Monitoring Workflow Processes

This chapter discusses how to monitor an instance of a workflow process.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

The Administrator Monitor lets you view and administer runtime workflows. You can use the monitor to review the activities performed for a workflow, check the status of the workflow by viewing the status diagram, review notifications sent by the workflow and participant responses, and review details about the workflow definition and attributes.

If you have workflow administrator privileges, you can also perform administrative actions within the monitor to control the processing performed for a workflow or handle an error. For example, you can update workflow attributes, suspend and resume a workflow, cancel a workflow, or rewind the workflow to an earlier activity stage. You can also skip or retry an individual activity within a workflow, reassign a notification activity, or suspend and resume a process activity. Workflow administrator privileges are assigned in the Workflow Configuration page. See: Setting Global User Preferences.

Note: If you intervene in a workflow process with an administrative operation such as skipping, retrying, or reassigning an activitiy, then Oracle Workflow updates the audit trail for the process to show that you performed that operation.

Oracle Workflow also allows users to be assigned specialized workflow monitoring privileges with restricted access to workflow data. If you have specialized workflow monitoring privileges, you can only view workflows and perform administrative actions to which you have been granted access. For example, you may only have access to monitor workflows belonging to particular item types, and you may be able to suspend and rewind workflows but not to skip activities. See: Assigning Specialized Workflow Monitoring Privileges.

If you only have specialized workflow monitoring privileges, you cannot perform any actions on workflows that you own yourself, irrespective of any permissions granted to you. Only users with full workflow administrator privileges assigned in the Workflow Configuration page can perform administrative actions on workflows that they own themselves.

Note: If you have full workflow administrator privileges assigned in the Workflow Configuration page, then those privileges override any specialized workflow monitoring privileges assigned to you. That is, if you have full workflow administrator privileges, you can access all workflows, irrespective of any restrictions defined for any specialized privileges.

You can also use the Oracle Workflow Manager component of Oracle Applications Manager as an additional administration tool to review and manage work items. See: Oracle Workflow Manager Overview.

You can use the Retry Errored Workflow Activities concurrent program to retry multiple errored activities for a particular item type at once. See: Retry Errored Workflow Activities (FNDWFRET).

Additionally, Oracle Workflow provides a view called WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_V that lets you programmatically access workflow status information. See: Oracle Workflow Views, Oracle Workflow API Reference.

  1. Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor

  2. Viewing Child Workflows

  3. Viewing Activity History

  4. Viewing a Status Diagram

  5. Viewing Responses

  6. Viewing Workflow Details

  7. Viewing Error Information for a Workflow

Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor

When you access the Status Monitor, you can search for the workflows you want to review.

Note: If you have full workflow administrator privileges, you can search for workflows owned by any user. If you only have specialized workflow monitoring privileges, you can only search for workflows to which you have been granted access. If you do not have workflow administrator privileges, you can only search for workflows that you own.

Conditional Action: If your Oracle E-Business Suite instance uses Java Web Start to launch Java applications including the Status Monitor, instead of using the Java Plug-in, then you may need to perform configuration steps specific to your browser. See: My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2188898.1, Using Java Web Start with Oracle E-Business Suite.

To Search for Workflows in the Status Monitor

  1. Use a Web browser to navigate to the administrator Status Monitor, using a responsibility and navigation path specified by your system administrator. See: Oracle Workflow Administrator Navigation Paths.

  2. In the Workflows page, search for the workflows you want to review. The search criteria are:

    • Workflow Type - Select the workflow item type you want to review. The display name for the workflow type you select populates the Workflow Type field, and the internal name for the workflow type you select populates the Type Internal Name field.

    • Type Internal Name - Enter the internal name of the workflow type you want to review, if you want to enter the internal name directly instead of selecting a value.

    • Workflow Owned By - If you have workflow administrator privileges, select the user who owns the workflows you want to review.

      Note: If an administrator has configured restrictions for the user list of values, then only the values to which you have access appear in the list. See: Configuring the Oracle Workflow User List of Values.

      If you do not have workflow administrator privileges, you can only search for workflows that you own. In this case, Oracle Workflow displays your name as a non-editable value in the Workflow Owned By field.

    • Item Key - Enter the item key that uniquely identifies the workflow you want to review. You can enter a partial value to search for workflows whose item keys begin with that value.

    • User Key - Enter the user key that identifies the workflow you want to review. You can enter a partial value to search for workflows whose user keys begin with that value.

    • Workflow Status - Choose the status of the workflows you want to review, or choose Any Status to display workflows in any status.

      • In Process - Workflows that do not have an end date (including errored workflows)

      • Complete - Workflows that have an end date

      • Error - Workflows that do not have an end date and have at least one errored activity

    • Workflow Started - Choose Today, This Week (last seven days), Last 2 Weeks (last fourteen days), Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, or Any Time to specify the start date of the workflows you want to review. All the start date ranges include the current date; for example, Last 2 Weeks includes today as well as the previous thirteen days.

