51 Working with Accounts Payable Processes for Russia Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

51.1 Voucher Additional Information (P74R0411)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the number of days to give a warning when the customs declaration number date has exceeded that limit.  
2. Enter '1' if Customer Declaration Number functionality is required (Default is blank (not required)).  

51.2 Payment Order - RUSS - 04 (P74R0453)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Y for print agreement data and number.

If enter N or left blank, agreement data will not be printed.

2. Enter Y for print invoice reference

If enter N or left blank, invoice reference will not be printed.

3. Enter Y for print VAT amounts.

If enter N or left blank, VAT amount will not be printed.

4. Enter Y to print Payment Order Payee Code.

Enter N or leave it blank to not print it.

5. Enter the Operation Code to print in the Payment Order.  
6. Enter Payment Priority Code to print in the Payment Order.  
7. Use G/L Bank Account description as full own bank name.

Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.

8. Use G/L Bank Account description as full payee bank name.

Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.

9. Enter the program name to translate payments amounts from numbers to words.

(See User Defined Codes system code '98', record type 'CT' for program names.)

If left blank, the translation program associated with the payment currency code will be used.