5 Transformation Templates Setup

This chapter contains the topic:

5.1 Setting Up Transformation Templates

Transformation templates are required to transform application business messages (ABMs) via XSL transformation documents from the JD Edwards World format to the external XML format.

  1. Sign on to the JD Edwards World A9.3 Environment and select Electronic Document Delivery menu (G00E).

    Figure 5-1 Electronic Document Delivery screen

    Description of Figure 5-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-1 Electronic Document Delivery screen"

  2. Select the Transformation Templates (5) option From the Electronic Document Delivery menu (G00E). Use an empty line to enter Option 3 to add a new template.

    Figure 5-2 Transformation Template screen

    Description of Figure 5-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-2 Transformation Template screen"

  3. From the Transformation Template Maint. screen, enter the following fields for the template and then press Enter.

    Field Explanation Sample Use Case Value
    Template Name User designated name for the template EMPL_TEMPL
    Template Type Indicates the type of template, either XSL or BI Publisher. 1
    Description Template description Employee Template
    Template File This is the Transformation Template File name. A Transformation Template File may be an XSL (Extensible Style sheet Language) file used to accomplish XSL transformations (changing an XML document in one format to another), or a template file created in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat for use in formatting documents in BI Publisher. EmployeeTransform.xsl

    Note: Created in the XSL Transformation Setup step.

    Template Path The path From the IFS where the .XSL file is located. /home/EmployeeRT
    Output File This is the transformation output file name. A transformation output file is the resulting file from some transformation process, such as an XSL transformation or a BI Publisher format information. EmployeeRT_@DATE_@TIME.xml
    Output Path The path From the IFS where the output file is placed.

    Note: The output file is deleted after the message is sent.


    Figure 5-3 Service Enablement screen

    Description of Figure 5-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-3 Service Enablement screen"

    Make sure that the template file is located in the IFS directory indicated in the Template Path. See Section 2.2, "XSL Transformation Setup" for details on creating an .xsl transformation template.

    Exit from the Transformation Template application and access the Service Enablement menu (G98S). Select Supporting World Writers Service Enablement (8).

    Figure 5-4 Service Enablement (World Writers) screen

    Description of Figure 5-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-4 Service Enablement (World Writers) screen"

  4. From the Service Enablement World Writer screen, enter an 8 in the Option file next to the newly created EMPLOYEERT World Writer version to go to the Database Export screen.

    Figure 5-5 Service Enablement (Option 8) screen

    Description of Figure 5-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-5 Service Enablement (Option 8) screen"

  5. From the Database Export Parameters screen, update the Transformation Template field with the value EMPL_TEMPL. Press Enter.

    Figure 5-6 Database Export Parameters screen

    Description of Figure 5-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-6 Database Export Parameters screen"