    Note: You must enter at least one of the following criteria when you search in order to limit the size of the results list.

    • Workflow Type

    • Type Internal Name

    • Workflow Owned By

    • Workflow Started - If you search only by this option, you must select a specific start date range. You cannot use Workflow Started with the Any Time value as your only search option.

    You can also enter the following additional search criteria to search for workflows by activity characteristics.

    • Activity Status - Select an activity status to display workflows with one or more activities in that status, or select Any Status to display workflows with activities in any status. You can choose the following statuses:

      • Active

      • Complete

      • Deferred

      • Error

      • Notified

      • Suspended

      • Waiting

    • Waiting for Response From - Enter a role to display workflows with activities that are waiting for a response from the specified recipient.

      Note: If an administrator has configured restrictions for the user list of values, then only the values to which you have access appear in the list. See: Configuring the Oracle Workflow User List of Values.

    • Days Without Progress - Enter a number of days to display in-process workflows with activities that have not progressed in the specified time.

  3. The results region displays the workflows that match your search criteria.

    Note: If you only have specialized workflow monitoring privileges, the results region displays only workflows to which you have been granted access.

    • To view the error details for an errored workflow, select the error icon or the error link in the Status column.

    • To send email to the owner of a workflow, select the user link in the Owned By column.

    • To view child workflows for a workflow, select the child icon in the Child Workflows column.

  4. Use the monitor buttons to drill down to additional information for a workflow.

    • To review the activities executed within a workflow, select the workflow and select the Activity History button.

    • To view the status diagram for a workflow, select the workflow and select the Status Diagram button.

    • To review notifications sent by a workflow and participant responses, select the workflow and select the Participant Responses button.

    • To view details for a workflow, including the workflow type definition and current workflow attribute values, select the workflow and select the Workflow Details button.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Child Workflows

The Child Workflows page shows the workflows that are designated as children of a particular workflow. The page identifies the parent workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

Use the monitor buttons to drill down to additional information for a child workflow.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Activity History

The Activity History page shows information about the activities executed for a workflow. The page identifies the displayed workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

Next, a hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any child workflows associated with it.

Specify the activity type and activity status of the activities you want to view. All activity types and statuses are selected by default. To search for specific activities, deselect any activity types and statuses you do not want to view. At least one activity type and one activity status must be selected for a search to be performed.

If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges, you can use the activity administration icons to perform administrative operations on notification or process activities that are not yet complete.

If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges, you can use the activity administration buttons to perform administrative operations on any activities that are not yet complete.

If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges and you are viewing a workflow that is not yet complete, you can use the workflow administration buttons to perform administrative operations on the workflow.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing a Status Diagram

The Status Diagram page shows the process diagram for a workflow, including graphical cues about the status of the workflow and its activities. The page identifies the displayed workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

The Current Status region displays the process title, diagram, and detail tabs for the workflow. Beneath the detail tabs, the administration buttons appear.

Process Title

The process title appears in the upper left of the Current Status region and displays the workflow process name, type, and user key. If no user key has been set, then the item key is displayed instead. If you drill down into a subprocess in the process diagram, the process title displays the subprocess name.

Process Diagram Window

The process diagram window is a scrolling canvas that displays the diagram of the workflow process or subprocess currently listed in the process title. This diagram is identical to the diagram created in Oracle Workflow Builder. Note, however, that you cannot use the Workflow Monitor to edit this diagram.

Note: The process diagram cannot be displayed in mobile browsers, nor in the Safari browser. You must use another supported desktop browser to view the diagram. See: Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 389422.1.

You can select the display size for the status diagram in the Workflow Configuration page. See: Setting Global User Preferences.

The process diagram window provides graphical cues about the status of the process and its activities.

Detail Tab Window

The detail tab window, which appears below the process diagram, is a vertically scrollable display area that provides information about a selected process or activity. The information appears as follows for each tab.

Definition Tab

Usage Tab

Status Tab

Notification Tab

Administration Buttons

If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges and you are viewing a workflow that is not yet complete, you can use the administration buttons to perform administrative operations on the workflow.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Responses

The Monitor Responses page shows information about notifications sent by a workflow and responses from workflow participants. For example, you can use this page to view individual responses to a voting activity. The page identifies the displayed workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

Next, a hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any child workflows associated with it.

Specify the type and status of the notifications you want to view.

Then review the notification list.

Viewing Notification Response Details

The Notification Response Details page displays the following details about the selected response:

The Signature Details region specifies whether the notification required an electronic signature, and if so, the signature type, either a password-based signature or a certificate-based digital signature. For a notification that required a signature, the region also displays the following information:

The Additional Response Information region lists any further response values requested in the notification in addition to the result response.

