Calls) screen"

  3. Inquire on System Code 00A, User Defined Code 01. Add a record with the following fields for the real time event process to call.

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Code The code uniquely defines the program call in the UDC list. The code value gets passed to the called program as the second entry parameter. EMP_RTE
    Description The Description value gets passed to the called program as the third entry parameter. Employee RTE Program
    Description-2 The Description value gets passed to the called program as the fourth entry parameter. This value corresponds to the Event Name set up in the Notification Event Definition. EMPLOYEE1
    Special Handling Code The special handling code contains the name of the program to be called. J00A1213

    Figure 4-7 General User Defined Codes (System Code 00A)screen

    Description of Figure 4-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-7 General User Defined Codes (System Code 00A)screen"

4.3 Configure Approval Rule Sets

Approval Rules are set up to determine when transaction data must be gathered and used to create a transaction. The Approval Rule Set application is a very flexible tool that allows for specifically telling the system when a transaction must be created. When used for Notifications, if an Approval Rule Sets criteria is matched, a transaction is created and the Notification program is called to process real time event transactions.

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select the Approvals Management menu (G00A).

    Figure 4-8 Approvals Management (Approvals Rule Sets) screen

    Description of Figure 4-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-8 Approvals Management (Approvals Rule Sets) screen"

  2. Choose hidden selection 29 and then press Enter to get to the Approvals Management Setup menu. Select the Approvals Rule Sets (5).

    Figure 4-9 Approvals Management Setup (Approvals Rules Sets) screen

    Description of Figure 4-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-9 Approvals Management Setup (Approvals Rules Sets) screen"

  3. For the Sample Use Case, the Rule Set includes Address Book records added with a Search Type E. Enter the following values and then press Enter.

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Action Code A code that indicates the activity you want to perform A
    Rule Set Name A 10-digit, free-form, user defined, alphanumeric field used to identify a rule set. EMP_001
    Description A 30-digit, free-from, user defined description or remark. Employee (Add Only)
    Approval Type A user defined code (00/AT) that indicates the type of approval request. 01
    Sel A code that determines whether compound data selection logic is based on an A = AND condition or an O = OR condition. Line 1 = I

    Line 2 = A

    Line 3 = *

    File Used in the approval rule set definition to specify the file name. Line 1 = F0101

    Line 2 = F0101

    Line 3 =

    Field Used in the approval rule set definition to specify the field name in a file. Line 1 = ABAT1

    Line 2 =

    Line 3 =

    Rel A code that indicates the relationship in the approval rule set definition.

    Valid values are:

    EQ Equal to

    LT Less than

    LE Less than or equal to

    GT Greater than

    GE Greater than or equal to

    NE Not equal to

    Line 1 = EQ

    Line 2 = EQ

    Line 3 =

    Value A free-form, alphanumeric field used to store the approval rule value. Line 1 = E

    Line 2 = *ADD

    Line 3 =

    R A code that determines whether an approver is required to approve an approval request.

    0 = Used in real time event transactions to designate that the value entered into the Person/Group/Route field is a program call. Program calls must be setup in UDC.

    Line 1 =

    Line 2 =

    Line 3 = 0

    Assignee This field holds the person, group, or route responsible for approving an approval request. For Notifications, the assignee is the UDC 00A/01 value that points to the program to be called. Line 1 =

    Line 2 =

    Line 3 = EMP_RTE

    Figure 4-10 Approval Rule Set screen

    Description of Figure 4-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-10 Approval Rule Set screen"

  4. Once the Rule Set is set up, it must be added to the schedule and used when Employee records are added. Exit from the Rule Set application if not already done. Select Approvals Schedule (6) from the Approvals Setup menu (G00A41).

    Figure 4-11 Approvals Management Setup (Approvals Rules Sets) screen

    Description of Figure 4-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-11 Approvals Management Setup (Approvals Rules Sets) screen"

  5. From the Approvals Schedule screen, inquire on Transaction Type 01. Press Enter.

    Figure 4-12 Approval Schedule screen

    Description of Figure 4-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-12 Approval Schedule screen"

  6. Add a schedule record for the employee Rule Set. Enter a C in the Action Code field. Enter a number in the first available Sequence Number field (if no other Approval Rule Sets are scheduled, you can enter a 1 in the sequence).

    Enter EMP_001 in the first available Rule Set Name field. Press Enter.

    Figure 4-13 Approval Schedule (EMP_001) screen

    Description of Figure 4-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-13 Approval Schedule (EMP_001) screen"