55 Tax Processing for Russia Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

55.1 Prepayment Tax Processing (P74R0320)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Gl offset to use for the G/L transaction debit account. This GL offset will be used to build AAI to retrieve: "RC" + this GL offset  
2. Enter the document type to assign to the prepayment tax G/L transaction  
3. Enter the Account ID to create G/L transaction with zero amount. AUTOMATIC POST:  
4. Enter a '1' to automatically submit the post after processing general ledger transactions.

If left blank, the post is not submitted.

5. Enter the version number for the Post program.

If left blank, the default version will be used ZJDE0001 .


55.2 Printing of Invoices (P74R0310)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the number of copies to be printed (maximum 5 copies).

If left blank, 2 copies will be printed, one original and one copy.

2. Enter '1' to print the legend for the number of copies printed.

Leave blank for no legend.

3. Enter '1' to reprint the invoices.

Leave 'blank' to print new invoices.

4. Enter '1' to process in final mode.

Leave blank to process in test mode.

5. Enter '1' to print the amounts in foreign currency.

Leave blank to print in domestic currency.

6. Enter the quantity of detail lines to be printed per page.

If left blank, 10 assumed.

7. Enter '1' if additional text lines attachments will be printed per each suffix.

If left blank, no additional text line will be printed.

8. If Processing Option 7 is '1,' enter the number of additional text lines to be printed per suffix.

If left blank, one line per suffix will be printed.

9. If Processing Option 7 is '1,' enter the number of characters per text line to be printed.

If left blank, 80 characters per text line will be printed.


55.3 Sales Book - Step One Final Mode (P74R0330)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Sales Book

Enter the period to process:

1. Initial Date (blanks invalid)  
2. Final Date (blanks invalid)  
3. Enter process mode:

1=Final mode 2=Reprocess blanks= Proof Mode

4. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to first column  
5. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the second column  
6. Enter the % of the tax to inform corresponding to the third column  
7. Enter the Company (blanks invalid)  
8. Enter '1' to process select invoice date, '2' G/L date

Default blank select G/L date

9. Enter '1' to purge Sales Book file.

If left blanks transaction to this period will remain in file.

10.Enter '1' to purge Sales Adjustment List file.

If left blanks transaction to this period will remain in this file.

11.Enter '1' to purge Purchase Book file.

If left blanks transaction to this period will remain in file.

12.Enter '1' to purge Purchase Adjustment List file.

If left blanks transaction to this period will remain in file.


55.4 Sales Book Step Two Final Mode (P74R0331)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the version of P74R0330

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


55.5 Printing Sales Book Final Mode (P74R0333)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Output form

1 - Printer file

2 - Database file

3 - Printer and Database file Default output: Printer File

2. Enter the version of P74R0330

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


55.6 Purchase Book-Step One (P74R0430)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Purchase Book

Enter the period to process:

1. Initial Date (blanks invalid)  
2. Final Date (blanks invalid)  
3. Enter process mode:

1=Final mode 2=Reprocess blanks=Proof Mode

4. Enter the VAT tax % that corresponds to column 1 transaction data.  
5. Enter the VAT tax % that corresponds to column 2 transaction data.  
6. Enter the VAT tax % that corresponds to column 3 transaction data.  
7. Enter the Company (blanks invalid)  
8. Enter '1' to select invoice date

Enter blank or '2' to select

G/L date.


55.7 Purchase Book - Step Two (P74R0431)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the version of P74R0430 If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.  

55.8 Purchase Book - Step Three (P74R0432)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the version of P74R0435 or

P74R0330.If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

2. If execute process to purchase book enter '1', if execute process to sales book enter '2'.  

55.9 Purchase Book Final Mode (P74R0433)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Output form

1 - Printer file

2 - Database file

3 - Printer and Database file Default output: Printer File

2. Enter the version of P74R0435

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


55.10 Adjustment List Sales Book (P74R0334)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Output form

1 - Printer file

2 - Database file

3 - Printer and Database file Default output: Printer File

2. Enter the version of P74R0330.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.


55.11 Adjustment List Purchase Book (P74R0434)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Output form

1 - Printer file

2 - Database file

3 - Printer and Database file Default output: Printer File

2. Enter the version of P74R0435.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.