Note: For information-only notifications or open response-required notifications, the Notification Response Details page only shows details about the outbound notification.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

#WF_SIG_POLICY Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

Reviewing Electronic Signature Details

Viewing Workflow Details

The Workflow Details page shows information about a selected workflow. The page identifies the displayed workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

Next, a hierarchical grid displays the process hierarchy formed by the selected workflow and any child workflows associated with it.

The Workflow Definition region displays the following information about the workflow type:

The Workflow Attributes region lists the names and values of the item attributes for the workflow. For an attribute of type event, select the event message link to view the event message details.

If you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges and you are viewing a workflow that is not yet complete, you can use the administration buttons to perform administrative operations on the workflow.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Error Information for a Workflow

The Workflow Errors page shows error information for an errored workflow. The page identifies the displayed workflow by its workflow type internal name and item key, as well as by its user key, if it has one.

The page displays the following error details:

Note: If you navigated to the Workflow Errors page from an error status link for a workflow, the page shows details for each errored activity within the workflow. If you navigated to the page from an error status link for a single errored activity, the page shows details for only that activity.

To view the status diagram for the workflow, select the View Diagram button.

If the Workflow Errors page shows only one errored activity, and you have the appropriate workflow administrator privileges, you can use the activity administration buttons to respond to the error.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Assigning Specialized Workflow Monitoring Privileges

You can designate certain users as administrators only for particular types of workflows by assigning those users specialized workflow monitoring privileges with restricted access to workflow data. You can base the restrictions on a defined set of item types or on criteria specific to a particular functional area.

Ensure that users who act as specialized workflow administrators have access to the administrator version of the Status Monitor, either through an Oracle Workflow responsibility or from another application. See: Oracle Workflow Administrator Navigation Paths and Providing Access to the Status Monitor from Applications.

You must also grant permissions to specialized workflow administrators to enable them to perform administrative actions within the Status Monitor for workflows to which they have access. However, note that users cannot perform any actions on workflows that they own themselves, irrespective of any permissions granted to them. Only users with full workflow administrator privileges assigned in the Workflow Configuration page can perform administrative actions on workflows that they own themselves.

Note: If a user has full workflow administrator privileges assigned in the Workflow Configuration page, then those privileges override any specialized workflow monitoring privileges assigned to that user. That is, a user with full workflow administrator privileges can access all workflows, irrespective of any restrictions defined for any specialized privileges. See: Setting Global User Preferences.

To Grant Restricted Access to Workflow Monitoring Data

You can restrict access to workflow monitoring data based only on item types, only on functional criteria, or on both item types and functional criteria. However, because grants based on functional criteria depend on item attribute values, these grants are most effective when combined with grants for item types that share the same item attributes.

For more information about creating instance sets and grants, see: Defining Data Security Policies, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide and Assigning Permissions to Roles, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

  1. If you want to restrict access based on item types, perform the following steps.

    • Create an instance set on the object WORKFLOW_ITEMS with a predicate that includes the parameters in which you will specify the item types you want. For example, the following excerpt shows a sample predicate for granting access to a single item type:


      You can also grant access to multiple item types, up to a maximum of ten, which is the maximum number of parameters you can specify for a grant. For example, the following excerpt shows a sample predicate for granting access to ten item types:


      The following excerpt shows another alternative for a sample predicate for granting access to ten item types:

    • Create a grant using the instance set you created. First, specify appropriate security context information such as grantee and responsibility. Then specify the following data context information:

      • Object - WORKFLOW_ITEMS

      • Data Context Type - Instance Set

      • Instance Set - The instance set you created on WORKFLOW_ITEMS.

      • Parameter 1 through Parameter 10 - The internal names of the item types to which you want to grant access, such as WFDEMO. You can specify one item type name in each parameter that is referenced in the predicate of your instance set, up to the maximum of ten.

        Note: You must explicitly reference each grant parameter you want to use in the predicate of your instance set. Any grant parameters that are not referenced in the instance set predicate are ignored, even if you enter values in the parameter fields in the Create Grant pages.

      • Set: Business workflow item permission set

  2. If you want to restrict access based on criteria specific to a particular functional area using item attributes, perform the following steps.

    • Create an instance set on the object WORKFLOW_ITEM_ATTR_VALUES with a predicate that defines those criteria. For example, the following excerpt shows a sample predicate defining criteria for HR data, using the CURRENT_PERSON_ID item attribute:

      and EXISTS (SELECT 'Y' FROM per_people_f 
                  WHERE person_id = &TABLE_ALIAS.TEXT_VALUE 
                  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date 
                    AND effective_end_date)

      As another example, if the workflows for a particular organization are marked with an item attribute named ORG_ID, the following excerpt shows a sample predicate that allows access only to workflows associated with the user's current organization context.

      and &TABLE_ALIAS.TEXT_VALUE = substr
    • Create a grant using the instance set you created. First, specify appropriate security context information such as grantee and responsibility. Then specify the following data context information:


      • Data Context Type - Instance Set

      • Instance Set - The instance set you created on WORKFLOW_ITEM_ATTR_VALUES.

