9 Print the G/L Registration Report

This chapter contains these topics:

9.1 Printing the G/L Registration Report


From Italian Localization (G7Y4), choose Italian Reports

From Italian Reports (G74Y093152), choose G/L Registration Report/Update

From the Italian Reports menu (G74Y093152), choose G/L Registration Report

Businesses in Italy are required to print a journal report (Giornale Bollato) that lists all of the general ledger transactions for each month in chronological and sequential order. To do this, you can print a G/L Registration report.

You can print the G/L Registration report in proof or final mode. When you select final mode, the system assigns each general ledger transaction in the Account Ledger (F0911) a chronological and sequential registration number. The system stores the registration number for each transaction in a dedicated field (REG#). You can use a processing option to control whether the system assigns registration numbers to journal entries or to each individual journal entry line.

To ensure that the registration number for each transaction is sequential by date, run the G/L Registration Report/Update program in final mode only after:

  • You enter all of the transactions for the month

  • You review the G/L Registration report generated in proof mode

9.1.1 Registration Numbers for Adjusting Journal Entries

After the year end, you might need to enter general ledger transactions to record adjustments for the previous fiscal year. You can enter these adjusting journal entries with a special document type (&&) and the general ledger date for the end of the fiscal year, such as 31/12/98.

Italian law requires that the date on which you actually enter the adjustment is also included in the journal entry record. To satisfy this requirement, the system records both the general ledger date that you specify for the end of the fiscal year and the actual date that you enter the adjusting entry. You can use a processing option to control the actual date of the adjustment entry that prints on the G/L Registration report. In addition, adjusting entries must include a chronological and sequential registration number, as any other general ledger transaction.

Print the G/L Registration report to assign registration numbers to adjusting journal entries for the previous fiscal year. You can specify registration numbers for adjusting journal entries based on the following numbering patterns:

  • Start with the next available number for the previous fiscal year

  • Start with the next available number for the current fiscal year

When you print the G/L Registration report for the adjusting entries in final mode, the system:

  • Updates the Adjustments Registration Date with the date that you specify in the processing option for adjusting entries

  • Assigns chronological and sequential registration numbers to each transaction

The following graphic illustrates how you maintain and print G/L Registration information.

Figure 9-1 Maintaining and Printing G/L Registration Information

Description of Figure 9-1 follows
Description of "Figure 9-1 Maintaining and Printing G/L Registration Information"

9.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Multicompany environments You can print the G/L Registration report for multicompany environments, in which general ledger transactions are entered for different document companies that belong to the same legal entity.

To do this, set the processing options so that you can enter the legal company that you want to print on the header of the report. Then, use data selection to identify the document companies that belong to the legal company.

Revisions If your company implements J.D. Edwards software in the middle of a fiscal year, you will need to indicate the continuing registration number from your previous numbering system (manual or automated). To do this, access the Revise G/L Registration File screen.
Reprinting the report You can reprint the G/L Registration Report to review transactions for which registration numbers are already assigned. You can reprint the G/L Registration report in proof mode only.

See Also: