4 Set Up User Defined Codes for Germany

This chapter contains the topic:

4.1 Setting Up User Defined Codes for Germany

Many fields throughout J.D. Edwards software accept only user defined codes. You can customize your system by setting up and using user defined codes that meet the specific needs of your business environment.

User defined codes are either soft-coded or hard-coded. You can customize any user defined code that is soft-coded to accommodate your specific business needs. You can also set up additional soft-coded user defined codes. You cannot customize a user defined code that is hard-coded.

User defined codes are stored in tables that relate to specific systems and code types. For example, 12/FM represents system 12 (Fixed Assets) and user defined code list FM (Finance Methods). User defined code tables determine what codes are valid for the individual fields in your system. If you enter a code that is not valid for a field, the system displays an error message. For example, when you enter an invoice, you can enter a user defined code to specify the payment instrument. The system does not accept a payment instrument that is not in the user defined list of valid payment instruments.

You can access all user defined code tables through a single user defined code screen. After you select a user defined code screen from a menu, change the System Code field and the User Defined Codes field to access another user defined code file.


User defined codes are central to J.D. Edwards systems. You should be thoroughly familiar with user defined codes before you change them.

You set up the following user defined codes to process business transactions in Germany:

Code Explanation
Payment instrument (system 00, type PY) Set up user defined codes to identify each payment instrument that you use. You can associate payment instruments with documents so that you can process similar documents together. For example, you might set up payment instruments for automatic debits and automatic receipts.
Print/tape program - payments (system 04, type PP) Set up each of the print or tape programs that you use to write payments as a user defined code. The following print and tape programs are available for Germany:
  • P04572G1, bank tape

  • P04572G2, diskette

  • P04572G3, checks