      • Set - Business workflow item attribute permission set

To Grant Permissions for Administrative Actions within the Status Monitor

If you want to assign a user privileges for all administrative actions within the Status Monitor, assign that user the role WF_ADMIN_ROLE. This role by default is granted the seeded permission set "Business workflow item permission set" (WF_ADMIN_PSET), which includes the permissions for all the administrative actions.

If you want to assign a user privileges only for specific administrative actions, create a custom permission set with the permissions you want to assign, and grant that permission set to the user. The following table lists the permission names and codes that correspond to the administrative actions.

Permissions for Administrative Actions in the Status Monitor
Action Permission Name Permission Code
Skip Skip Workflow Activity WF_SKIP
Retry Retry Activity WF_RETRY
Rewind Rewind Workflow WF_REWIND
Suspend Suspend Workflow WF_SUSPEND
Cancel Cancel Workflow WF_CANCEL
Update Update Workflow Item Attributes WF_UPDATE_ATTR
Monitor Monitor Data WF_MON_DATA

See: Assigning Permissions to Roles, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

Providing Access to the Status Monitor from Applications

Application developers can provide access to the administrator and self-service versions of the Status Monitor from within an application. The Status Monitor supports the following access modes:

Menu Setup

Before you can add Status Monitor access to your application, you must set up the menu for the appropriate responsibility to include Status Monitor functionality through Oracle Workflow menus.

For standard or guest access from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page or an Oracle E-Business Suite form, the menu for the responsibility through which users access that page or form must also include the menu for the Status Monitor version and access mode you want. Otherwise, users will encounter function security errors when navigating to the Status Monitor from your page or form. To avoid these errors, add the appropriate Oracle Workflow menu to the top-level menu for your responsibility.

The menus for the Status Monitor are:

Access through URLs

You can provide standard or guest access to the Status Monitor from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page. You can also provide guest access to the administrator version of the Status Monitor from Oracle Workflow notifications or PL/SQL applications that can call a URL.

In your application code, call an API to obtain or redirect to a URL for an Oracle Workflow Status Monitor page. For standard and guest access, Oracle Workflow provides Java methods in the class to obtain or redirect to appropriate URLs. For guest access to the Administrator Monitor, Oracle Workflow also provides PL/SQL functions in the WF_MONITOR package to obtain appropriate URLs. See: Workflow Monitor APIs, Oracle Workflow API Reference.

Display the Status Monitor by redirecting to the Status Monitor page you want or using the URL you obtained in whatever way is appropriate within your application code.

Access from Oracle E-Business Suite Forms

You can provide standard or guest access from an Oracle E-Business Suite application to the Status Monitor by using self-service functions. You can call these functions from an Oracle E-Business Suite form, or add the menus that contain the functions to another menu associated with another responsibility. Use the function FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE to execute a Status Monitor function.

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Accessing the Self-Service Monitor, Oracle Workflow User's Guide

Overview of Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Overview of Menus and Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Overview of Form Development Steps, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Menus Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Standard Access

Guest Access

Standard Access

Standard Status Monitor access provides loosely coupled access from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page or Oracle E-Business Suite form, to a Status Monitor page within the full Oracle Workflow application. In this mode, the specified Status Monitor page is displayed with the full Oracle Workflow menu, allowing users to navigate out of the Status Monitor and perform other tasks within Oracle Workflow. Locator links, also known as breadcrumbs, let users navigate from the Status Monitor back to the calling application.

With standard access, users are fully authenticated. Only users with workflow administrator privileges, as specified in the Workflow Configuration page, can view workflows owned by others and perform administrative operations in the Status Monitor. See: Setting Global User Preferences.

When you provide standard access to the Status Monitor from your application, you can optionally specify a workflow item type and item key to query and specify which page you want to initially display.

Standard Access in Java

Oracle Workflow provides Java methods to redirect to the Status Monitor with standard access or to obtain URLs for standard access to the Status Monitor. These methods are defined in the Java class called

When calling these methods, you must provide the following parameters to indicate how you want to display the Status Monitor:

All method calls for standard access should be made from within an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page.

Standard Access from Oracle E-Business Suite Forms

You can provide standard access from an Oracle E-Business Suite application to the Status Monitor by using self-service functions. You can call these functions from an Oracle E-Business Suite form, or add the menus that contain the functions to another menu associated with another responsibility.

The following table lists the functions that provide standard access to the Status Monitor. These functions do not require any parameters.

Standard Access Functions
Function Description
WF_STATUS_MONITOR Displays the Workflows search page in the administrator version of the Status Monitor.
WF_SS_STATUS_MONITOR Displays the Workflows search page in the self-service version of the Status Monitor.

You can call the function FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE to execute a standard access function. See: FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

The following code example demonstrates how to execute the WF_STATUS_MONITOR function using FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE.


See: Overview of Form Development Steps, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide and Menus Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Menu Setup

If you use a standard access function within your responsibility, you must add the menu containing that function to the top-level menu for your responsibility. The WF_STATUS_MONITOR function is seeded on the Workflow Administrator Application (WF_ADMINISTRATOR_APPLICATION) menu, and the WF_SS_STATUS_MONITOR function is seeded on the Workflow Self-Service Application (WF_SELF_SERVICE_APPLICATION) menu.

Note: You cannot add the Status Monitor functions to your menu directly. To include these functions, you must add the Oracle Workflow menu that contains the function you want.

The Workflow Administrator Application menu is seeded on the Workflow Administrator (New) menu (FND_WFADMIN_NEW) associated with the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility. Similarly, the Workflow Self-Service Application menu is seeded on the Workflow User (New) menu (FND_WFUSER_NEW) associated with the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility.

Migrating to Standard Access Functions

If your application used self-service functions to provide access to the previous version of the Workflow Monitor, you can migrate to the new Status Monitor by replacing the functions you previously called with the appropriate new functions. The following table shows the correspondence between functions for the previous Workflow Monitor and the standard access functions for the new Status Monitor.

Migrating to Standard Access Functions
Previous Function New Function
FND_FNDWFIAS (if called without any parameters) WF_STATUS_MONITOR or WF_SS_STATUS_MONITOR

Related Topics

Migrating to Guest Access Functions

Guest Access

Guest Status Monitor access provides tightly coupled access from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page or Oracle E-Business Suite form, to a freestanding Status Monitor page for a particular workflow, without access to the rest of the Oracle Workflow application. In this mode, the specified Status Monitor page is displayed without the full Oracle Workflow menu, so that users cannot navigate out of the Status Monitor to other Oracle Workflow pages.

Guest access lets users navigate among the top-level Status Monitor pages, including the Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor, Status Diagram page, Monitor Responses page, and Workflow Details page. Users can also drill down from the top-level pages to related detail or action pages, such as navigating from the Notification History page to the Cancel page. Additionally, locator links, also known as breadcrumbs, let users navigate from the Status Monitor back to the calling application. However, users cannot navigate from the Status Monitor to other parts of Oracle Workflow.

With guest access, users are fully authenticated. However, in this mode you programmatically control which workflow process users can view and whether users can perform administrative operations in the Status Monitor, rather than having these privileges controlled by the workflow administrator setting in the Workflow Configuration page.

When you provide guest access to the Status Monitor from your application, you must specify a workflow item type and item key to automatically query. Guest access does not include search capabilities, so users can only view the workflow process you specify. You can choose to initially display the specified workflow in either the Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor, the Status Diagram page, or the Monitor Responses page. If you do not specify an initial page, the workflow is initially displayed in the Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor.

Note: The workflow is only displayed if the specified item type, item key, and administrator mode are valid. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. The Workflow tabs are not displayed, so the user cannot navigate to any other part of Oracle Workflow.

You must also set the administrator mode to determine whether to grant the user privileges to perform administrative operations within the Status Monitor. You can choose one of the following options:

Guest Access in Java

Oracle Workflow provides Java methods to obtain URLs for guest access to the Status Monitor. These methods are defined in the Java class called

When calling these methods, you must provide the following parameters to indicate how you want to display the Status Monitor:

All method calls for guest access should be made from within an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page.


The following code excerpt shows an example of how to provide guest access to the Status Monitor in Java code. This example calls the getGuestAdvanceUrl() method in the class.

** Guest Access
** Assumes all method calls are made from within an Oracle  
** Application Framework page.


  // This example assumes we want to set the destination link on 
  // an OA text bean.Following the link will take the user to the 
  // advanced monitor on the "Activity History" page. 
  public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, 
                             OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);


      String itemType = [ however this value is obtained in page ];
      String itemKey = [ however this value is obtained in page ];
      String firstPage = "HISTORY";
      String returnToLabel = "Return to Application XYZ";

      // Set to "U" to have Monitor code figure out if the current
      // user should have Workflow Administrator privileges based 
      // on the Administrator role designation in Workflow.

      String adminMode = "U"; 

      // Will add a parameter "retainAM=Y" to the resulting url
      // so the developer doesn't have to do this manually if he 
      // wants to retain the calling Application Module when the 
      // user navigates to the Status Monitor.

      boolean retainCallingAM = true; 

    String url = null;

      url = Monitor.getGuestAdvanceUrl(pageContext, itemType, 
                                  itemKey, adminMode, firstPage,
                                  returnToLabel, retainCallingAM);
    catch (MonitorURLException me)
      // Handle not being able to obtain a valid redirectUrl for 
      // the parameters.

    // Set the url string on the web bean.

    OAStaticStyledTextBean monitorLink = 


  } // end processRequest()

Guest Access in PL/SQL

Oracle Workflow also provides PL/SQL functions to obtain URLs for guest access to the Administrator Monitor. These functions are defined in the PL/SQL package called WF_MONITOR. See: Workflow Monitor APIs, Oracle Workflow API Reference.

When calling these methods, you must provide the following parameters to indicate how you want to display the Status Monitor:

You can use these URLs to provide access to the Administrator Monitor from a PL/SQL application, for example, or include a URL in a workflow notification message to allow a user to access the Administrator Monitor from the notification.

Note: In Oracle E-Business Suite, you can call the function FND_UTILITIES.OPEN_URL to open a Web browser and have it connect to a specified URL, such as a Status Monitor URL. See: FND_UTILITIES:Utility Routine, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Guest Access from Notifications

You can provide guest access to the Administrator Monitor from a workflow notification. To do so, define a message attribute of type URL, and include or attach this attribute in the notification message. Obtain a guest access URL using one of the WF_MONITOR PL/SQL functions, and set the value of the message attribute to this URL. The user who receives the notification can access the Administrator Monitor by viewing the notification, either through the Worklist Web pages or through an email application, and clicking the link in the message. If users are not already logged into Oracle E-Business Suite, they must first log in before they can access the Administrator Monitor from the link. See: To Define a Message Attribute, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

Guest Access from Oracle E-Business Suite Forms

You can provide guest access from an Oracle E-Business Suite application to the Status Monitor by using self-service functions. You can call these functions from an Oracle E-Business Suite form, or add the menus that contain the functions to another menu associated with another responsibility.

The following table lists the functions that provide guest access to the Status Monitor.

Guest Access Functions
Function Description
WF_G_ACTIVITIES Displays the Activity History page for the specified workflow in the administrator version of the Status Monitor.
WF_G_DIAGRAM Displays the Status Diagram page for the specified workflow in the administrator version of the Status Monitor.
WF_SSG_ACTIVITIES Displays the Notification History page for the specified workflow in the self-service version of the Status Monitor.
WF_SSG_DIAGRAM Displays the Status Diagram page for the specified workflow in the self-service version of the Status Monitor.

When you call one of the guest access functions, you must pass the function the following parameters:

You can call the function FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE to execute a guest access function specifying your parameters. See: FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Note: When you call FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE, you should use the WFA_HTML.conv_special_url_chars() API to convert any special characters in the parameters you pass to the Status Monitor.

The following code example demonstrates how to execute the WF_G_ACTIVITIES function using FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE.

itemType := icx_call.encrypt('<your_item_type>'); 

itemKey := icx_call.encrypt('<your_item_key>'); 

adminMode := wf_fwkmon.isMonitorAdministrator('<user_name>');

wm := wf_fwkmon.getEncryptedAdminMode(adminMode); 

wa := wf_fwkmon.getEncryptedAccessKey('<your_item_type>', 
     '<your_item_key>', adminMode); 

   OPEN_FLAG => 'Y', 
   SESSION_FLAG => 'Y', 

See: Overview of Form Development Steps, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide and Menus Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Menu Setup

If you use a guest access function within your responsibility, you must add the menu containing that function to the top-level menu for your responsibility. The WF_G_ACTIVITIES and WF_G_DIAGRAM functions are seeded on the Workflow Guest Monitor Application (WF_G_MONITOR_APPLICATION) menu, and the WF_SSG_ACTIVITIES and WF_SSG_DIAGRAM functions are seeded on the Workflow Guest Self-Service Monitor Application (WF_SSG_MONITOR_APPLICATION) menu.

Note: You cannot add the Status Monitor functions to your menu directly. To include these functions, you must add the Oracle Workflow menu that contains the function you want.

The Workflow Guest Monitor Application menu is seeded on the Workflow Administrator (New) menu (FND_WFADMIN_NEW) associated with the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility. Similarly, the Workflow Guest Self-Service Monitor Application menu is seeded on the Workflow User (New) menu (FND_WFUSER_NEW) associated with the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility.

Migrating to Guest Access Functions

If your application used self-service functions to provide access to the previous version of the Workflow Monitor, you can migrate to the new Status Monitor by replacing the functions you previously called with the appropriate new functions. The following table shows the correspondence between functions for the previous Workflow Monitor and the guest access functions for the new Status Monitor.

Migrating to Guest Access Functions
Previous Function New Function

Related Topics

Migrating to Standard Access Functions

Testing Status Monitor Access

You can use the Workflow Monitor Test Application to test the monitor access you want to provide from your application. The Programmatic Access page simulates calls to obtain URLs for navigating from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page to a Status Monitor page or calls to redirect from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page to a Status Monitor page. You can retrieve a test URL or perform a trial redirection. The Programmatic Access page lets you test access to both the administrator and the self-service versions of the Status Monitor, using standard or guest access.

The Advanced Worklist page is also included in the Workflow Monitor Test Application to let you test access from a workflow notification to the Status Monitor. You can test links from notifications to the administrator version of the Status Monitor, using guest access. In the Worklist, navigate to a notification that contains a link to the Status Monitor, and select that link to test the access it provides. See: To View Notifications from the Advanced Worklist, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.

Menu Setup

The Workflow Monitor Test Application is available in Oracle E-Business Suite, but it is not seeded on any Oracle E-Business Suite menu. Before you can use this module, your system administrator must add its menu to a top-level menu for a responsibility. The menu for the Workflow Monitor Test Application module is named Workflow Monitor Test Application (WFMON_TEST_APPLICATION). For example, you can add this menu to the Workflow Administrator (New) menu (FND_WFADMIN_NEW), which is associated with the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility, or to the Workflow User (New) menu (FND_WFUSER_NEW), which is associated with the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility.

Additionally, when you navigate from the Workflow Monitor Test Application module to the Status Monitor using standard or guest access, you must perform the navigation from within a responsibility that also includes the menu for the Status Monitor version and access option you want to test. Otherwise, you will encounter function security errors. To avoid these errors, ensure that the appropriate Oracle Workflow menus are added to the same top-level menu as the WFMON_TEST_APPLICATION menu.

The menus for the Status Monitor are:

Note: The Workflow Administrator (New) menu includes the Workflow Administrator Application and Workflow Guest Monitor Application menus by default. Additionally, the Workflow User (New) menu includes the Workflow Self-Service Application and Workflow Guest Self-Service Monitor Application menus by default.

  1. Testing Standard Access

  2. Testing Guest Access

Related Topics

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Accessing the Self-Service Monitor, Oracle Workflow User's Guide

Overview of Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Overview of Menus and Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Testing Standard Access

You can test standard access from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page to the Status Monitor in the Programmatic Access page. Standard access provides loosely coupled access to a Status Monitor page within the full Oracle Workflow application.

To Test Standard Access

  1. Use a Web browser to log on to a responsibility specified by your system administrator and choose the Programmatic Access link.

  2. Select the Test "Standard" Access link.

  3. In the Test "Standard" Access region, enter the test options you want. Each option corresponds to a method parameter for the method in the class that is being simulated. See: Standard Access in Java.

    The test options include:

    • Item Type - Optionally enter the internal name of a workflow item type to automatically query in the Status Monitor.

    • Item Key - Optionally enter an item key to automatically query in the Status Monitor.

    • First Page - Specify the Status Monitor page that you want to initially display.

      • MAIN - Main Workflows search page

      • HISTORY - Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor

      • DIAGRAM - Status Diagram page

      • RESPONSES - Monitor Responses page

      Note: For access to the HISTORY, DIAGRAM, or RESPONSES pages, you must specify an item type and item key. If you specify an item type and item key but do not specify a first page, the First Page option defaults to HISTORY.

    • Retain Calling AM - Specify true or false to indicate whether to retain the calling application module when calling a Get URL method. If you enter true, retainAM=Y is appended to the URL; if you enter false, retainAM=N is appended to the URL.

  4. Select the test action you want to perform.

    • Get Advanced Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getAdvanceUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Administrator Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Application Framework application page:


      For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).

      The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.

      When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getAdvanceUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.

    • Get Simple Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getSimpleUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Self-Service Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Application Framework application page:


      For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).

      The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.

      When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getSimpleUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.

    • Redirect to Advanced Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToAdvanceUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.

    • Redirect to Simple Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToSimpleUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.

  5. Select the Perform "Standard" Action button.

Testing Guest Access

You can test guest access from an Oracle Application Framework-based Web page to the Status Monitor in the Programmatic Access page. Guest access provides tightly coupled access to a freestanding Status Monitor page for a particular workflow, without access to the rest of the Oracle Workflow application.

To Test Guest Access

  1. Use a Web browser to log on to a responsibility specified by your system administrator and choose the Programmatic Access link.

  2. Select the Test "Guest" Access link.

  3. In the Test "Guest" Access region, enter the test options you want. Each option corresponds to a method parameter for the method in the class that is being simulated. See: Guest Access in Java.

    The test options include:

    • Item Type - Enter the internal name of the workflow item type to automatically query in the Status Monitor.

    • Item Key - Enter the item key to automatically query in the Status Monitor.

    • First Page - Specify the Status Monitor page that you want to initially display.

      • HISTORY - Activity History page in the Administrator Monitor or Notification History page in the Self-Service Monitor

      • DIAGRAM - Status Diagram page

      • RESPONSES - Monitor Responses page

      If you leave the First Page field blank, this option defaults to HISTORY.

    • Retain Calling AM - Specify true or false to indicate whether to retain the calling application module when calling a Get URL method. If you enter true, retainAM=Y is appended to the URL; if you enter false, retainAM=N is appended to the URL.

    • Administrator Mode - Specify a value to indicate whether the user should have privileges to perform administrative operations when accessing the Status Monitor.

      • Y - The user is granted administrator privileges, regardless of whether the user belongs to the workflow administrator role or not.

      • N - The user is not granted administrator privileges, regardless of whether the user belongs to the workflow administrator role or not.

      • U - Oracle Workflow checks whether the user belongs to the workflow administrator role as specified in the Workflow Configuration page and grants administrator privileges accordingly.

      If you leave the Administrator Mode field blank, this option defaults to N.

  4. Select the test action you want to perform.

    • Get Advanced Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getGuestAdvanceUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Administrator Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Application Framework application page:


      For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).

      The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.

      When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getGuestAdvanceUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.

    • Get Simple Monitor URL - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.getGuestSimpleUrl( ). This call returns a URL for the Self-Service Monitor page specified by the test options in the following format, suitable for use within an Oracle Application Framework application page:


      For example, you can set this URL as a destination link on an OAWebBean using the call <OAFrameworkBean>.setDestination(String url).

      The parameter retainAM=Y or retainAM=N is appended to the URL depending on the value you specified for the Retain Calling AM option.

      When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow retrieves a URL according to the test options using Monitor.getGuestSimpleUrl( ) and displays that URL as a hyperlink in a text message bean. To navigate to the Status Monitor, select the link.

    • Redirect to Advanced Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToGuestAdvUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.

    • Redirect to Simple Monitor - Corresponds to a call to the Java method Monitor.redirectToGuestSimpleUrl( ). When you perform this action, Oracle Workflow redirects you to the Status Monitor as specified by the test options.

  5. Select the Perform "Guest" Action button.

Status Monitor Portlets

Oracle Workflow provides two Status Monitor portlets that you can add in a portal application, such as Oracle WebCenter Portal, Oracle Portal, or any WSRP-compliant portal, to view summaries of workflow status information. The Error Workflows portlet provides administrator information about errored workflows, while the Workflows portlet provides self-service information about workflows owned by a user.

Adding a Portlet to a Portal Page

Before you can add an Oracle Application Framework portlet to a portal page, your system administrator must assign you a responsibility that includes the menu function for that portlet on its menu. The Error Workflows portlet is seeded in the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility, and the Workflows portlet is seeded in the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility. The system administrator may assign you either one of these responsibilities or another responsibility to which the appropriate portlet has been added.

After a responsibility that includes an Oracle Workflow portlet has been assigned to you, you can use your portal application to add that portlet to a portal page. Select Oracle Application Framework Provider as the provider to access the Oracle Workflow portlets. For more information, please refer to the documentation for your portal application.

Error Workflows Portlet

The Error Workflows portlet provides administrator information about errored workflows. The portlet displays all errored workflows started within the last week. If you have workflow administrator privileges, the list shows workflows owned by any user; if you do not have workflow administrator privileges, the list shows only workflows that you own. You can select the item key link in the Item Key column to view the activity history for a workflow in the Activity History page of the Administrator Monitor.

Obtaining Access to the Error Workflows Portlet

The menu function for the Error Workflows portlet is WF_ADMIN_STATUS_PORTLET. This function is seeded on the Workflow Administrator (New) menu (FND_WFADMIN_NEW), which is associated with the Workflow Administrator Web (New) responsibility. To give you access to the Error Workflows portlet, your system administrator must perform one of the following steps:

Workflows Portlet

The Workflows portlet provides self-service information about workflows that you own. The portlet displays all workflows owned by you that were started within the last two weeks. You can select the workflow identifier link in the Workflow column to view the notification history for a workflow in the Notification History page of the Self-Service Monitor. The workflow identifier is the user key if one is specified for the workflow, or the item key if no user key is specified.

Obtaining Access to the Workflows Portlet

The menu function for the Workflows portlet is WF_SS_STATUS_PORTLET. This function is seeded on the Workflow User (New) menu (FND_WFUSER_NEW), which is associated with the Workflow User Web (New) responsibility. To give you access to the Error Workflows portlet, your system administrator must perform one of the following steps: